Contribution: Samsung ASHP NASA link <-> MQTT bridge (Home Assistant)

Hi @Epic13.

I think SNET-Pro2 has a lot going for it - it’s the only monitoring I have installed (no need for a Raspberry etc.), and cost me less than £25 to set up (a little dongle I bought off Amazon - see the Monitoring Your Samsung ASHP Controller thread for details).

It does have several shortcomings - the built-in graphical capabilities are rather clunky, it doesn’t report Outdoor Unit energy consumption (only compressor current, which you need to correlate to total energy if you want to calculate your CoP), and occasionally the screen locks up and you have to reload, but the spreadsheet it downloads is brilliant for studying what the controller has been doing after the event (e.g. see the Samsung ASHPs: Anatomy of a Defrost thread).

I should emphsise that you can’t change any of the Outdoor Unit variables with SNET (though you can change any FSV with it).

If you are interested in the workings of your controller, SNET + dongle is a lot cheaper than the SNET + MIM-C02N or Modbus + MIM-B19. Go for it!

I’ve got a similar setup also using m5atom stack (via GitHub - omerfaruk-aran/esphome_samsung_hvac_bus: ESPHome Samsung HVAC Integration is an ESPHome component that connects and controls Samsung HVAC units (air conditioners and heat pumps) via a hardware bus (F1/F2 lines). It supports both NASA and NonNASA protocols, enabling multisplit control, temperature monitoring, energy tracking, and real-time notifications, enhancing your smart home setup.)

@Topaz code looks more complete - Did you manage to get it working on esphome?

I ended up with an Atom Lite using a branch of the code you quoted. The branch just adds custom
climate which allows writing to some other registers (water law offset).
It has given me what I needed to integrate my Samsung HTQ with Home Assistant.

Topaz’s code does look better but I needed something for ESP.

Actually, the ESP way is not impossible. My code can also run in a docker aside home assistant, and you could just have the ESP as a bridge to connect F3/F4 (or F1/F2) to the python.