OpenEnergyMonitor development plan discussion

This is a thread for feature requests and discussion relating to the rough development plan and change log available on the thread here: OpenEnergyMonitor development (updated Oct 28th).

Summary of feature request / ideas discussed below:

  • Means of aggregating data down to max, min, average, rolling figures @borpin
  • Automatic trimming of feeds @borpin
  • Refining github issues @borpin
  • Enhanced access permissions, user roles @grod55 (Trystan: unlikely to expand this to node level due to complexity but user account level administration improvements definetly welcome).
  • Configurable alerts, feed above/below value etc @grod55
  • DHW tank temperature as an input on heat pump app @Andre_K
  • Ability to add timestamp based notes to myheatpump dashboard graphs @ajdunlop
  • Additional COP grouping: Full window - DHW.
  • Show an average system on the system list @mortstar
  • Show location / make model at top of MyHeatpump dashboard @Lakee
  • Filter systems by country/region/county @Lakee

I agree, but I suspect the devil is in the detail. The alignment of the thirty minute intervals might need changing for example. The obvious alignment is with the half-hour periods of a smart meter, but these periods are not aligned with a clock (exactly on the half-hours). There is a noticeable random delay added in each meter, AIUI, so it might need adjusting to match reality. Deriving the kWh figures from the power might be one way to do this.

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This would be good. Can this go into emoncms rather than just cloud?

I’ve asked many times for a means of aggregating down. For instance, I have long-term temperature data that I’d like to reduce to Max/Min/Avg and also be able to get a rolling figure for week/month/year.

Did automated trimming of Feeds ever appear? A daily ‘trim’ would be useful.

Can refining all the very old issues in GitHub be added into the roadmap as well - perhaps even fix some :slight_smile: but at the very least just close as not happening.

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As discussed in past, I’d like to be able to assign access to nodes to individual users with permissions. Today a node is assigned to an account with either read, write, or disabled privileges. We have instances where some users only need read access to various nodes, whereas other users may require write access to the same nodes.

It would be helpful to have user permissions (or user roles) that are then granted access to various nodes. MongoDB’s Access Manager is a good example (substituted Node for Project).

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It would helpful to have configurable alerts such as inactive feed notification, or values above/below expected thresholds, to help identify issues in unattended locations.

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I’d love to get DHW tank temperature as input to the heatpump app, if only for display purposes.for now. It could down the road be useful to compare DHW performance better as charging offsets etc. could be automatically determined from the data.

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I am supportive of a subscription plan at a reasonable cost.

I will be interested in how you will handle the existing credits (we have a sizable balance and this was one of the appealing features of emonCMS - the more we buy from the shop, we get credits for emonCMS hosting).

Perhaps one way to keep purchases separate from subscription plans is to offer discounts on future purchases of gear from the shop vs subscription top up credits. The current emoncms subscription credit is 20% of the purchase invoice price. How about creating a shop voucher for future purchases?

Alternatively, provide tiered subscription rates based on the number of feeds. If I purchase more gear from the shop, I will create more feeds, so a discount for having more feeds is somewhat like the credits we get today.

Of course, all this depends on the subscription rates you plan to introduce. The current rate of 1GBP per year per feed is reasonable for a small number of feeds, but it gets expensive with larger numbers. With my credits and current number of feeds, I have covered over 5 years of emonCMS use. Changes to the current model will impact my budget going forward.

Thanks for your thoughts on this @grod55 the primary goal of subscription or scheduled payment, is to make it administratively easier for users. We don’t envisage any significant movement in overall account costs at this point, perhaps a slight change in distribution of cost if higher resolution feeds are more expensive than lower resolution feeds, but nothing finalised yet. Interestingly the £1/year per feed is now 20% cheaper than the £1/year per feed when billing started in 2018 due to inflation according to Inflation calculator | Bank of England.

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Thanks. I appreciate the insight and glad you have been able to maintain the 1GBP price. Also understand that some feeds are more expensive.

@djh interesting point about half hourly alignment, all the work I have done on half hourly has been aligned with the clock, I thought that would be a requirement to make half hourly settlement possible?

@borpin yes down sampling would be an emoncms core feature. Will consider min/max/mean when I look at this.

@grod55 I would like to do more work on the multi account management module but Im afraid per node user permissions is not a level were going to get into at least for the foreseeable future. Im aware this side of things can get complicated fast from previous attempts.

Alerts are a much needed feature!

@Andre_K +1 for tank temperature, though it needs sensor distance from top of the tank and distance from top of coil really to make comparisons between systems easier.

Yes, definitely. I have a sensor at the top and in the middle and look at both. Are those distance measurements in datasheets of the cylinders?

September 22nd amendments to development plan:

Heatpump app:

  • Add button to recalculate daily stats
  • Add immersion heater feed option - complete.

  • Expand account authentication to make write apikey available for backend processes such as rebuilding daily data stats - different mechanism implemented for now a master key specifically for the route cleardaily, as many systems were not associated with an user login specifically.
  • Implement mechanism for rebuilding daily stats for all accounts from -complete.
  • Forum post about mirroring self hosted systems on - self hosted systems
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Something else I’ve seen mentioned in the past is to add the ability to add notes.
This would be useful to show when something about the system, its settings or the building it’s heating happen. This would help explain changes in the performance of a system and help with those trying to keep track of tweaks they are making.


I’d like to see one additional COP button/grouping that is Full window - DHW. My rationale is that the “Space heating” looks only at times where the compressor is on and neglects periods where just the pumps are on when the heat pump is cycling. Taking this idea a bit further, maybe we could have an advanced view with check boxes on what to include in the shown stats. Something like

DHW CH Pump only Standby (pumps off)

Would then only include periods where the compressor is on for space heating and also the periods when the pumps are circulating the hot water between active cycles.

The existing buttons could just map to the appropriate selections of those check boxes, which would hence not impact usability for anyone that’s used to the way it currently works

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Edit: ignore was thinking this was hpm dev post

Idea for

Would it be possible to add an “average” for each column (where applicable)?

My usecase: SPF/SCOP is only part of the story, I often add other data such as electricity consumption, room temperature, etc. to get a fuller picture when comparing systems. It would be really useful to add a mean average row for those columns where it is applicable.

Alternatively adding additional detail to the “Totals” section for the added columns which would support average data.

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On each system’s dashboard view buy default it displays MY HEATPUMP at the top, this title can be edited by the user when configuring the app in Emoncms. However, would it be useful if this title by default displayed the heat pump make/model and location, like it dose on the system summary page. May be a useful identifier when comparing two or more systems side by side.


@Lakee yes agreed! I was thinking about just this the other day, Im thinking of introducing a way to link a dashboard to a heatpumpmonitor system, this could allow the dashboard to load this information from

This would be part of a ‘Share to’ button that would be available from the MyHeatpump app.


Also, how about being able to filter by country/region/county etc - nice to be able to compare local systems in similar climates, as this can have an impact on ASHP performance - I think that’s only possible at the moment if it’s part of the system’s location?

What about a ‘subjective’ evaluation of the location - exposed, sheltered, suburban, etc? This could have a significant effect, especially if the building’s insulation is not up to modern standards.

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