Emon TXs not updating after Emonpi update

This is a similar issue to that posted by @amaad but the details are a little different hence the new topic:

Here is the old topic:

I have been using an entirely shop bought oem system (with no modifications other than a firmware/software update in Sept) since June with one Emonpi and two TXs. I am strictly a user with no programming skills as yet. A few teething problems aside (all resolved by me so not likely to have been any fault of the equipment) the set-up has been running fine but the TXs have been dropping out (both at the same time) at variable intervals. I have assumed this to be some interference or clash and since a simple reboot always restored the inputs I was not too concerned.

I updated the Emonpi (via the UI “update now” button) last night. Since then there are no inputs from the TXs (all registering n/a). Being a simple soul I have tried a combination of reboots/resets etc both from the UI and locally without success. Although the Emonpi inputs and feeds were still all working CT2 has dropped out subsequently and can not be revived with a reboot.

The Emonpi is registering the input on the LCD but in Emoncms this is registering as n/a. This is a CT from the output of a wind turbine and the drop out coincided with a temporary cessation of generation as the wind dropped but that may just be a coincidence.

In answer to @glyn.hudson 's questions from the previous thread:

  • The SD is the supplied 03May16 version.
  • The Emonpi was updated in Sept without issue.
  • The version following last nights update is low write 9.7.7 2016.10.29
  • The emonpi has two CTs connected and four temperature inputs.
  • The TXs are as supplied (separate nodes). One has four CTs connected and two temperature inputs and the other has three CTs connected. They are around 6’ from the Emonpi at different heights.
  • The TXs appear to be broadcasting normally - leds flashing as usual.
  • Emonpi rssi is displayed as 0 in Emoncms.
  • Following reboots etc one or both TXs seemed to register very briefly on a couple of occasions.
  • I can provide any information available via the UI (emonhub log , update log, screenshots etc) but don’t have direct terminal access at this time. Appreciate this and my ignorance make it a bit more difficult to get some help.
  • Is there an issue with the latest Emnopi/Emoncms versions or do I have a set-up specific problem?