I’ve put together a new emonSD pre build Raspberry Pi SD card incorporating many changes and some important security updates. It would be great if anyone could test the new image (@jon ?) and report back if it works ok for you.
Crushed it down to an 825MB download… 825MB download version
MD5: 3961e96cf2e1ab46d750d0a0cae72a2e emonSD-07Nov16.zip
MD5: cf8537e90ffd98ffb5838fbe3c878d4d emonSD-07Nov16.img
Yes and yes, I’m planning to write some full instructions on how I manage to compress the image so far, its not that complex, but there are a few steps to it.
I’ll re-download your version and make up a full how to with all the steps in it, plus the commands etc, that should help you (or anyone else) understand how to really pull the size down prior to putting images up for download.
I had been writing (trying to write?) a migration script that captures the items not grabbed by the backup/export script. And I quickly ran out of space on the /data directory:
Hi @Andy_Taylor, just tested your packed down version. It seems to work great for me. It would be interesting to hear what you did to it to shrink it down!
Hi @Jon , thanks a lot for your testing. Sorry for the delay in getting back I’ve been away.
As mentioned in the change log for the emonSD 07Nov16, I decided to keep the image 4GB. This was party due to @Andy_Taylor 's space optimisations. The image can be expanded to fill 8GB with sudo emonSDexpand.
Interesting, did the message say forever or if you left it for 5min or so would MQTT connect?
What benefit would this have?
Nodejs and nodered should be updated via apt for the stable versions. IMO I would prefer to stick to the stable builds released via apt and the Debian packages. Keen users can always update manually if desired.
Thanks for letting me know, however this is not a big issue since there have been no changes to the huawei repo, however I have fixed the permission error during the update script:
I’m a rank newbie with emon. By way of feedback though; I managed to download and build the emonSD-07Nov16 BETA SD card. It ran flawlessly through the install, partition expansion and initial registration of Emoncms 9.7.7 | 2016.10.29.
Architecture: armv7l
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 4
Socket(s): 1
Model name: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)