I’ll be keeping major news updates on the other thread and use this thread for any detailed dev.
Hi @dBC, happy new year!
Quick few questions here if you’ve got a moment.
When using the timer to trigger the ADCs, does the timer continue to pulse every interval x? and does this effect the functioning of the ADCs continually?
I seem to have a situation where what looks like ADC 1 and 3 are slightly out of sync and I’m trying to get to bottom of it. Possibly it’s because the chip’s been re-flowed a couple of times, it’s had a lot of heat and something could have been put of of whack, hard to say, ordered a new chip just in case.
Connected issue I think: also getting low readings on one of the ADCs, only 80% of what’s expected based on the previous protoboard; 200Vrms instead of 250Vrsm, triple checked all the resistor values, op-amp and the VREF input, which is connected to the 3.3V reference, and I can’t find a fault, another reason to get a new chip… I’ve gone over the code a few times, it’s copy and paste from the working program.
Have you had a similar experience? Here’s the out-of-sync ADC conversions showing up on VREF. I don’t remember seeing this on the previous board.