If anyone tries this let me know how you get on. I’ve tried finding the noise reduction configuration, but no luck yet…
Worth reaching out on the git conversation?
I’ve also been struggling to get the contents of the basv file (Amongst other things!)
In my case I had the error:
main error] error reading scan config file vaillant/15.basv.csv for ID “basv3”, SW0760, HW7304: ERR: end of input reached, vaillant/15.basv.csv:1: ERR: end of input reached, missing message type/name/pbsb
I’ve just copied the contents of 15.700.csv into 15.basv.csv and am now receiving the basv data.
Previously the 15.basv.csv file just had an entry of ‘15.700.csv’.
The same applies to the 76.vwzio.csv file (Copy 76.vwz.csv)
exactly the same my side , I had to copy the all content to the related CSV, the “routing” not working
BTW, for my boiler behind the VR32 (sorry to keep that) , I finally manage to catch it, I saw an error on scan 15 and V32 not being decoded, so I just renamed the 08.bai.csv ( I know it’s for the boiler ) to 15.V32.csv and it works perfect now !
Hello everyone,
I am experiencing issues with some outputs that are now missing.
- Return
- Flow Rate
The hardware as follows
- eBUS Adapter Shield Interface v6 Wifi connected
- Vaillant ASHP 7Kw
- Home Assistant
- Core2025.1.4
- Supervisor2024.12.3
- Operating System14.2
- Frontend20250109.2
- eBUSd version: 24.1.1
And ive downloaded the lastest from :-
The mqtt-hassio.cfg.txt was from your feed back in Nov and rename mqtt-hassio.cfg
Could anyone who has a working configuration with all the parameters I require to get Emons back working properly?
Thank you to [Andre_K] for the solution
I think most of us are using this fork, which has all values working, at least for me: GitHub - jonesPD/ebusd-configuration: ebusd configuration files
thanks, It’s working correctly now