We have had a temperature drop from around 4-5 degC to -5 degC ine the past few days.
Gave me the oppertunity to monitor a little at low temps.
And I must say, I really dont get this controllers logic - I have measured the following that flow is down to 12-13 l/min (Inverter said 59-64%) and powerconsumption at 1,6-1,9 kw
I have no idea why the flow have dropped and the it uses alot of power instead of keeping the higher flow, which I had at +5 degC (See: this post Samsung Gen 6 8kW Efficiency - #55 by Madsen68)
Outdoortemperatur: -5,8
Kl. 7.42: 13,1 l/min(64%) – 1,9 kw – 43,14 – 38,83 – Dt: 4,34 = 2,09 CoP = 3,971 kw heat produced
Kl. 7.46: 12,1 i/min(59%) – 1,6 kw – 43,34 – 38,69 – Dt: 4,71 = 2,46 CoP = 3,936 kw heat produced
Been into selftest to see temps there – after that, system started again, but now at full inverter pump speed at 100% - around 19,2 l/min
Kl. 7.58: 19,2 l/min(100%) – 1,4 kw – 40,72 – 37,29 – Dt: 3,42 = 3,29 CoP = 4,606 kw heat produced
Maybe there are an explanation for this?