Help with OEM fork of RFM69_LPL + AVR128DB28 (and maybe someday ATTiny84)

I have been working on methods to migrate from the JeeLib Classic radio library to the newer LowPowerLab library. One way to do this is to use both in parallel. The other is to migrate all one’s devices to the new library. So I have been working on firmware for my ATTiny84-based devices that uses LPL instead of JeeLib.

OpenEnergyMonitor Fork of LPL RFM69 Might Work for ATTiny84
I found a fork of RFM69 by amadeuspzs designed specifically to work with ATTiny84, which gave me hope that this is possible. I haven’t been able to get the test sketch to work, however. It can initialize the radio but test packets fail to send. Also, since this library uses the full SPI.h Arduino library, it takes up 15% more of the µC memory than the RFM69_LPL fork from OpenEnergyMonitor. And, it would be yet one more fork to keep track of.

The OEM RFM69_LPL fork that @TrystanLea and company created has a couple advantages for ATTiny84, if it can be further modified to support it.

  1. Smaller memory footprint by doing some bit-banging rather than using the full SPI library.
  2. Ability to override the SPI pinout while initializing the radio object.

Working with the RFM69_LPL fork, ATMega328, AVR128DB28, and ATTiny84
I decided to get more familiar with the OEM fork by using it with an Arduino Uno, then an AVR128DB28 on a breadboard similar to what @TrystanLea posted, then the ATTiny84.

I discovered that the ATMega328 works well as long as the RFM69CW IRQ is connected to D2 (INT0) on the µC. The sketch hangs while transmitting a packet without that connection.

I moved on to the AVR128DB28 and found that the RFM69_LPL.cpp code was not designed with this part in mind. It is a slightly different beast than the AVR128DB48 in the emonTx v4. So I started trying various modifications to RFM69_LPL.cpp to see if I could get it working. I modified RFM69::select() and RFM69::unselect() as follows.

void RFM69::select() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  //Brandock: PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28, where the SPI1 SS is PIN_PC3
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 0);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 0);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 0);

//Brandock: PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28, where the SPI1 SS is PIN_PC3
void RFM69::unselect() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 1);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 1);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 1);

The result of this is similar to what I experienced with the ATTiny84 and amadeuspzs fork. The radio initializes, but fails to send packets that can be read by the base station.

Current Question
The question I am stuck on right now is if there should be a connection from the AVR128DB28 to the IRQ on the transceiver. As I mentioned above, the ATMega328 won’t transmit without it. However, I can find no mention of how it is being used in the OEM RFM69_LPL fork. I can’t find any attachInterrupt statements that seem to use it, for example. And when I look at the schematic of emonTx v4 the IRQ pin of the transceiver doesn’t appear to be connected to anything. Why does this work for AVR128DB48 and not for ATMega328? Where is the difference being handled? I feel like this is the next step to figuring out why I am not having success with the 28-pin AVR-DB.

Hello @brandock good effort! the code calls receiveDone() which then calls interruptHandler() rather than using an interrupt pin. The reason is that this avoids the issue of an interrupt getting in the way of the continuous monitoring energy monitoring code.

One thing to watch out for if you are switching from one library to another is to make sure to power cycle the RFM69 fully, as otherwise the registers dont reset. It’s caught me out a few times.

Thanks! I am reading that code now and trying to understand the state machine. I got stuck on a couple things.

// checks if a packet was received and/or puts transceiver in receive (ie RX or listen) mode
bool RFM69::receiveDone() {

Does “packet was received” mean a packet inbound from the airwaves? Or a packet inbound from the SPI bus?

Similarly, does RF69_MODE_RX imply that the transceiver is receiving from the SPI bus or the airwaves?

This is good to know. I have now been able to test an ATMega328 with no connection from D2/INT0 to IRQ on the transceiver, and confirm that it works.

This also makes me think that I’m on the wrong track trying to get the AVR128DB28 working with the RFM69_LPL OEM fork. I now understand the interrupts are not coming from an external pin connection. Also, nothing in the polling-style state machine code looks specific to the 48-pin part – at least not to me. So last question is: any other areas of the code you’d suggest I look at?

Further update: Is there any reason that RFM69_LPL would be more sensitive to wiring than JeeLib? Here’s why I ask. It is always difficult to know with these transceivers if the problem is the breadboard/Dupont wiring. They are very sensitive to it. As a sanity check I did the following.

  1. Start with my known-to-work Uno shield and a known-to-work JeeLib test sketch. Confirmed. Working.
  2. Move the shield off the Uno and connect the shield to the Uno using male-female Dupont wire. This didn’t work.
  3. Use some higher-quality, slightly shorter, Dupont wires to do the same thing. I got four of these from the LowPowerLab shop. This worked. So we know that (a) the transceiver+Uno+JeeLib is working through this wiring and (b) the quality of the wiring makes a difference, but slightly better wiring is good enough.
  4. Switch the sketch in the Uno to my RFM69_LPL test sketch. Make sure to power down the radio long enough to reset the registers. This did not work. Is it the wiring or the sketch?
  5. Put the transceiver shield back on the Uno, directly mounted with the headers. This worked. So it was not the sketch, it was the wiring.

(I made the shield used in this test because I am so sick of wiring being the problem when testing and prototyping with these transceivers. But I don’t have a shield (or even a breakout board for the MCU) for the AVR128DB28.)

Back to my question. Tests (3) and (4) had identical wiring and JeeLib worked. So is JeeLib more resilient in the face of operating on a breadboard, with all the challenges that brings?

There is no reason why this should not work with the AVR128DB28, I actually started by prototyping with that variant.
Do you have setPins in your sketch?

Checking the SPI pin out for the AVR128DB28:

  • SPI0 MOSI PA4, pin26
  • SPI0 MISO PA5, pin27
  • SPI0 SCK PA6, pin28
  • SPI0 SS PA7, pin 1

You therefore need in your sketch:

  rf.setPins(PIN_PA7, PIN_PA4, PIN_PA5, PIN_PA6);
  if(rf.initialize(RF69_433MHZ, NodeID1, networkGroup))

setPins has the following parameters:

void RFM69::setPins (uint8_t _SSpin, uint8_t _MOSIpin, uint8_t _MISOpin, uint8_t _SCKpin) {

SSpin can be any pin of your choice I think.

I do. I have this:

  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef DEFAULT_28PIN_PINOUT  
      radio.setPins(PIN_PA7,PIN_PA4,PIN_PA5,PIN_PA6);   //AVR128DB28 
      radio.setPins(PIN_PB5,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);  //AVR128DB48

Here is the whole sketch.

 /* BB: This is my most complete sketch for transmitting with the OEM fork of RFM69_LPL.
  *  It works well for an Uno with FlexyTx shield. 
  *  So far it does not work on a breadboard with any MCU. Nor with Dupont wiring to a FlexyRFM69CW breakout.
  *  Nor has it yet worked for any MCU other than ATMega328 as of 5/5/2023
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ATMEL ATTINY84/44/24  ATTinyCore Standard (Clockwise) Pin Mapping
 *                         +-\/-+
 *                   VCC  1|    |14  GND
 *       SEL   (10)  PB0  2|x  a|13  PA0  ( 0)  
 *             ( 9)  PB1  3|x  a|12  PA1  ( 1)  AIN0/TX
 *             (11)  PB3  4|   a|11  PA2  ( 2)  AIN1/RX
 *             ( 8)  PB2  5|   a|10  PA3  ( 3)
 *       LED   ( 7)  PA7  6|a  a|9   PA4  ( 4)  SCK
 *      MISO   ( 6)  PA6  7|a  a|8   PA5  ( 5)  MOSI
 *                         +----+
  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ATMEL AVR128DB28  DxCore Pin Mapping
 *                         +-\/-+
 *      SEL0   ( 7)  PA7  1|    |28  SCK .( 6)  SCK0
 *             ( 9)  PB0  2|    |13  PA5  ( 5)  MISO0
 *             ( 9)  PB1  3|    |12  PA4  ( 4)  MOSI0
 *             (10)  PB3  4|    |11  PA3  ( 3)  
 *             (11)  PB2  5|    |10  PA3  ( 2)
 *               VDDDI02  6|    |9   PA4  ( 1)  
 *             (13)  PA6  7|    |8   PA5  ( 0)  
 *                         :     :

#error "For ATTinyCore use clockwise pin mapping option in Arduino > Tools menu options. This sketch uses the clockwise pin map."

#include <RFM69_LPL.h>
//#include <RFM69_ATC.h>     //get it here:
//#include <SPI.h>           //included with Arduino IDE install (

//#include <SPIFlash.h>
//#include <WirelessHEX69.h> //get it here:

//#include "EmonLib.h"

#define debug true

#define NODEID      16
#define NETWORKID   100
#define GATEWAYID   1
#define FREQUENCY   RF69_433MHZ //Match this with the version of your Moteino! (others: RF69_433MHZ, RF69_868MHZ)

#if (defined(__AVR_ATtinyX4__))
  #define LED         PIN_PA7
#if (defined(__AVR_DB__))
  #define LED         PIN_PC0
  #define LED         9    //Moteinos, for example use D9. D2 is available when using OEM RFM69_LPL (not used as IRQ) if not connected to RFM69

#ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
  #define SERIAL_BAUD 9600
  #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200

#define ACK_TIME    30  // # of ms to wait for an ack

int TRANSMITPERIOD = 5000; //transmit a packet to gateway so often (in ms)
byte sendSize=0;
boolean requestACK = true; 
char buffer[50];
//SPIFlash flash(8, 0xEF30); //EF40 for 16mbit windbond chip

int counter = 1;
RFM69 radio;
//EnergyMonitor emon1;
#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
  if (debug) Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD);
  //setPins(uint8_t _SSpin, uint8_t _MOSIpin, uint8_t _MISOpin, uint8_t _SCKpin)
  //Defaults in RFM69_LPL.h are (10,11,12,13) for ATMega328
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__

  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef DEFAULT_28PIN_PINOUT  
      radio.setPins(PIN_PA7,PIN_PA4,PIN_PA5,PIN_PA6);   //AVR128DB28 
      radio.setPins(PIN_PB5,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);  //AVR128DB48

  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(500);

  if (debug) Serial.println("Initializing Radio...");
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(500);

  if (debug) Serial.println("Done.");
  //sprintf(buffer, "\nTransmitting at %d Mhz...", FREQUENCY==RF69_433MHZ ? 433 : FREQUENCY==RF69_868MHZ ? 868 : 915);

  //emon1.current(0, 13.82);
void loop() {
  //check for any received packets
  if (radio.receiveDone())
    if (debug) Serial.print('[');Serial.print(radio.SENDERID, DEC);Serial.print("] ");
    for (byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++)
      if (debug) Serial.print((char)radio.DATA[i]);
    if (debug) Serial.print("   [RX_RSSI:");Serial.print(radio.readRSSI());Serial.print("]");
    // wireless programming token check
//    CheckForWirelessHEX(radio, flash, true);

    if (radio.ACKRequested())
      if (debug) Serial.print(" - ACK sent");
//  double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480);  // Calculate Irms only

  if (debug) Serial.print("Sending: ");
  if (debug) Serial.print(counter);
  sprintf(buffer,"%d %d",NODEID,counter);
  //radio.sendWithRetry(GATEWAYID, buffer, strlen(buffer), 1); //retry one time
  //radio.send(GATEWAYID, buffer, strlen(buffer), requestACK); //send without retry, requestACK depends on definition of requestACK
  if (radio.sendWithRetry(GATEWAYID, buffer, strlen(buffer), 1)) {   //retry and blink once if successfull, twice if not
      if (debug) Serial.println(" ok!");
  } else { 
    if (debug) Serial.println(" nothing...");
    Blink(LED,200);  delay(100);
    Blink(LED,200);  delay(100);     


  delay(5000); //seconds * 1000

void Blink(byte PIN, int DELAY_MS)
  pinMode(PIN, OUTPUT);

And here are the changes I made to the library code:

// **********************************************************************************
// Driver definition for HopeRF RFM69W/RFM69HW/RFM69CW/RFM69HCW, Semtech SX1231/1231H
// **********************************************************************************
// Copyright LowPowerLab LLC 2018,
// **********************************************************************************
// License
// **********************************************************************************
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General    
// Public License as published by the Free Software       
// Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        
// (at your option) any later version.                    
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will   
// be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the  
// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public        
// License for more details.                              
// Licence can be viewed at                               
// Please maintain this license information along with authorship
// and copyright notices in any redistribution of this code
// **********************************************************************************
#include "RFM69_LPL.h"
#include "RFM69_LPL_registers.h"

uint8_t RFM69::DATA[RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN+1];
uint8_t RFM69::_mode;        // current transceiver state
uint8_t RFM69::DATALEN;
uint16_t RFM69::SENDERID;
uint16_t RFM69::TARGETID;     // should match _address
uint8_t RFM69::PAYLOADLEN;
uint8_t RFM69::ACK_RECEIVED; // should be polled immediately after sending a packet with ACK request
int16_t RFM69::RSSI;          // most accurate RSSI during reception (closest to the reception)

bool RFM69::initialize (uint8_t freqBand, uint16_t ID, uint8_t networkID) {
  _address = ID;
  _retrycount = 0;
  // 10 MHz, i.e. 30 MHz / 3 (or 4 MHz if clock is still at 12 MHz)
  uint32_t start = millis();
  uint8_t timeout = 50;
  do writeReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1, 0xAA); while (readReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1) != 0xaa && millis()-start < timeout);
  if (millis()-start >= timeout) return false;
  start = millis();
  do writeReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1, 0x55); while (readReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1) != 0x55 && millis()-start < timeout);
  if (millis()-start >= timeout) return false;

  const uint8_t configRegs [] = {
    0x01, 0x04, 
    0x02, 0x00,
    0x03, 0x02, // MSB 55555 bits/s
    0x04, 0x40, // LSB 55555 bits/s
    0x05, 0x03, // MSB FDEV 50000
    0x06, 0x33, // LSB FDEV 50000
    0x07, (uint8_t)(freqBand == RF69_868MHZ?0xD9:0x6C), // MSB 433 Mhz
    0x08, (uint8_t)(freqBand == RF69_868MHZ?0x00:0x40), // MID 433 Mhz
    0x09, (uint8_t)(freqBand == RF69_868MHZ?0x00:0x00), // LSB 433 Mhz
    0x19, 0x42, // REG_RXBW (BitRate < 2 * RxBw)
    0x25, 0x40, // DIO0 is the only IRQ we're using
    0x26, 0x07, // DIO5 ClkOut disable for power saving
    0x28, 0x10, // REG_IRQFLAGS2, RF_IRQFLAGS2_FIFOOVERRUN writing to this bit ensures that the FIFO & status flags are reset
    0x29, 0xDC, // REG_RSSITHRESH must be set to dBm = (-Sensitivity / 2), default is 0xE4 = 228 so -114dBm
    0x2F, 0x2D, // attempt to make this compatible with sync1 byte of RFM12B lib
    0x30, networkID,  // networkID
    0x38, 66,   // in variable length mode: the max frame size, not used in TX
    0x3C, 0x8F, // TX on FIFO not empty
    0x3D, 0x10, // RXRESTARTDELAY must match transmitter PA ramp-down time (bitrate dependent)
    0x6F, 0x30, // run DAGC continuously in RX mode for Fading Margin Improvement, recommended default for AfcLowBetaOn=0

  // Encryption is persistent between resets and can trip you up during debugging.
  // Disable it during initialization so we always start from a known state.
  uint8_t powerLevel = 25; // could be up to 31... -18 + dBm with PA0 = 7dBm
  if (powerLevel>31) powerLevel = 31;
  writeReg(0x11,RF_PALEVEL_PA0_ON | powerLevel); 
  start = millis();
  while (((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS1) & RF_IRQFLAGS1_MODEREADY) == 0x00) && millis()-start < timeout); // wait for ModeReady
  if (millis()-start >= timeout)
    return false;
  return true;

void RFM69::setPins (uint8_t _SSpin, uint8_t _MOSIpin, uint8_t _MISOpin, uint8_t _SCKpin) {
  SSpin = _SSpin;
  MOSIpin = _MOSIpin;
  MISOpin = _MISOpin;
  SCKpin = _SCKpin;
  //BB: The following works for DB28 and DB48
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    if (MOSIpin==PIN_PA4 && MISOpin==PIN_PA5 && SCKpin==PIN_PA6) {
      SPI_PORT = 0;
    } else if (MOSIpin==PIN_PC0 && MISOpin==PIN_PC1 && SCKpin==PIN_PC2) {
      SPI_PORT = 1;

void RFM69::setMode (uint8_t newMode) {

  if (newMode == _mode)

  writeReg(REG_OPMODE, (readReg(REG_OPMODE) & 0xE3) | newMode);
  // we are using packet mode, so this check is not really needed
  // but waiting for mode ready is necessary when going from sleep because the FIFO may not be immediately available from previous mode
  while (_mode == RF69_MODE_SLEEP && (readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS1) & RF_IRQFLAGS1_MODEREADY) == 0x00); // wait for ModeReady

  _mode = newMode;

//put transceiver in sleep mode to save battery - to wake or resume receiving just call receiveDone()
void RFM69::sleep() {

//set this node's address
void RFM69::setAddress(uint16_t addr)
  _address = addr;
  writeReg(REG_NODEADRS, _address); //unused in packet mode

bool RFM69::canSend() 
  if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && PAYLOADLEN == 0 && readRSSI() < CSMA_LIMIT) // if signal stronger than -100dBm is detected assume channel activity
    return true;
  return false;

void RFM69::send(uint16_t toAddress, const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize, bool requestACK)
  writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFB) | RF_PACKET2_RXRESTART); // avoid RX deadlocks
  uint32_t now = millis();
  while (!canSend() && millis() - now < RF69_CSMA_LIMIT_MS){
  sendFrame(toAddress, buffer, bufferSize, requestACK, false);

// to increase the chance of getting a packet across, call this function instead of send
// and it handles all the ACK requesting/retrying for you :)
// The only twist is that you have to manually listen to ACK requests on the other side and send back the ACKs
// The reason for the semi-automaton is that the lib is interrupt driven and
// requires user action to read the received data and decide what to do with it
// replies usually take only 5..8ms at 50kbps@915MHz
bool RFM69::sendWithRetry(uint16_t toAddress, const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize, uint8_t retries, uint8_t retryWaitTime) {
  uint32_t sentTime;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= retries; i++)
    _retrycount = i;
    send(toAddress, buffer, bufferSize, true);
    sentTime = millis();
    while (millis() - sentTime < retryWaitTime)
      if (ACKReceived(toAddress)) return true;
  return false;

uint8_t RFM69::retry_count() {
  return _retrycount;

// should be polled immediately after sending a packet with ACK request
bool RFM69::ACKReceived(uint16_t fromNodeID) {
  if (receiveDone())
    return (SENDERID == fromNodeID || fromNodeID == RF69_BROADCAST_ADDR) && ACK_RECEIVED;
  return false;

// check whether an ACK was requested in the last received packet (non-broadcasted packet)
bool RFM69::ACKRequested() {
  return ACK_REQUESTED && (TARGETID == _address);

// should be called immediately after reception in case sender wants ACK
void RFM69::sendACK(const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize) {
  ACK_REQUESTED = 0;   // TWS added to make sure we don't end up in a timing race and infinite loop sending Acks
  uint16_t sender = SENDERID;
  int16_t _RSSI = RSSI; // save payload received RSSI value
  writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFB) | RF_PACKET2_RXRESTART); // avoid RX deadlocks
  uint32_t now = millis();
  while (!canSend() && millis() - now < RF69_CSMA_LIMIT_MS){
  SENDERID = sender;    // TWS: Restore SenderID after it gets wiped out by receiveDone()
  sendFrame(sender, buffer, bufferSize, false, true);
  RSSI = _RSSI; // restore payload RSSI

// internal function
void RFM69::sendFrame(uint16_t toAddress, const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize, bool requestACK, bool sendACK)
  setMode(RF69_MODE_STANDBY); // turn off receiver to prevent reception while filling fifo
  while ((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS1) & RF_IRQFLAGS1_MODEREADY) == 0x00); // wait for ModeReady
  if (bufferSize > RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN) bufferSize = RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN;

  // control byte
  uint8_t CTLbyte = 0x00;
  if (sendACK)
    CTLbyte = RFM69_CTL_SENDACK;
  else if (requestACK)
    CTLbyte = RFM69_CTL_REQACK;

  if (toAddress > 0xFF) CTLbyte |= (toAddress & 0x300) >> 6; //assign last 2 bits of address if > 255
  if (_address > 0xFF) CTLbyte |= (_address & 0x300) >> 8;   //assign last 2 bits of address if > 255

  // write to FIFO
  spi_transfer(REG_FIFO | 0x80);
  spi_transfer(bufferSize + 3);

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
    spi_transfer(((uint8_t*) buffer)[i]);

  // no need to wait for transmit mode to be ready since its handled by the radio
  while ((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS2) & RF_IRQFLAGS2_PACKETSENT) == 0x00); // wait for packet sent

// internal function - interrupt gets called when a packet is received
// Brandock:
// Brandock:
// Brandock:
// Branodck:

void RFM69::interruptHandler() {
  if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && (readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS2) & RF_IRQFLAGS2_PAYLOADREADY))
    spi_transfer(REG_FIFO & 0x7F);
    PAYLOADLEN = spi_transfer(0);
    PAYLOADLEN = PAYLOADLEN > 66 ? 66 : PAYLOADLEN; // precaution
    TARGETID = spi_transfer(0);
    SENDERID = spi_transfer(0);
    uint8_t CTLbyte = spi_transfer(0);
    TARGETID |= (uint16_t(CTLbyte) & 0x0C) << 6; //10 bit address (most significant 2 bits stored in bits(2,3) of CTL byte
    SENDERID |= (uint16_t(CTLbyte) & 0x03) << 8; //10 bit address (most sifnigicant 2 bits stored in bits(0,1) of CTL byte

    if(!(TARGETID == _address || TARGETID == RF69_BROADCAST_ADDR) // match this node's address, or broadcast address or anything in spy mode
       || PAYLOADLEN < 3) // address situation could receive packets that are malformed and don't fit this libraries extra fields
      PAYLOADLEN = 0;

    ACK_RECEIVED = CTLbyte & RFM69_CTL_SENDACK; // extract ACK-received flag
    ACK_REQUESTED = CTLbyte & RFM69_CTL_REQACK; // extract ACK-requested flag
    // uint8_t _pl = _powerLevel; //interruptHook() can change _powerLevel so remember it
    // interruptHook(CTLbyte);    // TWS: hook to derived class interrupt function

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DATALEN; i++) DATA[i] = spi_transfer(0);

    DATA[DATALEN] = 0; // add null at end of string // add null at end of string
    // if (_pl != _powerLevel) setPowerLevel(_powerLevel); //set new _powerLevel if changed
    RSSI = readRSSI();

void RFM69::receiveBegin() {
  DATALEN = 0;
  RSSI = 0;
    writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFB) | RF_PACKET2_RXRESTART); // avoid RX deadlocks
  // writeReg(REG_DIOMAPPING1, RF_DIOMAPPING1_DIO0_01); // set DIO0 to "PAYLOADREADY" in receive mode

// checks if a packet was received and/or puts transceiver in receive (ie RX or listen) mode
bool RFM69::receiveDone() {
  if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && PAYLOADLEN > 0)
    setMode(RF69_MODE_STANDBY); // enables interrupts
    return true;
  else if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX) // already in RX no payload yet
    return false;
  return false;

// To enable encryption: radio.encrypt("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP");
// To disable encryption: radio.encrypt(null) or radio.encrypt(0)
// KEY HAS TO BE 16 bytes !!!
void RFM69::encrypt(const char* key) {

  uint8_t validKey = key != 0 && strlen(key)!=0;
  if (validKey)
    spi_transfer(REG_AESKEY1 | 0x80);
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
  writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFE) | (validKey ? 1 : 0));

// get the received signal strength indicator (RSSI)
int16_t RFM69::readRSSI(bool forceTrigger) {
  int16_t rssi = 0;
  if (forceTrigger)
    // RSSI trigger not needed if DAGC is in continuous mode
    while ((readReg(REG_RSSICONFIG) & RF_RSSI_DONE) == 0x00); // wait for RSSI_Ready
  rssi = -readReg(REG_RSSIVALUE);
  rssi >>= 1;
  return rssi;

uint8_t RFM69::readReg(uint8_t addr)
  spi_transfer(addr & 0x7F);
  uint8_t regval = spi_transfer(0);
  return regval;

void RFM69::writeReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
  spi_transfer(addr | 0x80);

void RFM69::select() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  //Brandock: PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28, where the SPI1 SS is PIN_PC3
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 0);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 0);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 0);

  //Brandock: Add support for ATTiny84 here - not sure what it would exactly look like
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    #if defined (SPCR) && defined (SPSR)
    // save current SPI settings
    _SPCR = SPCR;
    _SPSR = SPSR;

//Brandock: PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28, where the SPI1 SS is PIN_PC3
void RFM69::unselect() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 1);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 1);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 1);

    //BB: Add back support for other parts by using the original LPL function code, but with SSpin instead of _slaveSelectPin
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    // restore SPI settings to what they were before talking to RFM69
    #if defined (SPCR) && defined (SPSR)
      SPCR = _SPCR;
      SPSR = _SPSR;

void RFM69::spi_init() {
  pinMode(SSpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MOSIpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MISOpin, INPUT);
  pinMode(SCKpin, OUTPUT);

  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  SPCR = _BV(SPE) | _BV(MSTR);
  SPSR |= _BV(SPI2X);
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
  if (SPI_PORT==0) {
    SPI0.CTRLB |= (SPI_SSD_bm);
  } else {
    SPI1.CTRLB |= (SPI_SSD_bm);
  //Brandock: Add back in support for ATtiny84 by using the code from JeeLib here - need to re-look at this and check which code should really be here.
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    // ATtiny
    USICR = bit(USIWM0);

uint8_t RFM69::spi_transfer (uint8_t data) {  
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  SPDR = data;
  while ((SPSR & (1<<SPIF)) == 0)
  return SPDR;
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
  asm volatile("nop");
  if (SPI_PORT==0) {
    SPI0.DATA = data;
    while ((SPI0.INTFLAGS & SPI_RXCIF_bm) == 0);  // wait for complete send //Brandock
    return SPI0.DATA;                             // read data back
  } else {
    SPI1.DATA = data;
    while ((SPI1.INTFLAGS & SPI_RXCIF_bm) == 0);  // wait for complete send
    return SPI1.DATA;                             // read data back
  return 0;

  //Brandock: Add back in support for ATtiny84 by using the code from JeeLib here (use "data" instead of "out")
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    USIDR = data;
    byte v1 = bit(USIWM0) | bit(USITC);
    byte v2 = bit(USIWM0) | bit(USITC) | bit(USICLK);
    #if F_CPU <= 5000000
      // only unroll if resulting clock stays under 2.5 MHz
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        USICR = v1;
        USICR = v2;
    return USIDR;

void RFM69::configure (const uint8_t* p) {
  while (true) {
    uint8_t cmd = p[0];
    if (cmd == 0)
    writeReg(cmd, p[1]);
    p += 2;

I am suspicious of my breadboard connections. I drew up a breadboard connector for RFMC9CW and ordered it today.

I also spent more time looking at the AVR128DB28 data sheet and Spence Konde’s description of the MVIO support. Then I looked at the emonTx v4 and noticed how it uses the PortC MVIO pins for the RFM rather than SPI0. It made me realize how cool this chip is. You could have a 5V board with a separate 3V3 supply to VDDIO2 and the chip would do the level-shifting on the SPI1 MUX internally. (In this case SEL would have to be moved from PB5 to a PC pin – note to self.) I’m picturing a 5V Moteino with RFM69CW on its belly and thinking that could be useful at times.

Progress! I am able to generate an outbound message that is received by my gateway. But the sketch then hangs before completing the send() function. It gets stuck waiting for the PACKETSENT flag to be set (even though the packet was sent and received by the gateway.)

I hooked the breadboard up to my oscilloscope and ran the sketch. All the signals look good.

I set a pin high as a trigger just before calling send() (yellow CH1). By setting the pin low in various places within the send() function I was able to watch the oscilloscope and see if that point in the code was reached.

I was able to determine that the function hangs at this code:

while ((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS2) & RF_IRQFLAGS2_PACKETSENT) == 0x00); // wait for PacketSent 

I then checked which of these conditions would not return true. It is the second one: if (RF_IRQFLAGS2_PACKETSENT == 0x00). The code is hanging waiting for this to go to 0x00.

I read this issue in which Felix complained the problem is breadboards and wiring in most of these cases. So I went over it again. And of course, that was it.

I really hate breadboarding with these radios! It always comes down to that for me.

So the modifications to the cut-down RFM69 LPL library to get the 28-pin AVR128DB working are really just checking that PB5 is defined in the select() and unselect() functions, and adding lines for whatever pin is being used for chip select instead of PB5.

void RFM69::select() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary

  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5 //Brandock: PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28, where the SPI1 SS is PIN_PC3
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 0);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 0);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 0);

void RFM69::unselect() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5  //Brandock: PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28, where the SPI1 SS is PIN_PC3
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 1);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 1);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 1);

I was able to get this working for AVR128DB28 with the changes mentioned above. I’m also very happy that I was able to get it working with ATtiny84!

I created a fork and put in a pull request with the proposed additions.

Here is the updated library code and a test sketch that works for both chips using DxCore and ATTinyCore, respectively.

Library code.

// **********************************************************************************
// Driver definition for HopeRF RFM69W/RFM69HW/RFM69CW/RFM69HCW, Semtech SX1231/1231H
// **********************************************************************************
// Copyright LowPowerLab LLC 2018,
// **********************************************************************************
// License
// **********************************************************************************
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General    
// Public License as published by the Free Software       
// Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        
// (at your option) any later version.                    
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will   
// be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the  
// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public        
// License for more details.                              
// Licence can be viewed at                               
// Please maintain this license information along with authorship
// and copyright notices in any redistribution of this code
// **********************************************************************************
#include "RFM69_LPL.h"
#include "RFM69_LPL_registers.h"

uint8_t RFM69::DATA[RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN+1];
uint8_t RFM69::_mode;        // current transceiver state
uint8_t RFM69::DATALEN;
uint16_t RFM69::SENDERID;
uint16_t RFM69::TARGETID;     // should match _address
uint8_t RFM69::PAYLOADLEN;
uint8_t RFM69::ACK_RECEIVED; // should be polled immediately after sending a packet with ACK request
int16_t RFM69::RSSI;          // most accurate RSSI during reception (closest to the reception)

bool RFM69::initialize (uint8_t freqBand, uint16_t ID, uint8_t networkID) {
  _address = ID;
  _retrycount = 0;
  // 10 MHz, i.e. 30 MHz / 3 (or 4 MHz if clock is still at 12 MHz)
  uint32_t start = millis();
  uint8_t timeout = 50;
  do writeReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1, 0xAA); while (readReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1) != 0xaa && millis()-start < timeout);
  if (millis()-start >= timeout) return false;
  start = millis();
  do writeReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1, 0x55); while (readReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1) != 0x55 && millis()-start < timeout);
  if (millis()-start >= timeout) return false;

  const uint8_t configRegs [] = {
    0x01, 0x04, 
    0x02, 0x00,
    0x03, 0x02, // MSB 55555 bits/s
    0x04, 0x40, // LSB 55555 bits/s
    0x05, 0x03, // MSB FDEV 50000
    0x06, 0x33, // LSB FDEV 50000
    0x07, (uint8_t)(freqBand == RF69_868MHZ?0xD9:0x6C), // MSB 433 Mhz
    0x08, (uint8_t)(freqBand == RF69_868MHZ?0x00:0x40), // MID 433 Mhz
    0x09, (uint8_t)(freqBand == RF69_868MHZ?0x00:0x00), // LSB 433 Mhz
    0x19, 0x42, // REG_RXBW (BitRate < 2 * RxBw)
    0x25, 0x40, // DIO0 is the only IRQ we're using
    0x26, 0x07, // DIO5 ClkOut disable for power saving
    0x28, 0x10, // REG_IRQFLAGS2, RF_IRQFLAGS2_FIFOOVERRUN writing to this bit ensures that the FIFO & status flags are reset
    0x29, 0xDC, // REG_RSSITHRESH must be set to dBm = (-Sensitivity / 2), default is 0xE4 = 228 so -114dBm
    0x2F, 0x2D, // attempt to make this compatible with sync1 byte of RFM12B lib
    0x30, networkID,  // networkID
    0x38, 66,   // in variable length mode: the max frame size, not used in TX
    0x3C, 0x8F, // TX on FIFO not empty
    0x3D, 0x10, // RXRESTARTDELAY must match transmitter PA ramp-down time (bitrate dependent)
    0x6F, 0x30, // run DAGC continuously in RX mode for Fading Margin Improvement, recommended default for AfcLowBetaOn=0

  // Encryption is persistent between resets and can trip you up during debugging.
  // Disable it during initialization so we always start from a known state.
  uint8_t powerLevel = 25; // could be up to 31... -18 + dBm with PA0 = 7dBm
  if (powerLevel>31) powerLevel = 31;
  writeReg(0x11,RF_PALEVEL_PA0_ON | powerLevel); 
  start = millis();
  while (((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS1) & RF_IRQFLAGS1_MODEREADY) == 0x00) && millis()-start < timeout); // wait for ModeReady
  if (millis()-start >= timeout)
    return false;
  return true;

void RFM69::setPins (uint8_t _SSpin, uint8_t _MOSIpin, uint8_t _MISOpin, uint8_t _SCKpin) {
  SSpin = _SSpin;
  MOSIpin = _MOSIpin;
  MISOpin = _MISOpin;
  SCKpin = _SCKpin;
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
  if (MOSIpin==PIN_PA4 && MISOpin==PIN_PA5 && SCKpin==PIN_PA6) {
    SPI_PORT = 0;
  } else if (MOSIpin==PIN_PC0 && MISOpin==PIN_PC1 && SCKpin==PIN_PC2) {
    SPI_PORT = 1;

void RFM69::setMode (uint8_t newMode) {

  if (newMode == _mode)

  writeReg(REG_OPMODE, (readReg(REG_OPMODE) & 0xE3) | newMode);
  // we are using packet mode, so this check is not really needed
  // but waiting for mode ready is necessary when going from sleep because the FIFO may not be immediately available from previous mode
  while (_mode == RF69_MODE_SLEEP && (readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS1) & RF_IRQFLAGS1_MODEREADY) == 0x00); // wait for ModeReady

  _mode = newMode;

//put transceiver in sleep mode to save battery - to wake or resume receiving just call receiveDone()
void RFM69::sleep() {

//set this node's address
void RFM69::setAddress(uint16_t addr)
  _address = addr;
  writeReg(REG_NODEADRS, _address); //unused in packet mode

bool RFM69::canSend() 
  if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && PAYLOADLEN == 0 && readRSSI() < CSMA_LIMIT) // if signal stronger than -100dBm is detected assume channel activity
    return true;
  return false;

void RFM69::send(uint16_t toAddress, const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize, bool requestACK)
  writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFB) | RF_PACKET2_RXRESTART); // avoid RX deadlocks
  uint32_t now = millis();
  while (!canSend() && millis() - now < RF69_CSMA_LIMIT_MS){
  sendFrame(toAddress, buffer, bufferSize, requestACK, false);

// to increase the chance of getting a packet across, call this function instead of send
// and it handles all the ACK requesting/retrying for you :)
// The only twist is that you have to manually listen to ACK requests on the other side and send back the ACKs
// The reason for the semi-automaton is that the lib is interrupt driven and
// requires user action to read the received data and decide what to do with it
// replies usually take only 5..8ms at 50kbps@915MHz
bool RFM69::sendWithRetry(uint16_t toAddress, const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize, uint8_t retries, uint8_t retryWaitTime) {
  uint32_t sentTime;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= retries; i++)
    _retrycount = i;
    send(toAddress, buffer, bufferSize, true);
    sentTime = millis();
    while (millis() - sentTime < retryWaitTime)
      if (ACKReceived(toAddress)) return true;
  return false;

uint8_t RFM69::retry_count() {
  return _retrycount;

// should be polled immediately after sending a packet with ACK request
bool RFM69::ACKReceived(uint16_t fromNodeID) {
  if (receiveDone())
    return (SENDERID == fromNodeID || fromNodeID == RF69_BROADCAST_ADDR) && ACK_RECEIVED;
  return false;

// check whether an ACK was requested in the last received packet (non-broadcasted packet)
bool RFM69::ACKRequested() {
  return ACK_REQUESTED && (TARGETID == _address);

// should be called immediately after reception in case sender wants ACK
void RFM69::sendACK(const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize) {
  ACK_REQUESTED = 0;   // TWS added to make sure we don't end up in a timing race and infinite loop sending Acks
  uint16_t sender = SENDERID;
  int16_t _RSSI = RSSI; // save payload received RSSI value
  writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFB) | RF_PACKET2_RXRESTART); // avoid RX deadlocks
  uint32_t now = millis();
  while (!canSend() && millis() - now < RF69_CSMA_LIMIT_MS){
  SENDERID = sender;    // TWS: Restore SenderID after it gets wiped out by receiveDone()
  sendFrame(sender, buffer, bufferSize, false, true);
  RSSI = _RSSI; // restore payload RSSI

// internal function
void RFM69::sendFrame(uint16_t toAddress, const void* buffer, uint8_t bufferSize, bool requestACK, bool sendACK)
  setMode(RF69_MODE_STANDBY); // turn off receiver to prevent reception while filling fifo
  while ((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS1) & RF_IRQFLAGS1_MODEREADY) == 0x00); // wait for ModeReady
  if (bufferSize > RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN) bufferSize = RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN;

  // control byte
  uint8_t CTLbyte = 0x00;
  if (sendACK)
    CTLbyte = RFM69_CTL_SENDACK;
  else if (requestACK)
    CTLbyte = RFM69_CTL_REQACK;

  if (toAddress > 0xFF) CTLbyte |= (toAddress & 0x300) >> 6; //assign last 2 bits of address if > 255
  if (_address > 0xFF) CTLbyte |= (_address & 0x300) >> 8;   //assign last 2 bits of address if > 255

  // write to FIFO
  spi_transfer(REG_FIFO | 0x80);
  spi_transfer(bufferSize + 3);

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
    spi_transfer(((uint8_t*) buffer)[i]);

  // no need to wait for transmit mode to be ready since its handled by the radio
  while ((readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS2) & RF_IRQFLAGS2_PACKETSENT) == 0x00); // wait for packet sent

// internal function - interrupt gets called when a packet is received
void RFM69::interruptHandler() {
  if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && (readReg(REG_IRQFLAGS2) & RF_IRQFLAGS2_PAYLOADREADY))
    spi_transfer(REG_FIFO & 0x7F);
    PAYLOADLEN = spi_transfer(0);
    PAYLOADLEN = PAYLOADLEN > 66 ? 66 : PAYLOADLEN; // precaution
    TARGETID = spi_transfer(0);
    SENDERID = spi_transfer(0);
    uint8_t CTLbyte = spi_transfer(0);
    TARGETID |= (uint16_t(CTLbyte) & 0x0C) << 6; //10 bit address (most significant 2 bits stored in bits(2,3) of CTL byte
    SENDERID |= (uint16_t(CTLbyte) & 0x03) << 8; //10 bit address (most sifnigicant 2 bits stored in bits(0,1) of CTL byte

    if(!(TARGETID == _address || TARGETID == RF69_BROADCAST_ADDR) // match this node's address, or broadcast address or anything in spy mode
       || PAYLOADLEN < 3) // address situation could receive packets that are malformed and don't fit this libraries extra fields
      PAYLOADLEN = 0;

    ACK_RECEIVED = CTLbyte & RFM69_CTL_SENDACK; // extract ACK-received flag
    ACK_REQUESTED = CTLbyte & RFM69_CTL_REQACK; // extract ACK-requested flag
    // uint8_t _pl = _powerLevel; //interruptHook() can change _powerLevel so remember it
    // interruptHook(CTLbyte);    // TWS: hook to derived class interrupt function

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DATALEN; i++) DATA[i] = spi_transfer(0);

    DATA[DATALEN] = 0; // add null at end of string // add null at end of string
    // if (_pl != _powerLevel) setPowerLevel(_powerLevel); //set new _powerLevel if changed
    RSSI = readRSSI();

void RFM69::receiveBegin() {
  DATALEN = 0;
  RSSI = 0;
    writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFB) | RF_PACKET2_RXRESTART); // avoid RX deadlocks
  // writeReg(REG_DIOMAPPING1, RF_DIOMAPPING1_DIO0_01); // set DIO0 to "PAYLOADREADY" in receive mode

// checks if a packet was received and/or puts transceiver in receive (ie RX or listen) mode
bool RFM69::receiveDone() {
  if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && PAYLOADLEN > 0)
    setMode(RF69_MODE_STANDBY); // enables interrupts
    return true;
  else if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX) // already in RX no payload yet
    return false;
  return false;

// To enable encryption: radio.encrypt("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP");
// To disable encryption: radio.encrypt(null) or radio.encrypt(0)
// KEY HAS TO BE 16 bytes !!!
void RFM69::encrypt(const char* key) {

  uint8_t validKey = key != 0 && strlen(key)!=0;
  if (validKey)
    spi_transfer(REG_AESKEY1 | 0x80);
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
  writeReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2, (readReg(REG_PACKETCONFIG2) & 0xFE) | (validKey ? 1 : 0));

// get the received signal strength indicator (RSSI)
int16_t RFM69::readRSSI(bool forceTrigger) {
  int16_t rssi = 0;
  if (forceTrigger)
    // RSSI trigger not needed if DAGC is in continuous mode
    while ((readReg(REG_RSSICONFIG) & RF_RSSI_DONE) == 0x00); // wait for RSSI_Ready
  rssi = -readReg(REG_RSSIVALUE);
  rssi >>= 1;
  return rssi;

uint8_t RFM69::readReg(uint8_t addr)
  spi_transfer(addr & 0x7F);
  uint8_t regval = spi_transfer(0);
  return regval;

void RFM69::writeReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
  spi_transfer(addr | 0x80);

void RFM69::select() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5 //PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 0);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 0);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
    digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 0);

  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB1) {
    digitalWrite(PIN_PB1, 0);

void RFM69::unselect() {
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // faster direct port manipulation, may not be necessary
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef PIN_PB5  //PIN_PB5 is specific to DB48 and not defined on DB28
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB5) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PB5, 1);
    if (SSpin==PIN_PA7) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PA7, 1);
    else if (SSpin==PIN_PC3) {
      digitalWriteFast(PIN_PC3, 1);

  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    if (SSpin==PIN_PB1) {
    digitalWrite(PIN_PB1, 1);

void RFM69::spi_init() {
  pinMode(SSpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MOSIpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MISOpin, INPUT);
  pinMode(SCKpin, OUTPUT);

  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  SPCR = _BV(SPE) | _BV(MSTR);
  SPSR |= _BV(SPI2X);
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
  if (SPI_PORT==0) {
    SPI0.CTRLB |= (SPI_SSD_bm);
  } else {
    SPI1.CTRLB |= (SPI_SSD_bm);
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    USICR = bit(USIWM0);

uint8_t RFM69::spi_transfer (uint8_t data) {  
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
  SPDR = data;
  while ((SPSR & (1<<SPIF)) == 0)
  return SPDR;
  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
  asm volatile("nop");
  if (SPI_PORT==0) {
    SPI0.DATA = data;
    while ((SPI0.INTFLAGS & SPI_RXCIF_bm) == 0);  // wait for complete send
    return SPI0.DATA;                             // read data back
  } else {
    SPI1.DATA = data;
    while ((SPI1.INTFLAGS & SPI_RXCIF_bm) == 0);  // wait for complete send
    return SPI1.DATA;                             // read data back
  return 0;

  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
    USIDR = data;
      byte v1 = bit(USIWM0) | bit(USITC);
      byte v2 = bit(USIWM0) | bit(USITC) | bit(USICLK);
    #if F_CPU <= 5000000
      //unroll if clock is under 2.5 MHz
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      USICR = v1; USICR = v2;
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        USICR = v1;
        USICR = v2;
    return USIDR;

void RFM69::configure (const uint8_t* p) {
  while (true) {
    uint8_t cmd = p[0];
    if (cmd == 0)
    writeReg(cmd, p[1]);
    p += 2;

Test sketch.

/*  Brandock 2023
  *  Test sender for RFM69_LPL Open Energy Monitor fork. 
  *  Works with ATmega328, ATtiny84A, and AVR128DB28. The later two pin mappings shown below.
  *  The later two chips require an update to the forked library as of 5/20/23. See the forum post
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ATMEL ATTINY84/44/24  ATTinyCore Standard (Clockwise) Pin Mapping
 *                         +-\/-+
 *                   VCC  1|    |14  GND
 *             (10)  PB0  2|x  a|13  PA0  ( 0)  
 *       SEL   ( 9)  PB1  3|x  a|12  PA1  ( 1)  AIN0/TX
 *             (11)  PB3  4|   a|11  PA2  ( 2)  AIN1/RX
 *             ( 8)  PB2  5|   a|10  PA3  ( 3)
 *       LED   ( 7)  PA7  6|a  a|9   PA4  ( 4)  SCK
 *      MISO   ( 6)  PA6  7|a  a|8   PA5  ( 5)  MOSI
 *                         +----+
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ATMEL AVR128DB28  DxCore Pin Mapping
 * Note: The SPI0 and SPI1 MUX is the same on the 48-pin part and 28-pin AVR-DB.
 *                         +-\/-+
 *   LED/SS0   ( 7)  PA7  1|    |28  PA6 .( 6)  SCK0
 *     MOSI1   ( 8)  PC0  2|    |13  PA5  ( 5)  MISO0
 *     MISO1   ( 9)  PC1  3|    |12  PA4  ( 4)  MOSI0
 *      SCK1   (10)  PC2  4|    |11  PA3  ( 3)  
 *      SEL1   (11)  PC3  5|    |10  PA2  ( 2)
 *               VDDDI02  6|    |9   PA1  ( 1)  RXD0
 *             (13)  PD1  7|    |8   PA0  ( 0)  TXD0
 *                         :     :
  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * In this sketch: DB28 Pin Mapping
 * Use the SPI1 MUX for the RFM transceiver. Before initializing the radio set the pins:
 * radio.setPins(PIN_PC3,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);
 *            //(SEL    ,MOSI   ,MISO,  ,SCK    )
 * We choose the SPI1 MUX for three reasons:
 * 1. Uses Port C, which can run at VDDIO2, which is good for 3V3 radios if VDD is 5V.
 * 2. Makes PA7 available for LED_BUILTIN, which is not a huge deal, but is nice.
 * 3. This is the same MUX used by OpenEnergyMonitor for emonTx v4.
 * Note: emonTx4 uses PB5 for SEL. That pin is not available on the 28-pin part, so we use PC3. 
 *                         +-\/-+
 *       LED   ( 7)  PA7  1|    |28  PA6 .( 6)  
 *     MOSI1   ( 8)  PC0  2|    |13  PA5  ( 5)  
 *     MISO1   ( 9)  PC1  3|    |12  PA4  ( 4)  
 *      SCK1   (10)  PC2  4|    |11  PA3  ( 3)  
 *      SEL1   (11)  PC3  5|    |10  PA2  ( 2)
 *               VDDDI02  6|    |9   PA1  ( 1)  RXD0
 *             (13)  PD1  7|    |8   PA0  ( 0)  TXD0
 *                         :     :

/*For ATtiny84 there are two pin numbering schemes. This is how to check the settings used to compile the sketch. It is not necessary here because we use the agnostic PIN_Pxn method. */
#error "For ATTinyCore use clockwise pin mapping option in Arduino > Tools menu options. This sketch uses the clockwise pin map."

#include <RFM69_LPL.h>
//#include <RFM69_ATC.h>     //get it here:
//#include <SPI.h>           //included with Arduino IDE install (

//#include <SPIFlash.h>
//#include <WirelessHEX69.h> //get it here:

//#include "EmonLib.h"

#define debug true

#define NODEID      18
#define NETWORKID   100
#define GATEWAYID   1
#define FREQUENCY   RF69_433MHZ //Match this with the version of your Moteino! (others: RF69_433MHZ, RF69_868MHZ)

#if (defined(__AVR_ATtinyX4__))
  #define LED         PIN_PA7
#elif (defined(__AVR_DB__))
  #define LED         PIN_PA7
  #define LED         9    //Moteinos, for example use D9. D2 is available when using OEM RFM69_LPL (not used as IRQ) if not connected to RFM69

#ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
  #define SERIAL_BAUD 9600
  #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200

#define ACK_TIME    30  // # of ms to wait for an ack

int TRANSMITPERIOD = 5000; //transmit a packet to gateway so often (in ms)
byte sendSize=0;
boolean requestACK = true; 
char buffer[50];
//SPIFlash flash(8, 0xEF30); //EF40 for 16mbit windbond chip

int counter = 1;
RFM69 radio;
//EnergyMonitor emon1;
#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
  if (debug) Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD);

  //Set the pins for the SPI radio MUX using
  //setPins(uint8_t _SSpin, uint8_t _MOSIpin, uint8_t _MISOpin, uint8_t _SCKpin)
  //Defaults in RFM69_LPL.h are (10,11,12,13) for ATMega328
  #ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__

  #ifdef __AVR_DB__
    #ifdef DEFAULT_28PIN_PINOUT                          //Use this to detect the 28-pin part
      //radio.setPins(PIN_PA7,PIN_PA4,PIN_PA5,PIN_PA6);  //SP0 MUX on AVR128DB28 
      radio.setPins(PIN_PC3,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);   //SPI1 MUX on AVR128DB28
      radio.setPins(PIN_PB5,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);  //AVR128DB48

  if (debug) Serial.println("Initializing Radio...");
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(500);


  if (debug) Serial.println("Done.");
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(100);
  Blink(LED,300);    delay(500);
  //emon1.current(0, 13.82);
void loop() {
  //check for any received packets
  if (radio.receiveDone())
    if (debug) Serial.print('[');Serial.print(radio.SENDERID, DEC);Serial.print("] ");
    for (byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++)
      if (debug) Serial.print((char)radio.DATA[i]);
    if (debug) Serial.print("   [RX_RSSI:");Serial.print(radio.readRSSI());Serial.print("]");
    // wireless programming token check
//    CheckForWirelessHEX(radio, flash, true);

    if (radio.ACKRequested())
      if (debug) Serial.print(" - ACK sent");
//  double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480);  // Calculate Irms only

  if (debug) Serial.print("Sending: ");
  if (debug) Serial.print(counter);
  sprintf(buffer,"%d %d",NODEID,counter);
  //radio.sendWithRetry(GATEWAYID, buffer, strlen(buffer), 1); //retry one time
  //radio.send(GATEWAYID, buffer, strlen(buffer), requestACK); //send without retry, requestACK depends on definition of requestACK
  if (radio.sendWithRetry(GATEWAYID, buffer, strlen(buffer), 1, 120)) {   //retry once, 60 ms wait for ACK. Blink once if successfull, twice if not.
    if (debug) Serial.println(" ok!");
  } else { 
    if (debug) Serial.println(" nothing...");
    Blink(LED,200);  delay(200);

  delay(5000); //seconds * 1000

void Blink(byte PIN, int DELAY_MS)
  pinMode(PIN, OUTPUT);

@TrystanLea, thanks for all your help above. I hope you can take a minute to look at a commit to RFM69_LPL that allows it to work with AVR128DB28 and ATtiny84.

The merge request is here: Update RFM69_LPL.cpp to support ATtiny84 and AVR128DB28 by brandock · Pull Request #2 · openenergymonitor/RFM69_LPL · GitHub

With these changes I have been able to:

  1. Create LPL firmware for ATTiny84 based on emonBase_rfm69pi_LPL so that, for example, the original ATTiny84-based RFM2Pi boards could be used as a gateway for emonBase. (Pasted below.)
  2. Create an Arduino clone for ATTiny84 with onboard RFM69Pi radio and serial FTDI header for prototyping OpenEnergyMonitor-compatible boards. With the commits to RFM69_LPL it works great as a Tx node and Rx gateway (using the firmware from 1).
  3. I haven’t done this yet - but based on the success with (1) and (2) above, I think many people with classic Nathan Chantrell TinyTx devices will be able to migrate to the new RFM69_LPL format.
  4. Create an Ardunio clone based on AVR128DB28 for prototyping and learning about the new MCU family used in emonTxV4. With the commits to RFM69_LPL this also works great as a Tx node and Rx gateway (using the firmware from 1).

I plan to post about these things for the community in the near future.

Thanks again!

/* Brandock 2023
 *  This is the 2022 LPL-based RFM69Pi firmware from Open Energy Monitor modified to run on ATTiny84 with Spence Konde's ATTinyCore, and AVR128DB with his DxCore.
 *  It works with ATTiny84 boards with serial output capability (like a ThreenoTinyTx, and likely the original RFM2Pi) and AVR128DB28 (like a ThreenoDB28Tx).
 *  It also continues to work with ATMega328 (like a Moteino) but, of course, so does the original sketch from which this was copied. 
 *  Modifications to the OpenEnergyMonitor sketch:
 *  1. Switch from RFM69 library to RFM69_LPL library, the cut-down OpenEnergyMonitor fork of Felix Rusu's library, designed for AVR128DB48 and ATMega328.
 *  2. Updates to the RFM69_LPL library so that it works with ATTiny84 and AVR128DB28 (the 28-pin part). 
 *     The modifications are not needed for AVR128DB48 (the 48-pin part used in emonTxV4).
 *     See //
 *  3. Definition of serial buad in "emonBase Settings" - I used 9600 for ATTiny84 and 115200 for everything else. Modify to meet your needs.
 *  4. Definition of LED pin in "hard-wired connections". I use PIN_PA7 for AVRDB and ATTiny84 boards, with 9 for everything else. Modify to meet your needs.
 *  5. Definition of SPI MUX for each MCU using "radio.setpins" just before initializing the radio in Setup. 
 *  8/6/2023 BB: the softreset function in the command 'r' needs to be commented out in order to compile the firmware for ATTiny84 with Spence Konde's ATTinyCore.
          wipe_eeprom(); // restore sketch defaults
 *  Also, saving to EEProm using command 's' on AVR128DB28 produces the warning "|Size: 5632 bytes, not formatted to OEM Standard". I have not looked into this.

  emonBase rfm69pi LowPowerLabs radio format
  Part of the project

  Authors: Glyn Hudson, Trystan Lea & Robert Wall
  Builds upon JCW JeeLabs RF69 Driver and Arduino

  Licence: GNU GPL V3

Change Log:
const char *firmware_version = {"1.0.0\n\r"};

*                                                                                           *
*                                  IMPORTANT NOTE                                           *
*                                                                                           *
* When compiling for the RFM2Pi:                                                            * 
*  In IDE, set Board to "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini" & Processor to "ATmega328P (3.3V, 8MHz)"  *
* When compiling for the RFM69Pi:                                                           *
*  In IDE, set Board to "Arduino Uno"                                                       *
*                                                                                           *
* The output file used must NOT be the "with_bootloader" version, else the processor will   *
*  be locked.                                                                               *

// #define SAMPPIN 19 

#include <emonEProm.h>
// OEM EPROM library
#include <RFM69_LPL.h>      //
RFM69 radio;

#define MAXMSG 66                                                      // Max length of o/g message
char outmsg[MAXMSG];                                                   // outgoing message (to emonGLCD etc)
byte outmsgLength;                                                     // length of message: non-zero length triggers transmission

bool verbose = true;

struct {                                                               // Ancilliary information
  byte srcNode = 0;
  byte msgLength = 0;
  signed char rssi = -127;
  bool crc = false;
} rfInfo;

bool rfChanged = false;                                                // marker to re-initialise radio
#define RFTX 0x01                                                      // Control of RFM - transmit enabled

//----------------------------emonBase Settings------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__
  #define SERIAL_BAUD 9600
  #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200

const unsigned long BAUD_RATE   = SERIAL_BAUD;          // Brandock: emonBase default firmware is 38400, but here we expect ATtiny84 might be better off at 9600, and AVRDB/ATMega328 can do 115200

void single_LED_flash(void);
void double_LED_flash(void);
void getCalibration(void);
static void showString (PGM_P s);

//---------------------------- Settings - Stored in EEPROM and shared with config.ino ------------------------------------------------
struct {
  byte RF_freq = RF69_433MHZ;                           // Frequency of radio module can be RFM_433MHZ, RFM_868MHZ or RFM_915MHZ. 
  byte rfPower = 25;                                    // Power when transmitting
  byte networkGroup = 210;                              // wireless network group, must be the same as emonBase / emonPi and emonGLCD. OEM default is 210
  byte  nodeID = 5;                                     // node ID for this emonBase.
  byte  rfOn = 0x1;                                     // Turn transmitter on -receiver is always on
} EEProm;

uint16_t eepromSig = 0x0017;                            // oemEProm signature - see oemEEProm Library documentation for details.

//--------------------------- hard-wired connections ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (defined(__AVR_ATtinyX4__))                         //Brandock: PA7 is a convenient choice for the LED on ATtiny84 and AVR128DB28
  #define LED         PIN_PA7
#elif (defined(__AVR_DB__))
  #define LED         PIN_PA7
  #define LED         9                                 //Brandock: Moteinos, for example use 9, similar to emonBase firmware. Moteino MEGAs have LEDs on D15

const byte LEDpin               = LED;                                   // emonPi LED - on when HIGH.  

// Use D5 for ISR timimg checks - only if Pi is not connected!


* SETUP        Set up & start the radio
void setup() 
  // Set I/O pins, print initial message, read configuration from EEPROM
  pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);

  Serial.print(F("|emonBase_rfm69pi_LPL V")); Serial.write(firmware_version);
  load_config();                                                      // Load RF config from EEPROM (if any exists)

#ifdef SAMPPIN
  digitalWrite(SAMPPIN, LOW);


//Brandock: set the pins for the SPI MUX of the non-ATMEGA328 MCUs before initializing the radio.
#ifdef __AVR_ATtinyX4__

#ifdef __AVR_DB__
  #ifdef DEFAULT_28PIN_PINOUT                          //Use this to detect the 28-pin part
   //radio.setPins(PIN_PA7,PIN_PA4,PIN_PA5,PIN_PA6);   //SP0 MUX on AVR128DB28 
   radio.setPins(PIN_PC3,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);     //SPI1 MUX on AVR128DB28
   radio.setPins(PIN_PB5,PIN_PC0,PIN_PC1,PIN_PC2);     //SPI MUX used by emonTxV4 with AVR128DB48


  //rf.init(EEProm.nodeID, EEProm.networkGroup, 
  //             EEProm.RF_freq == RFM_915MHZ ? 915                      // Fall through to 433 MHz Band @ 434 MHz
  //          : (EEProm.RF_freq == RFM_868MHZ ? 868 : 434)); 
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

* LOOP         Poll the radio for incoming data, and the serial input for calibration & outgoing r.f. data 

void loop()             
// RF Data handler - inbound ****************************************************************************************************************

  if (radio.receiveDone())
    Serial.print(F(" "));
    Serial.print(radio.SENDERID, DEC);
    Serial.print(F(" "));
    for (byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++) {
      Serial.print(F(" "));
// RF Data handler - outbound ***************************************************************************************************************

	if ((EEProm.rfOn & RFTX) && outmsgLength) {                          // if command 'outmsg' is waiting to be sent then let's send it
    showString(PSTR(" -> "));
    Serial.print((word) outmsgLength);
    showString(PSTR(" b\n"));
    radio.send(0, (void *)outmsg, outmsgLength);                          //  void RF69<SPI>::send (uint8_t header, const void* ptr
    outmsgLength = 0;

// Calibration Data handler *****************************************************************************************************************

  if (Serial.available())                                              // Serial input from RPi for configuration/calibration
    getCalibration();                                                  // If serial input is received from RPi
    if (rfChanged)
      //rf.init(EEProm.nodeID, EEProm.networkGroup,                      // Reset the RFM69CW if NodeID, Group or frequency has changed.
      //      EEProm.RF_freq == RFM_915MHZ ? 915 : (EEProm.RF_freq == RFM_868MHZ ? 868 : 434)); 
      rfChanged = false;


// LED flash
void single_LED_flash(void)
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);  delay(30); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

void double_LED_flash(void)
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);  delay(20); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW); delay(60); 
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);  delay(20); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

Thanks @brandock much appreciated, that looks great and glad it can open up wider support such as the TinyTx devices. I’ve merged the pull request.

1 Like

I created an emonBase_rfm69pi_LPL firmware sketch specifically for the original ATtiny84-based RFM2Pi. That RFM2Pi used a different serial MUX than ATTinyCore assumes, so this firmware sketch uses SoftwareSerial. (The example I posted above uses the native ATTinyCore serial implementation.)

It is a good topic unto itself, and I have some thoughts and questions about it. So I created a topic and posted the new code.
RFM69_LPL firmware for the original RFM2Pi with ATtiny84 - Emoncms - OpenEnergyMonitor Community

I finished creating a TinyTx firmware sketch for RFM69_LPL. I posted it in a topic, because I have some questions specific to that project.

RFM69_LPL firmware for Nathan Chantrell’s TinyTx with ATtiny84 - Emoncms - OpenEnergyMonitor Community