I’ll have a go at helping you decipher the radiator schedule.
Let me describe what the important columns are:
Design Temperature: This is the room temperature that the designer has decided to target, 18C for the kitchen
Room Heat Loss: This is the rate at which heat is lost (in watts) from the room if it is at the design temperature (18C for the kitchen) and Outside (-2.3C). A higher number means more heat is lost.
Output at Design: This is the amount of heat (in watts) that the radiator can produce, at the design conditions above. A higher number means more heat is produced.
Final Room Output: This is the amount of heat (in watts) that will be produced once the new radiators have been incorporated. A higher number means more heat is produced.
Coverage: This is the percentage of the heat requirement for the room that the radiator can fulfil. For the kitchen this is 190%. 100 means that the radiator would be just enough to heat the room, less than 100 means the radiator wouldn’t be able to heat the room to design temperature. Over 100 means it will be able to exceed the design temperature. A higher number here is not necessarily better but it does mean the radiator is able to produce more heat relative to the room size.
So, your kitchen design temperature has been selected as 18C. The existing radiator should (according to the radiator schedule) be able to meet 190% of the heat loss, i.e. it has loads of spare capacity. The exact calculation for 20C in the kitchen is a little involved but it means the heat loss would be roughly 10% higher, your radiator would still have around 170% coverage, so still easily able to hold that temperature. Actually, according to the schedule you could be knocking into the high 20s with the current radiator.
So, this isn’t matching reality at all. And usually these heat loss estimates are pessimistic, i.e. the radiators are better able to heat the rooms than the schedule suggests.
Your real-world experience is so far out from the heat loss estimate I wonder whether a mistake has been made. The kitchen radiator is shown as the one with the largest coverage in the house, so should be the warmest room.
The kitchen and living room heat losses are shown as about the same. Are they roughly similar rooms? I would expect them to be based on the heat loss survey.
Does the kitchen have a radiator with two panels, with fins on both panels, that is 1100mm wide and 530mm high?
If both those things are true then the heat loss survey is probably correct and the issue is with the radiator itself / plumbing.
Things to check on the radiator is does it feel a similar temperature to other ones in the house (living room particularly)? Is the heat fairly even top to bottom and left to right. You’d expect it to be a bit hotter at the top. Feel the pipes going to the radiator, is one a bit hotter than the other and do they feel similar in temperature to the living room ones?