I’ve just had a look and as expected, a cable comes in from the controller - there are two wagos, presumably one for the heat pump and one for the gateway?
It is a 2-wire bus so you’ll need a 2-wire cable. The cable coming from the controller should have two wires, each going into one Wago. You will attach the ebusd adapter cable wires to these two. Polarity does not matter.
To poll the ebusd, I used node-red, but could I do anything in HA instead ? Could code be added to the HA configuration.yaml file to achieve the same thing ?
You can send MQTT messages in HA, so an automation to regularly send the polling messages would work.
Has anybody any experience of EBUS to WiFi Adapter Module V6.3 ?
Despite the v5-2 in the link, the page lists it as v6.3. Different designer to the v5 and C6 models from the company ebusd but it is ebus line powered which makes installation simpler.
Wow, eBus powered is a big plus now. I got a usb brick and hid it inside my controller, but I would almost go and buy one of these now
Do we know whether power draw over ebus is within the spec? As nice as it is, I would value reliability and safety for the heat pump higher. The ebus shield is known to work reliably and while I’m sure this piece of hardware might work just as well, I personally would opt for the “tried & true” approach here.
Am I alone in having issues extracting the temperatures (Room and Outside). Was ok until a few days ago, when updates started to look very infrequent, and now nothing all day today.
I checked the sensoComfort and it has both no problem (although I couldn’t find where to find the signal strength details for the outdoor sensor)
Is there a particular method of shutting down the heat pump before flipping the breakers to add the eBUSd adapter?
I typically turn it off on the controller unit, wait for the pumps to shut down and then flip the breaker.
I’ve not had to actually shut it down yet haha! The adapter is on the way so I’ll get some 2 core cable and get prepared. I’ll probably do it at the warmest time of the day.
You’ll have it shut down for maybe 5 minutes tops if all is properly prepared. You probably won’t notice it, but better safe than sorry.
These are my BUS Wagos. The bottom cable is coming from the controller, so I guess one cable in with the brown cable on the first Wago and then another cable with the blue on the second?
If I connect the adapter to my BUS and power it on, it will just sit idle right? I’m in the process of installing the eBUSd addon in Home Assistant. Once I’ve set that up I should be able to connect to the adapter?
You connect the ebus cables to the adapter and then power it. It will create an open Wifi hotspot where you can configure it and connect to your local Wifi. It will then just sit idle awaiting connections. I cannot help on the home assistant part as my ebusd adapter connects via USB to an RPi with emoncms.
It’s looking a bit tight for space where the two cables come in currently on each Wago. I’m guessing it can’t go in the middle or the right as that’s not usually how Wagos work?
Are there three cables/Wago? If so, you can’t safely add a fourth. Each of the three receptacles should only get one cable. Either replace them with 5-way Wagos or add two more 3-ways to split it up.
Both Wagos have 2 cables on the left, 1 in the middle and 1 on the right. The cables coming in on the right come from the controller. The middle looks like it comes from the heat pump. The 2 on the left look like they go into the Gateway and SensoComfort.