Update to the iOS app

Ah ha right! So you are on a version that uses the newer code (11.0.7 is master at present - so very up-to-date).

What timezone is the emonpi on here? If you login to your emonpi and run timedatectl what does it say?

And what timezone is your iOS device on?

Here what you need

Well that’s confusing then. I was expecting to see something being a little different there and then it would explain things. I think I now need to dig a bit more into how emoncms on the API side is handling things.

Thanks for all the info - I’ll keep looking!

Thx for all :wink:
Hope you will find it :crossed_fingers:

Actually now I look back at this one - something seems weird here. That definitely seems wrong that the iOS app shows 6.25kWh there since the day just rolled over. Sorry I missed this one before.

What’s odd is the iOS app and web app both are doing things by asking the server for the daily data, via the same API. And it’s the server that decides what denotes the start of the day (timezone dependent - hence my questions about timezones).

But anyway - yes more to look into here!

Interesting how it works
Sorry but I can’t help you
But if you need more info or screenshot or test I’m here :wink:

1 Like

Hi any news / idea ?

I am still trying to figure it out unfortunately. I can’t understand what’s going on still. I’ve managed to find one problem, but that should only be affecting the bar chart and that’s why your bar chart goes a bit weird. It is because you don’t have full 2 weeks of data for that feed yet. Once you do, the bar chart would look fine.

I’d be curious though - do you now have 2 full weeks of data so the bar chart is full?

Thx for the effort and update
I delete feed data 5 days ago to try, after few update available for emoncms. But same problem
So only 5 bar on the chart

I delete feed data 5 days ago to try, after few update available for emoncms. But same problem
So only 5 bar on the chart

Yeh so if you deleted data and started a fresh feed 5 days ago then I’d expect the bar chart to be a bit messed up.

Do you have a kWh feed that has >14 days of data by any chance? Could you check if you still see the issues when you use that feed?

Sorry no other kWh feed available
We need to wait till more than 14gg, but when problem start there was lots of day… maybe 1 year

Look here

Why on emonpi local server Monday ( the first day) is not showed on the bar ?

Same on emoncms no starting monday and today is showing in emonpi and emoncms but not in iOS app

Interesting, glad I found this I have the same issue. My IOS apps show todays KWh usage and yesterdays in the total, I use the EMONCMS.ORG server which when accessed direct shows thew correct value of just today.

I do remember though this web interface also had the same issue on the web app and it was fixed on another thread.

Are you on 11.0.7 like me ?
Image emonpi 7/2021 ?
Just to help @mattjgalloway
And are you from UK ? ( if so… maybe not time zone problem…)

Yep good question. @Paul_Archer - what timezone is your iOS device on?

I do remember though this web interface also had the same issue on the web app and it was fixed on another thread.

That’s interesting. Do you happen to know where that was discussed?

Maybe @TrystanLea could help if he saw that problem solved somewhere :wink:
About web interface told by @Paul_Archer

@lord_valex OK I’m getting a little further with this. I’ve just been looking through all the changes in emoncms code, and I see that there’s been a lot done to how the API works for getting feed data. I suspect there’s something going on here related to that change that I need to update the iOS app for.

Could you please let me know what timezone your user is set to in emoncms? That is, for the user that you use to log into the iOS app with. It’ll be under My Account > Profile > Timezone. I just want to clarify something there.

Thx for all effort
Hope this is what you need

Yep thanks - what I expected being set to Europe/Rome as well - but I just wanted to check.

Still looking :slight_smile: