“A couple of other observations before you call in the lawyers…”
I wont call them….yet
- Yes, Target Tw2 is around 38 degC and I use Waterlaw/Weathercompensation. Do not use Quiet mode.
- I have no control over the flow – But today, when the test was made – I got “normal” flow, compared to what I am used to have. (Around 22-26 l/min.) I have no way to control this – its controlled by the ASHP
- I use the MIM, so no 3rd. party sensors attached - We have discussed this as a solution to bypass the softwares delta t. Should be able to set the MIM as a temp controller itself, when that is done, it will be possible to control the Delta T – I was told…. But they went for another solution. Before Software upgrade, the Delta T was at 1 as default – not possible to change. As I have understood, the ASHP is sensing the temp. is 1 degC below target, then the pump takes it as a signal that heat is needed and starts. Safety start up, last about 6 minutes and in that period the temp has already been raised above the target temp. so ASHP now shuts down immediately after Safety start seqence is over. So they had meetings with Samsung, who released a Beta software for the unit, which is fixed at delta t at 5, so now this unit should go 5 degC below target before it starts and 1 degC above before it stops, but I cannot see any difference in how it runs, after the upgrade – Is it normal at outside temp at 4-5 – it runs 20-21 hours out of 24?
- I am quite aware of that when it comes COP – and I get the following readings:
I have powered down the ASHP and it has been shut down for about 3-4 hours – a bit chilled inside – temp. drop at around 2 degC. I started up the unit, NO DHW. Just to make sure my pump on the Shunt was not making the flow go up and down, so to be safe, I have closed valves for shunt for the Floorheating system, during these test.
After 2 minutes power consumption at 400 w
After 3 minutes power consumption at 1400 w
After 4 minutes power consumption at 1900 w
After 5 minutes power consumption at 2000 w
After 6 minutes power consumption at 2100 w
After 8 minutes power consumption at 2400 w
The following is after 6 minutes:
Regarding Flow I get these readings during those 6-7 minutes: 12,9 – 9,8 and ends on 24,5 l/min. So that is what I take as thrustworthy, at that time I get 2100 watt and 35/29 – Outside temp is 4,9 degC
This looks like a CoP at 4,9 to me. Pretty close to Data book – so far so good……
Take measuresment again after 18 minutes:
Flow 23,8 – 2400 watt – 39/33 – outside temp is still 4,9 – So this hits 4,17 – so it is flattening out.
After 30 minutes I again take the data out – looks like this:
Flow 23,1 – 1200 watt – 36/33 Outside is still 4,9 so this hits 4,04 CoP
So CoP is more or less good at startup, but drops during time of production, although Inverter works at 100% on all readings in the menu.
Maybe some important info: I also have to mention that this have been going as from day 3 – why day 3 – Because at the first day, during first start up – I was reading CoP at around 4 in the panel – I know it is not the correct CoP – but it was making about 4 times more heat when input was 1 Kw – This was done in MIM panel – Since then I have not been able to get above 3 in the panel – not even today – when the CoP was measured at 4,9 – The panel gave me 2,86. And that number is very close to what I call my SCOP value…… Performance over time – I have attached a picture with Scop over time “from/to” in periods – My overall Scop is 2,18 – I have used 1856 kwh and produced 4042 Kwh – Reading from my Power meter and my Kamstrup. Also a drawing of my system is attached here
My own little conclusionist inside my head thinks 3 things:
- PRV needs to go as step one
- R32 amount and pressure needs to be checked
- If step 1 and 2 does not make a difference – add a Buffer at approximately 200-300 liters. – Not the 80 liter I have now – I asked them if that buffer size was enough, and they confirmed that, before install, now it not even mounted as a buffer….
Or are you at a completely different place in solution to gain CoP/SCOP