EmonTx4 firmware release 1.5.7 is now available. Providing improved temperature sensing support, mitigating most of the observed interference with electricity monitoring. The following posts discuss:
- The observed effect, comparing firmware versions up to 1.5.4 with 1.5.7.
- The mechanism behind the error.
- The improved implementation in firmware version 1.5.7, which based on modelling of the code, reduces the introduced error to ~0.04% with 3 temperature sensors or 0.07% with 6 temperature sensors.
- Plans to improve the implementation further with future hardware.
Version 1.5.7 of the EmonTx4 firmware is now available via the emonPi/base firmware updater tool or if you prefer to compile and upload yourself the firmware can be downloaded here: emontx4/firmware at main Ā· openenergymonitor/emontx4 Ā· GitHub
Make sure to either run a full emonPi / emonBase update before uploading the firmware, or using the emoncms > admin > components update tool, update EmonScripts.
Part 1: The observed effect
When I first ported the emonTx3 continuous sampling firmware using @Robert.Wallās emonLibCM library to the emonTx4, I was unaware that temperature sensing with DS18B20 temperature sensors would interfere with the continuous sampling electricity monitoring firmware in a small but noticeable way. I noted the effect in the emonTx4 documentation earlier this year here: https://docs.openenergymonitor.org/emontx4/other_sensors.html.
Example of impact on measurements with the original implementation (EmonTx4 firmware versions up to and including 1.5.4, with 3x temperature sensors connected)
In this example I have an emonTx4 with 3x DS18B20 temperature sensors connected and 3 CT sensors, plugged into CH1, CH3 & CH5. The load is a 3kW heater. CH2, CH4 & CH6 do not have CT sensors connected, yet they are registering up to 4W of consumption, a 0.13% error.
With no load, an error appears only on CT6, we can see here an error again of ~4W:
Example of measurements with improved implementation in the 1.5.7 firmware release:
As above, emonTx4 with 3x DS18B20 temperature sensors connected and 3 CT sensors, plugged into CH1, CH3 & CH5. The load is a 3kW heater. CH2, CH4 & CH6 do not have CT sensors connected. They are now registering 0W correctly.
With no load, CT6 is also showing 0W correctly:
I will dive into the mechanism behind the error in the next post.