Hello - I’m running an emonpi install and using it to log my OpenEVSE and some current clamps I have on the house power. Working well (I had tried setting up a FAMP server, but weird problems were making me crazy, plus emonpi is just so nice and packaged)
Here’s my problem… Last month some wonky data came out of my current meter for reasons that have been corrected. However, I now have points in my data that are many orders of magnitude higher than what they ought to be, and it’s completely trashing my views (because of the zoom) and causing havoc with my historical data. Is there any way I can go in and scrub the insanely high values out of the database?
I guess I could directly edit the SQL database? Any suggestions on that tip? I imagine that I’d need to set permission for remote access and use MySql Workbench on another machine…
Or maybe write a post processor script that would set any values over… say… 1000 kwh a day and set them to zero? Maybe this already exists?
I’d appreciate any suggestions as to how I could attack this problem.
Andy, a while ago I developed data validation feature for feeds. It can go through a feed dataset and limit its max and min values. It won’t overwrite them to 0 though.
Please have a look at the post linked below. It would be great if you can try it. I never did a Pull Request as I wanted more people to try it and don’t really know if it is a desired feature.
And data in the visulaisation area does not match the history graph - i.e. it looks fine and has positive values across use, import, and solar. Seems the issue is only in History view within the My Solar app.
Did you zoom in? There are some oddities in how the graph averages the display, unless you zoom in such that it returns every data point in the window.
OK yep, found the cliff - cumulative use kwh and solar kwh fell to zero and then started accumulating again. Just to be a pain - any pointers in realigning thedata after the drop off continues to accumulate in line with the past data? i.e. from that drop off time to now and ongoing, all data points + 2124.23.
Or can I delete the data in this window for all 6 x feeds and the future data will realign?
Once an accumulator has lost the accumulation point, it is a real pain to get it back. I think you need to do a post process but @TrystanLea may be able to help.
For him to do so, can you post the input processes used (i.e. are you using one of the accumulator processes).
Thanks both - does this mean i need to create a new/unique use, import, and solar kwh feed? I.e. no longer use the existing feeds in the solar app? The powertokwh post process requires a unique name.
Slightly strange jump where there was a period of no monitoring but seems to have mostly corrected the accumulated data:
Yes, the unique name requirement is partly to give an oppertunity to check the result before switching the feeds and deleting the original.
I usually set the new feed name to something like solar_kwh2 and then when Im happy delete the original and rename the new solar_kwh2 feed to solar_kwh.