Inactive EmonTx

Interesting, it’s quite rare for the emonTx to stop posting, the issue is usually with the receiver. Could I ask for some more information to help debug this:

  • What is the RSSI (signal strength) fo the signal from the emonTx
  • How close / far is the emonTx from the receiver?
  • How many emonTx’s are communicating with the single base station?
  • What sort of environment are they operating, could there be external RF interferance?
  • When you visit an emonTx to restart it after it’s dropped offline is the red LED on the emonTx still flashing every 10s?
  • Does operation restore immediately after resetting the emonTx?
  • Are the emonTx’s running stock (unmodified firmware)
  • Do you know the firmware version? This is printed via serial at startup
  • If you don’t know the firmware version do you have the shop order number or approximate order date?

Sorry for so many questions, please answer what you can. This will help me track down the cause of this issue.