OpenEVSE new user interface, testers & translations needed

it is here.There’s either an error, or evse fw bug

Does that count increment on each boot if there are on going ground errors? I have a usbASP on the way to flash the OpenEVSE firmware. I’ll check hardware, flash and see what happens then.

The incorrect spelling “Developper” is not fixed on the settings config page.

The latest UI is working well for me.

@doggy, can you try the latest build, I’ve pushed a new triphased fw setting on wifi module, you can set it from UI v2 / config / EVSE

It should now display amps x 3 , power calculation should then be ok, and current/shaper divert too.
Can you confirm this ? Thanks

I’ve updated and spelling of “developer” is corrected so definitely the latest.

But, with “3 Phase= no”, the amps are correct and also the kW but the kWHrs are three times what they should be. Probably the EVSE firmware is reporting triple? If so, it would be good if that could be divided by 3. But maybe then non-3phase EVSE firmware would give the wrong answer through the GUI? Eco divert is working well (because the kW calculation is correct.)

With “3 Phase =yes”, the amps are correct (amps for each phase). The kW are correct. The kwHrs are correct and incrementing properly. Eco divert is fine.

I don’t have a way to test the shaper.

I most frequently use my OpenEVSE on single phase at home and three phase on a trip.

the kwh displays comes from the Evse module.
It depends of the fw you have inside, if it’s tri firmware there it factors by 3.
There’s no way for now to have correct kwh for booth mono/tri on same evse module.

We would need to move the kwh counter on the wifi module first. Factoring/dividing by 3 on the wifi module as a hack would work for the current session but the total will still be wrong.
UI just display what it receives btw.

Yes, I understand.

With U1 what I have always done is a little “hack” but it works.

When plugged into 3 phase, everything okay. Power, energy, amps.

When I am plugged into single phase (nearly always at home) I have a MQTT publish to voltage of 77volts. The OpenEVSE then does all the correct things. The current is still correct. The calculated and displayed power in kW is correct. The accumulating kWHrs is also correct both for the current charge session and also the all-time record from EVSE firmware. Of course the displayed voltage is wrong but that is not a problem because I know I have changed it and the EVSE does not measure it.

If I have 3phase set to no with U2 and voltage topic 235V, plugged into single phase, the amps are correct and also the power but energy increments at three times the real rate. If I publish 77V to the voltage topic, then the amps are still correct but the power is shown as one third of the actual and the energy increments correctly. But the Eco Divert totally misbehaves (because of the one third power calculation).

But maybe setting 3phase on and publishing 77V will work. I am testing that now and it seems to be working okay. Unfortunately it is very cloudy thus making testing the Eco divert a little difficult.

So now with U2 and plugged into single phase with 3 phase firmware, it is possible that setting the 3phase switch in U2 to “on” and publishing 77Volts makes it perform correctly with Eco divert and energy accumulation and power calculations.

Okay, Tests succeeded. If you have 3 phase firmware but plugged into single phase, set U2 switch to 3 phase, publish one third of the real average voltage (around 77V) to the MQTT voltage topic. All the calculations are then correct and Eco Divert works correctly and sensibly.

I must say that I am very happy with the new interface.

The time and energy limit menus seem to be available now.

I have no need to go back to U1 and will be staying with U2. It is much more logical, easy to navigate, data is displayed in a very usable manner. Easy to set up.

Excellent work. Congratulations on a very good product which will further enhance the OpenEVSE…

I spoke too soon.

I am having major problems with oscillations (big ones) in the Eco Divert. It seems to be to do with changing the voltage to 77 and the average current being calculated as too high.

If I leave voltage at 235V and untick the 3phase option, it works well. HOWEVER the kWhrs are trebled and thus my historical energy usage is being distorted. Sigh! Here you see the oscillations with 3phase set and volts 77v. Followed by working properly with 3phse unticked and no change to the 230V setting.

I’m working on a new Limit engine handled by wifi fw. It allows limits for time, energy, soc and range.
I have to figure out the best way to implement it on UI side.

For now the limit displayed are old one and not working properly.

Another question: The setting for Service Level (L1, L2, Auto) seems to always go back to Auto. I cannot set (for example) L1. If I set L1 and leave the screen, it goes back to Auto. If I set L1 and stay on that screen, that informatipon does not seem to pass to the EVSE firmware.

The reason for asking is this. In Europe and Australia, Level 1 is meaningless as we have no 120volts. So I am looking at modifying a firmware version of the EU 3 phase code so that L1 becomes single phase 230V and L2/Auto will be three phase L2.

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For me it always set Level 1 when in Auto. I have to force level 2. ( Seems level 1 is limited to 24A )

But, again UI has nothing to do with that’s it just displays the data the fw sent.

Thanks. I’ve found the UI2 is behaving the same as it did at V1. The Firmware is receiving the different levels from UI2 but always seems to send Auto back, but it does change the levels it is using to be as requested.

I am currently modifying my EVSE firmware so we’ll see how that goes. L1 will become my setting for single phase and L2 for three phase. I’ll disable the auto (which is not correct for Europe/Australia anyway).

In Europe we have Level 1 for charge on a plug, and level 2 for tethered to the grid

From StackPath

For example, like J1772 Level 1, IEC61851 Mode 1 relates to household charging from single-phase 250-V (maximum) or three-phase 480-V power connections, with a maximum current of 16 A. (This is a little higher current than the North American limit.) There are further unique requirements for grounding.

Mode 2 uses the same voltages as Mode 1, but doubles the maximum allowable current to 32 A (the same as method 2 in North America). Importantly, Mode 2 adds a requirement for a “control pilot function” (more on that below). It also requires an integral ground-fault interrupter (GFI), which Europeans call a residual current detector (RCD

Thanks. I’m going to leave my unit in Level 2. But I shall use the Level 1 switch to set a flag to not multiply the power and energy by three. So a “hack”.

@doggy , I’m pretty interested of a good algo to get this working properly by using the three-phase setting.

I agree. Using your three phase switch and passing a flag to the EVSE firmware would be the most sensible way to solve the issues.

However, for now I am going to do a test with using the L1 switch to set a flag which does *1 rather than *3 in the EU Emon firmware but leaves the default L2 setting. This would do for me and a few other people in Australia (where we never use the L1 switch). I am going to be away for a week but might get it working before then as a test hack.

I think it is time for the UI and firmware developers to get together and get rid of the special firmware build for three phase. The following is all that is needed:

  1. Get rid of #DEFINE for special 3ph build. Replace it with a variable (=flag). Maybe saved in eeprom.
  2. Make a new RAPI command to set/reset this flag.
  3. If the flag is set, power is simply multiplied by 3 (as in the current 3PH code with the #IFDEF).
  4. The UI2 switch for “3 phase” would be a perfect way to control this and it could also be done via MQTT RAPI.


My hack. I am testing the idea with a suitable flag and I am switching it with the “Level Select”. If L1 selected, firmware does normal L2 single phase code. If L2 is selected, 3 phase is engaged. I could have switched the L1/L2 around but I have a 3ph unit so 3ph is my default on L2.

What we maybe could do is move the 3 phase / single phase logic to the WiFi side and just always install the single phase on the EVSE. Will be a lot easier and more flexible.