Emoncms version 10.7.0 is now available as a stable release. This update includes (further details and screenshots below):
An important security update to ensure apikey and other key generation is secure. It is recommended to re-generate emoncms apikey’s and update passwords following this update.
A new Serial Monitor feature, for configuration and calibration of connected hardware.
An extended firmware update tool to include a wider range of available OpenEnergyMonitor firmwares including @Robert.Wall’s recently released emonPiCM firmware
Option to set graph background colours in dashboards.
Refactoring of the administration code and user interface to split the update and emoncms log section out of the system info section.
New beta emonSD image release: emonSD-21Jul21 emonSD pre built SD card Download & Change Log · openenergymonitor/emonpi Wiki · GitHub
Thanks also to Aymeric Thibaut for continued work on multi-lingual support.
Core and module version summary:
Emoncms core v10.7.0
App module: v2.3.0
EmonHub Config: 2.1.1
Dashboard: 2.1.2
Device: 2.1.0
Graph: 2.1.1
Network Setup: 1.0.2
WiFi: 2.1.0
Backup: 2.3.2
DemandShaper 2.2.1
Postprocess: 2.2.2
Sync: 2.1.1
Usefulscripts: 2.3.7
EmonScripts: 1.3.5
Important Security update
This latest release includes an important security update to the way apikey’s are created and passwords are secured in emoncms. The key generation functions used have been updated to the newer cryptographically secure php functions. It is recommended to re-generate emoncms apikey’s and update passwords following this update.
A button to generate new write and read apikey has been added to the My Account section, beware that any devices posting to the account using the apikey will need updating with the latest apikey to continue to work.
To update the account password, hover over the password section and click on the edit icon that appears. Enter the old and new passwords and click save to update.
This security fix and recommendation to generate new apikeys and update passwords applies to both emonPi/base systems and emoncms.org
Serial Monitor
Emoncms now includes an in-built serial monitor feature, useful for configuring connected hardware, including setting calibration values, nodeid’s and debugging issues. The serial monitor can be found in the Admin sidebar:
Extended firmware updater
An extended firmware update tool to include a wider range of available OpenEnergyMonitor firmwares including @Robert.Wall’s recently released emonPiCM firmware. I will post a follow up post with more details on how to use this feature later.
Option to set dashboard graph colours
See earlier discussion here Setting background colour of dashboard graphs - #5 by TrystanLea
New emonSD beta release: emonSD-21Jul21
The new image includes the latest version of the RaspberryPi OS Lite (May 7th 2021) and the latest emoncms release as detailed above.
emonSD pre built SD card Download & Change Log · openenergymonitor/emonpi Wiki · GitHub
Updating to the latest release
For emonPi/emonBase users or anyone running the emonSD image on a RaspberryPi the latest version of emoncms can be pulled in via the emoncms update tool on the Admin page.
Emoncms.org has been updated with the security fix above and the option to set dashboard graph colours.