A few folk have expressed interest in sharing heat pump data publicly to enable learning and familiarisation with the technology. @Zarch is in the process of setting up a public dashboard for his soon to be installed Vaillant Arotherm air source heat pump and Fiona Hughes (@frh) of https://twitter.com/greenheatcoop has also been in touch with the interest of developing an open heat pump dataset.
It’s been possible to provide public access to Emoncms dashboards since the early days but the same functionality has not been possible with emoncms apps such as the My Heatpump app. This has now been implemented along with some other changes to improve emoncms public data accessibility: the ability to use the emoncms graph interface to explore feeds made public in more detail.
Here’s an example public heat pump app working, using my own data. Try navigating to the public feed list and graph interface as well:
Im not uploading data to this account in realtime (hence the not live note). Im logging the data locally and then just doing a periodic upload using the emoncms sync module. The idea being that this provides at least some level of privacy. I think ideally there should be an option to specify time restrictions on data that is made public, e.g allow access to data with a one week delay.
To date I’ve usually only shared my heat pump data using screenshots of graphs and monthly averages and totals, this provides a useful opportunity to contextualise what I’m sharing. I have however had the benefit of looking at detailed data from other heat pump systems for years through work with @johncantor and others. Seeing John’s data is what gave me confidence to go ahead and install a heat pump in the first place.
Would others be interested in developing an open heat pump dataset? Is a fully open public dataset the right way to go about this? or would something which requires some kind of sign up process to access shared heat pump data be better? Or is it better to share specific analysed outputs or contextualised screenshots?
Copying a few other people into this who may be interested @MyForest @Timbones @mjr @Jimbo1 @thedawnbefore @glyn.hudson