RFM69_LPL firmware for the original RFM2Pi with ATtiny84

The original RFM12Pi board was a hand-solderable kit with ATtiny84 microcontroller. The firmware used the Jeelib radio library and was compiled with arduino-tiny core.

Flash forward to 2023 and OpenEnergyMonitor’s new continuous monitoring modules use the RF69 library from Felix Rusu of LowPowerLab. Spence Konde has developed the modern DxCore and ATTinyCore board managers for Arduino IDE. DxCore is used to compile the firmware for the latest AVR-DB-based emonTx v4. RFM69_LPL can be used with Spence Konde’s ATTinyCore to compile firmware for ATtiny84+RFM69CW boards such as an original RFM2Pi.

I created working firmware for RFM2Pi with ATtiny84 and RFM69CW (based on the emonBase_rfm69pi_LPL firmware).


For GitHub people, I posted it here:

For non-GitHub people, here is the code.

/*  Brandock (Brandon Baldock) 2023
 *  This is the 2022 LPL-based RFM69Pi firmware from Open Energy Monitor modified to run on the original ATtiny84-based RFM2Pi. 
 *  https://github.com/openenergymonitor/RFM2Pi/blob/master/docs/rfm12pi_v1.md
 *  The code is designed to compile with Spence Konde's ATTinyCore for Arduino IDE. The "PIN_PA2" style of designating pins is used.
 *  Thus "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" pin mapping should not be an issue. Either board setting in Tools should work.
 *  The RFM69_LPL.h library is needed. https://github.com/openenergymonitor/RFM69_LPL
 *  It is a cut-down version of the LowPowerLab RF69 library, modified to work with AVR-DB and ATtiny84.
 *  Some of the user menu functions have been removed to save space in memory: list config (the terse version), 
 *  set RF band and transmit power, and radio transmit OFF.
 *  Saving and loading settings to EEPROM can be disabled to save even more space by commenting out "#define useEEPROM".
 *  Without these EEPROM functions the sketch uses 66% of program storage spaces (5432/8192 bytes), 59% of dynamic memory (303/512 bytes). 
 *  With the EEPROM functions the sketch uses 91% of program storage space (7498/8192 bytes), 75% of dynamic memory (387/512 bytes).
 *  The sketch seems to be stable with the EEPROM functions enabled, so they are enabled by default.
 *  SoftwareSerial is used because the RFM2Pi board routes serial through PA3 and PA7, not the ATTinyCore-defined serial pins.
 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  rfm2Pi v1 (ATtiny84) by OpenEnergyMonitor Pin Diagram
 *                         +-\/-+
 *                   VCC  1|    |14  GND
 *             (10)  PB0  2|    |13  PA0  ( 0)  
 *       SEL   ( 9)  PB1  3|    |12  PA1  ( 1)  
 *             (11)  PB3  4|    |11  PA2  ( 2)  LED
 *       IRQ   ( 8)  PB2  5|    |10  PA3  ( 3)  RX
 *        TX   ( 7)  PA7  6|    |9   PA4  ( 4)  SCK
 *      MISO   ( 6)  PA6  7|    |8   PA5  ( 5)  MOSI
 *                         +----+
 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  emonBase rfm69pi LowPowerLabs radio format
  Part of the openenergymonitor.org project

  Authors: Glyn Hudson, Trystan Lea & Robert Wall
  Builds upon JCW JeeLabs RF69 Driver and Arduino

  Licence: GNU GPL V3

Change Log:
const char *firmware_version = {"1.0.0\n\r"};

*                                                                                           *
*                                  IMPORTANT NOTE                                           *
*                                                                                           *
* When compiling for the RFM2Pi:                                                            * 
*  In IDE, set Board to "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini" & Processor to "ATmega328P (3.3V, 8MHz)"  *
* When compiling for the RFM69Pi:                                                           *
*  In IDE, set Board to "Arduino Uno"                                                       *
*                                                                                           *
* The output file used must NOT be the "with_bootloader" version, else the processor will   *
*  be locked.                                                                               *

#define useEEPROM           //comment this out to save memory space by disabling load/save settings from EEPROM

#ifdef useEEPROM
  #include <emonEProm.h>
// OEM EPROM library

#include <RFM69_LPL.h>      //https://github.com/openenergymonitor/RFM69_LPL
RFM69 radio;

#define MAXMSG 66                                                      // Max length of o/g message
char outmsg[MAXMSG];                                                   // outgoing message (to emonGLCD etc)
byte outmsgLength;                                                     // length of message: non-zero length triggers transmission

bool verbose = true;

struct {                                                               // Ancilliary information
  byte srcNode = 0;
  byte msgLength = 0;
  signed char rssi = -127;
  bool crc = false;
} rfInfo;

bool rfChanged = false;                                                // marker to re-initialise radio
#define RFTX 0x01                                                      // Control of RFM - transmit enabled

void single_LED_flash(void);
void double_LED_flash(void);
void getCalibration(void);
static void showString (PGM_P s);

//---------------------------- Serial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define rxPin PIN_PA3
#define txPin PIN_PA7

SoftwareSerial mySerial(rxPin, txPin);

#define SERIAL_BAUD 38400

const unsigned long BAUD_RATE   = SERIAL_BAUD;          

//---------------------------- Settings  ------------------------------------------------
struct {
  byte RF_freq = RF69_433MHZ;                           // Frequency of radio module can be RFM_433MHZ, RFM_868MHZ or RFM_915MHZ. 
  byte rfPower = 25;                                    // Power when transmitting
  byte networkGroup = 210;                              // wireless network group, must be the same as emonBase / emonPi and emonGLCD. OEM default is 210
  byte  nodeID = 5;                                     // node ID for this emonBase.
} Settings;

uint16_t eepromSig = 0x0017;                            // oemEProm signature - see oemEEProm Library documentation for details.

//--------------------------- LED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define LED         PIN_PA2

const byte LEDpin               = LED;                                   // LED - on when HIGH.  


* SETUP        Set up & start the radio
void setup() 
  // Set I/O pins, print initial message
  pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);

  mySerial.print(F("|emonBase_rfm69pi_LPL V")); mySerial.write(firmware_version);
#ifdef useEEPROM
  load_config();                                                      // Load RF config from EEPROM (if any exists)



  digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

* LOOP         Poll the radio for incoming data, and the serial input for calibration & outgoing r.f. data 

void loop()             
// RF Data handler - inbound ****************************************************************************************************************

  if (radio.receiveDone())
    mySerial.print(F(" "));
    mySerial.print(radio.SENDERID, DEC);
    mySerial.print(F(" "));
    for (byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++) {
      mySerial.print(F(" "));
// RF Data handler - outbound ***************************************************************************************************************

	if (outmsgLength) {                          // if command 'outmsg' is waiting to be sent then let's send it
    showString(PSTR(" -> "));
    mySerial.print((word) outmsgLength);
    showString(PSTR(" b\n"));
    radio.send(0, (void *)outmsg, outmsgLength);                          //  void RF69<SPI>::send (uint8_t header, const void* ptr
    outmsgLength = 0;

// Calibration Data handler *****************************************************************************************************************

  if (mySerial.available())                                              // Serial input from RPi for configuration/calibration
    getCalibration();                                                  // If serial input is received from RPi
    if (rfChanged)
      //rf.init(Settings.nodeID, Settings.networkGroup,                      // Reset the RFM69CW if NodeID, Group or frequency has changed.
      //      Settings.RF_freq == RFM_915MHZ ? 915 : (Settings.RF_freq == RFM_868MHZ ? 868 : 434)); 
      rfChanged = false;


// LED flash
void single_LED_flash(void)
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);  delay(30); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

void double_LED_flash(void)
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);  delay(20); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW); delay(60); 
  digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);  delay(20); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

You’ll also need the modified config code.

Configuration functions

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#ifdef useEEPROM
 // Available Serial Commands
const PROGMEM char helpText1[] =                                
"|Available commands:\n"
"| l\t\t- list config\n"
"| s\t\t- save to EEPROM\n"
"| v\t\t- show version\n"
"| V<n>\t\t- verbose mode, 1 = ON, 0 = OFF\n"
"| g<nnn>\t- set Group (OEM default = 210)\n"
"| n<nn>\t\t- set node ID (1..60)\n"
"| T<ccc>\\n\t- transmit a string.\n"  
"| ?\t\t- show this again\n|"
 // Available Serial Commands
const PROGMEM char helpText1[] =                                
"|Available commands:\n"
"| l\t\t- list config\n"
"| v\t\t- show version\n"
"| V<n>\t\t- verbose mode, 1 = ON, 0 = OFF\n"
"| g<nnn>\t- set Group (OEM default = 210)\n"
"| n<nn>\t\t- set node ID (1..60)\n"
"| T<ccc>\\n\t- transmit a string.\n"  
"| ?\t\t- show this again\n|"

#define SERIAL_LOCK 2000                                               // Lockout period (ms) after 'old-style' config command

#ifdef useEEPROM
static void load_config(void)
  eepromRead(eepromSig, (byte *)&Settings);

static void save_config()
  eepromWrite(eepromSig, (byte *)&Settings, sizeof(Settings));
  if (verbose)
    Serial.println(F("\r\n|Config saved\r\n|"));

static void list_calibration(void)
  mySerial.print(F("|RF Band: "));
  if (Settings.RF_freq == RF69_433MHZ) mySerial.println(F("433MHz"));
  if (Settings.RF_freq == RF69_868MHZ) mySerial.println(F("868MHz"));
  if (Settings.RF_freq == RF69_915MHZ) mySerial.println(F("915MHz")); 
  mySerial.print(F("|Power: "));mySerial.print(Settings.rfPower - 18);mySerial.println(F(" dBm"));
  mySerial.print(F("|Group: ")); mySerial.println(Settings.networkGroup);
  mySerial.print(F("|Node ID: ")); mySerial.println(Settings.nodeID);

void getCalibration(void)
 * Reads calibration information (if available) from the serial port at runtime. 
 * Data is expected generally in the format
 *  [l] [x] [y] [z]
 * where:
 *  [l] = a single letter denoting the variable to adjust
 *  [x] [y] [z] are values to be set.
 *  see the user instruction above, the comments below or the separate documentation for details

	if (mySerial.available())
    char c = mySerial.peek();
    char* msg;
    if (!lockout(c))
      switch (c) {
        case 'g':  // set network group
          Settings.networkGroup = mySerial.parseInt();
          if (verbose)
            mySerial.print(F("|Group ")); mySerial.println(Settings.networkGroup);
          rfChanged = true;
        case 'l':
          list_calibration(); // report calibration values to emonHub (terse)
        case 'n':           
        case 'i':  //  Set NodeID - range expected: 1 - 60
          Settings.nodeID = mySerial.parseInt();
          Settings.nodeID = constrain(Settings.nodeID, 1, 63);
          if (verbose)
            mySerial.print(F("|Node ")); mySerial.println(Settings.nodeID);
          rfChanged = true;

#ifdef useEEPROM
        case 's' :
          save_config(); // Save to EEPROM. ATMega328p has 1kB  EEPROM

        case 'T': // write alpha-numeric string to be transmitted.
          msg = outmsg;
            char c = 0;
            byte len = 0;
            mySerial.read();  // discard 'w'
            while (c != '\n' && len < MAXMSG)
              c = mySerial.read();
              if (c > 31 && c < 127)
                *msg++ = c;
            outmsgLength = len;
        case 'v': // print firmware version
          mySerial.print(F("|emonPi CM V")); mySerial.write(firmware_version);

        case 'V': // Verbose mode
          * Format expected: V0 | V1
          verbose = (bool)mySerial.parseInt();    
          mySerial.print(F("|Verbose mode "));mySerial.println(verbose?F("on"):F("off"));

        case '?':  // show Help text        

      // flush the input buffer
      while (mySerial.available())

bool lockout(char c)
  static bool locked = false;
  static unsigned long locktime;
  if (c > 47 && c < 58)                                                // lock out old 'Reverse Polish' format: numbers first.
    locked = true;
    locktime = millis();
    while (mySerial.available())
  else if ((millis() - locktime) > SERIAL_LOCK)
    locked = false;
  return locked;
static byte bandToFreq (byte band) {
  return band == 4 ? RF69_433MHZ : band == 8 ? RF69_868MHZ : band == 9 ? RF69_915MHZ : 0;

static void showString (PGM_P s) 
  for (;;) 
    char c = pgm_read_byte(s++);
    if (c == 0)
    if (c == '\n')

byte c2h(byte b)
  if (b > 47 && b < 58) 
    return b - 48;
  else if (b > 64 && b < 71) 
    return b - 55;
  else if (b > 96 && b < 103) 
    return b - 87;
  return 0;

One question I have: would this work with the actual RFM12B radio, or is the RFM69CW needed? I don’t have the RFM12B radios to test with.