Heat pump learning resources

Thought I would try and collect a list of useful technical learning resources for heat pump system design and optimisation, in particular from those engaged in the discussion here on OpenEnergyMonitor/HeatpumpMonitor, but also material from others like Michael Podesta who engage in a similar open, data led way.

I thought we could link this page from HeatpumpMonitor.org under a learn more tab perhaps…

Please feel free to suggest links below.

HeatpumpMonitor.org findings

What is the goal?

Basic theory

Heat loss calculation:

Heat pump sizing:

Hot water

Hydraulic separation

Installation Videos

Cast study: End-terrace solid stone welsh cottage by @glyn.hudson:

Cast study: 1980s Bungalow Vaillant installation by @glyn.hudson:

Manufacturer specific guides:





Comparisons of manufacturer monitoring vs MID metering:

Heatpump dashboard user guides and tips:

HeatpumpMonitor.org data analysis:



Do degree-days warrant a mention for heat-pump sizing ? (As a rule of thumb.)

Eg Heating Degree Days:4:Three numbers you need to know about your home | Protons for Breakfast is the last of 4 articles

or Degree Days – An Introduction

or https://tinyeco.com/what-size-air-source-heat-pump-calculator


Thanks @divenal , added these in!

Just an idea. There are many useful materials, but some people are not ready to study a lot of them. However, there is a solution. You can create your own ChatGPT trained on these documents and provide users with a link to it.

This can be done easily now, even without programming—just create a GPT and upload the files. Users will be able to ask the AI questions in chat mode and receive answers based on these documents.


I found this article useful: Sizing UFH systems when using heat pumps

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