OpenEnergyMonitor development (updated Oct 28th)

The following is a rough outline of the main items on our development plan in the coming months/year. Not in any particular order. This is a working document, to be added to and amended over time, please feel free to add suggestions or comments relating to these in the development discussion thread here or in separate linked threads if easier to keep discussion on topic.

High level goals

  • Accuracy: It’s important that there is a sizeable subset of systems on that meet the highest levels of metering accuracy. This provides confidence in data and enables better data analysis and comparison with other trial data. While a majority of systems do have MID metering, it’s still important to measure, flag and understand metering errors (e.g ultrasonic air errors, temperature sensor placement related errors, sontex dirt under-reads).

    Progress is being made on these, e.g default view is MID metering, air error is now flagged, measured and available on system list. We have a manual data issue flag and note that can be added to systems. Errors detection needs to be moved as much as possible from manual to automated as manual flags can easily become out of date as issues are fixed. Metering issues can also change over time, develop again e.g after further air is introduced.

    Not all systems on need to meet the highest standard as there’s a lot of value in sharing data across a wider range. Default view is currently MID metering, but systems with other and heatpump integration can be easily selected for wider interest.

  • Reporting & Analysis: Previous trials have often reported disappointing low average performance results for heat pumps in the UK. Systems on are achieving much better results. How can we help share learning from these systems to lift average performance on installations across the board? While the theory of better system design is relatively straight forward, lower flow temperatures, better control, better sizing of the heat pump, pipework, heat emitters, avoiding distortion in buffers etc. What insights can we glean from the monitoring data that can feed back into design standards and processes to ensure that these results are more typical?

Specific features

  • Integrate the MyHeatpump app directly in replacing the current stats overview on the system/view page.
    • Implement in such a way that changes to the emoncms app are easily transferred and vice versa.
    • This makes it easier to provide dashboard access without sharing the read apikey for the emoncms user.
    • Potentially allows more more control of what data is shared publicly.
  • Develop reporting and analysis of results including e.g oversizing analysis, flow temperature vs SCOP analysis.
  • Review % carnot / simulated heat algorithm, analyse why we see such a wide variance in % carnot across systems.
  • Total cost of ownership? Can we develop some example calculations and case studies on this topic.

Emoncms MyHeatpump app

  • v2.9.x refinements (topic: Emoncms app module v2.9.x (database upgrade required))
    • CSV export options
    • More detailed stats section relating to the daily data.
    • Option to show average indoor temperature and other stats on the daily view
    • Use of the pre-processed daily stats for the power view when you zoom out to keep the figures on that page accurate as you zoom out.
    • Option to select particular years for full year stats
    • Data error identification and alerts:
      • Close to zero DT between flow and return when there is significant electricity consumption, heat meter issue.
      • DT between flow and return when there is flow rate and compressor is off, temperature sensor calibration/positioning issue.

  • Server upgrades to larger disk capacity servers.
  • Simplify options for down sampling of feed data that does not need to be recorded as high resolution. E.g kWh data could be down sampled from 10s to 30mins in many cases.
  • Implement subscription billing rather than convoluted shop top up credit.
  • Improve account and billing emails, feedback very welcome on this and subscription options.
  • Investigate pricing based on feed interval, it’s disk space that ends up being the main cost driver and pricing could reflect this, although keeping billing simple is also important.


  • Feed inactive notification
  • Device module option to import/export devices via json, this mechanism could then be used by the sync module to make it easier to replicate accounts.


Please see: Thanks to @awjlogan!

emonVs mini

A lower cost single phase voltage sensor option, with separate power supply. Updated for the emonPi2/Tx5.


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: OpenEnergyMonitor development plan discussion

2 posts were split to a new topic: Smart meter Randomised Tariff Offset

Discussion thread

Please see OpenEnergyMonitor development plan discussion thread for discussion and feature requests related to the above.

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Change log

Further posts on this thread will be brief change log updates - to make it easier to find what has changed and when. Links will be provided to more detailed topics on changes where applicable.

Track on GitHub: While we will try to note the main changes in this thread for ease of reference and to summarise developments into more specific features, it is also possible to track development by looking at commit history across OpenEnergyMonitor GitHub repositories. See:

Change log September 12th onwards:

Emoncms MyHeatpump App

  • September 12th: Default view is now last 365 days, use of term SPF rather than SCOP more consistently. Buttons to switch period.

  • September 22nd: Authentication mechanism to allow rebuilding of daily stats from Support for air error & cooling stats available from the app.

  • September 24th: New chart tool for system list

  • September 26th: Removed form questions to enter tariff information as we are now automatically calculating tariff costs based on a range of tariffs. Removed EPC form questions. Heat meter integrations separated out from other metering. kWh electric consumed during air error periods mapped across from emoncms app.

  • September 27th: Custom field configurations are now saved in the URL to make it easier to reload and share particular views.

  • October 1st: Further url parameters support on system list, e.g all systems with flagged errors + error_air time and kWh,error_air

  • October 2nd/3rd: Disable registering an account without an login, progress towards using for all system data. Some accounts mirrored. New option to select heat pump dashboard rather than needing to enter URL manually: New app selector.

  • October 3rd/4th: Improvements to form to provide a simpler and more detailed option, plus rules as to when particular fields are shown. Covered partly in, adding a system, New app selector.

  • October 5th: Record weighted average flow - outside temperature as a database field (commit, Forum post).

  • October 7th: Improve feedback on what is and is not included in monitoring boundary for each system (commit, Forum post)

  • October 9th: Improvements to system list chart tool including colour coded fields.

  • October 19th: Coldest day measurements (commit, Forum post).