Well anything connected to the same Wago is connected together, so if you get your cables into the Wagos middle or right receptacles in addition to the existing cables it should work. It’s just not good practice to have multiple cables in one receptacle as it’s mechanically not as stable. It’s not 230V, but still I would exchange those for 5-way Wagos in the long run.
Not trying to split hairs, but there is a difference between wire and cable.
Thanks. I was struggling with the correct terms, nice explanation.
Every day is a school day!
OK so I have the eBUS shield connected up and eBUSd is running in Home Assistant. I’m getting this back in the eBUSd log:
2024-12-14 13:15:48.908 [device notice] transport opened
2024-12-14 13:15:48.909 [main notice] ebusd 24.1.p20241110 started with broadcast scan on device:, TCP, enhanced
2024-12-14 13:15:48.910 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2024-12-14 13:15:48.910 [mqtt notice] connection established
2024-12-14 13:15:48.911 [device notice] reset, supports info
2024-12-14 13:15:48.913 [device notice] extra info: firmware 1.1[4a1b].1[4a1b], jumpers 0x0b
Interestingly on the eBUS adapter easi> page it says:
ebusd connected: yes (inactive)
eBUS signal: no signal
Maybe the wires are the wrong way round?
Hm, I don’t think it should matter, but maybe you can swap them. Could also be a connection problem. Do you have a multimeter to see whether you can measure a voltage at the screw terminals of the ebus shield where you connected the wires? Did you try rebooting the adapter & are you on the latest firmware?
Yeah I’ve got the latest firmware and have done a reboot. The green light is on the adapter and a blue light pulses now and again. I don’t have a multimeter sadly.
It looks like the Home Assistant add-on is running eBUSd 23.2.6. Maybe that’s the problem.
All of the other BUS connections are working - sensoComfort, heat pump and the gateway.
I think the issue is that the adapter does not acquire the signal, which is independent of the ebusd version. This is a screenshot of my status.
Should the signal be acquired regardless of setup then?
I just tried it - yes, the signal should always be acquired whether or not ebusd is connected. This sounds like a physical connection problem.
I’ve got it working! It was a connection issue. The sensors have been auto-detected in Home Assistant too.
I tried adding --readonly as a command line option but got ‘invalid argument’ back.
Edit: Ah, it looks like the config files are read-only by default which is good!
Great! How do you chose which config files to use in the HA addon? Are you on the jonesPD branch?
I cloned the jonesPD ebusd-configuration repo and then specified that in the add-on. I have a lot of sensors with Unknown. I’m using your mqtt-config file from above. Can I exclude these?
What do you mean by exclude? I’m just logging the ones I need from all the ones ebusd provides.
There are loads of sensors that are Unknown so I’d rather not try and poll them, but I guess if I remove --pollinterval from the eBUSd command, then I can just choose the poll the ones I’m interested in, right?
I’ve noticed a Heating compressor: blocked message and then Heating compressor: shutdown. The fan on the ASHP completely stopped. I wonder if I’m having the same issue that you had?
Does removing ‘poll interval’ from the HA add-on fix this?
My config:
scanconfig: true
loglevel_all: notice
mqtttopic: ebusd
mqttint: /config/ebusd/mqtt-hassio.cfg
mqttjson: true
network_device: ens:
accesslevel: "*"
http: true
configpath: /config/ebusd-configuration/ebusd-2.1.x/en
latency: 10
Sorry for the multiple posts! I’ve just gone through the thread to work out what I need to do to fix the heat pump shutting down due to too much polling. I’ve set filter-seen=1 but I’ve noticed quite a few sensors auto updating. I’ve removed --pollinterval from the ebusd command. Surely it shouldn’t poll unless I manually poll a sensor?
Are you sure this is an irregular shutdown? It’s normal to see the shutdown status at the end of a cycle.
You could be right, I was concerned by the fact it reported the compressor was blocked and I read above people had issues with cycling/DHW cycles. I’ve set filter-seen to 1 anyway and am polling only the sensors I need every 10s. Let’s see what happens.
Compressor blocked is also a normal operation stage after a cycle, so everything might be ok.