If you do that, without any further input from the inverter, what you’ll have is display and a record of the nett grid power/energy and the nett ‘alternative’ power/energy from the combination of battery & PV.
CT1 (please don’t call them clamps - those are things I use when sticking two pieces of wood together) goes on a meter tail somewhere upstream of your consumer unit; CT2 will need to go on a single core of the PV infeed where it joins your house wiring, which could be tricky and I’ve no idea where that is in your house.
The Inverter datasheet says: “Communication: RS485, Optional: Wi-Fi, GPRS” (I think that means RS485 is standard, which we can handle.)
However, there’s nothing in the manual that’s helpful. What you need to know is where are the RS485 bus connections, what is the protocol and data (baud) rate they use, and most importantly, what are the register numbers for the data.
This Solis S6 PV Inverter and RS485/MODBUS is a different model, but I’d guess (most likely wrongly) yours will be similar, but not identical.
You’re going to need cable and a RS485 - USB adapter, and with the correct emonHub driver, it looks as if you will get data. It won’t be that easy of course, but I think there’s a realistic chance you’ll get it working, with some help from people here who know more about this aspect.
When you have the battery data, you’ll be able to integrate it with the data from the c.t’s using the Input processes in emonCMS and hopefully get meaningful information.