Vaillant eBUS hardware adapter (ebusd software) Thread

Have you restarted your ebus adapter & ebusd already? For me, I intermittently lose signal as well and have to reset.

I did reset the controller a few days ago, which also reset the eBus since itā€™s powered off a usb which is powered from the same AC source. On the basis that all of the other info is flowing fine, I cannot see how the eBus can be at fault.

What does ebusctl info tell you? Does it detect basv and assigns the proper csv?

Hereā€™s what I get

root@60b0b2bd8881:/# ebusctl info
version: ebusd
update check: OK, device firmware 1[4c0f] available, broadcast.csv: different version available, memory.csv: different version available, vaillant/08.hmu.csv: different version available, vaillant/15.basv.csv: different version available, vaillant/broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/ different version available, vaillant/general.csv: different version available, vaillant/ different version available
device:, TCP, enhanced, firmware 1.1[4a1b].1[4a1b]
access: *
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 61
max symbol rate: 172
min arbitration micros: 1
max arbitration micros: 211
min symbol latency: 3
max symbol latency: 49
scan: finished
reconnects: 0
masters: 5
messages: 800
conditional: 0
poll: 525
update: 18
address 00: master #1
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=HMU00;SW=0902;HW=5103", loaded "vaillant/08.hmu.csv"
address 10: master #2
address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BASV3;SW=0760;HW=7304", loaded "vaillant/15.basv.csv"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd
address 71: master #9
address 76: slave #9, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=VWZIO;SW=0202;HW=0103", loaded "vaillant/76.vwzio.csv"

What have you got in your filter-name? Are you letting everything through?

mick@ebusd:/etc $ cat /etc/ebusd/mqtt-hassio.cfg | grep filter-name

filter-name = status|temp|humidity|yield|count|energy|power|runtime|hours|starts|mode|curve|^load$|^party$|sensor|timer|cop|compressor|through|pressure|integral

You have to be quite explicit to get the fields you want through to Home Assistant.

I have the filter-name line # hashed out. In doing so, I thought that this then pulls everything ???

Nothing has changed in my setup since late October, so I cannot understand as to why I am suddenly having issues

Hi all,

A newbie ebus user hereā€¦

I have an Vaillant Ecotec Plus 837 combi boiler that I am trying to connect to an ebus Adapter ( EBUS to WiFi Adapter Module V6.3. Unfortunately the adapter is reporting no ebus signal.

I have checked (and replaced the wiring). I have also tried another shield/adapter - but unfortunately it is still stating no ebus signal.

Has anyone managed to get this boiler working with this adapter?


Hi Jason and a warm welcome to the forum!

Looks like this one needs some sort of manual ebus voltage level adjustment via the web interface. Did you do that?

Hi there,

Thanks for the quick reply. You are correct a voltage correction is required. There is a jumper that needs to be removed.

The documentation and firmware is not very good for this product.

I have managed to get it working :+1:

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Great you got it working. @Nick_Kitson, @championc - hereā€™s some evidence the device appears working, albeit with poor documentation.

Mine is on an AroTherm A2W Heatpump. I have all data except from ā€œbasvā€. I am using the john30 dongle.

And the only other information I am looking for is as to whether you can somewhere get the daily power consumed.

Indeed, canā€™t find it neither but I see sensor.ebusd_b7v_ebusd_b7v_prenergysumhcthismonth_energy4 increment each day by the power consumed of the previous day

Good morning,

first of all merry Christmas to everyone:).
I am new to this forum and the ebusd stuff but I have already installed a ebusd shield v5 and connected it with an Ethernet cable.
My heating system consists of a Vaillant arotherm plus VWL 55/6 A, a SensoComfort VRC 720/2, the hydraulic station VWZ MEH 97/6 and warm water tank with a volume of 300 litre.
The adapter is reachable and says ebus signal acquire.
So what I need to do next is to install ebusd on my pi5.
For that I have some questions:).

1.) Does anyone know what happens to the Vaillant guarantee if you install / run the ebusd adapter?

2.) I have read in another forum that the adapter also can potentially harm the installation. In that case the owner realized that his house is not becoming warm anymore and when he checked on the display of the hydraulic station it said ā€œconnection errorā€. He could only fix it by shutting off the adapter and reset the station. The concerning part is that he does not know how long this communication error existed and that the heating system was turned off completely during that time. So the sensor for the outside temperature also didnā€™t give any information to the heat pump and no defrosting took place. I guess Vaillant wouldnā€™t do anything if something like that damages the heating pump.
Did someone of you had a similar behavior? Is there something you could do to at least get an information immediately if there is a communication error or something similar which turned the system off?
Important to mention is that during this communication error the adapter didnā€™t give any information at all and even after the reset he couldnā€™t get the adapter to work again. So he is quite sure that the whole incident was caused by the broken adapter.

3.) I am still struggling with the starting parameters string I have to give the ebusd installation. How do I find out what parameters I have to put there exactly? Do I have to store the csvs locally or could I just use the link location of the git hub? This way I would always have the most recent csvs automatically right?
Or isnā€™t that recommended?


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Hello. Another new follower here and looking for a bit of directions please, especially after just reading ā€˜Justkiddingā€™ post above.
I am looking for the most appropriate CSV to load onto my Pi + c6 shield (when it arrives) to monitor my Vaillant Geotherm 101/2 GSHP.
I have looked through the library of Vaillant CSV on Github, but could see nothing obvious.
I am running HA, which has done a great job so far of auto discovering my home devices.

Had anyone worked out how to read/write noise reduction % via ebusd? Iā€™m not seeing it in the csvā€™s my ebusd auto-configured.

No, only the timers ebusd-configuration/ebusd-2.1.x/en/vaillant/15.700.csv at master Ā· john30/ebusd-configuration Ā· GitHub

Iā€™m searching for the Bivalence / Trivai options and read ( and write for bivalence)

Does anyone know if the separate pump speed options are available via ebus?

conf build DHW
conf build heat?

And I think thereā€™s a conf build cooling too.

available options via the heat pump interface are 50% to 100% or Auto.