Vaillant Arotherm Owners Thread

Does anyone know if Vaillant onboard monitoring subtracts the defrost heat taken from the system in the delivered heat or not?

Hello all, does anyone know if the 3.5kW Arotherm+ has the same compressor as a larger 5kW model? All the info on the datasheet I found is identical for the two units.

If they are the same is there any advantage to getting the 3.5kW model over the 5kW model? The main disadvantage I can see with having the smaller one is DHW heat up time.

They’re the same unit, with the 3.5kW being software-limited. Get the 5kW.

Don’t the 3,5 unit have a smaller heat exchanger then the 5 ? The only difference

When I looked they had the same minimal output thats enough to convince me the 5kw is nearly aways the better option.