@borpin Hi Brian, I was very hesitant to tinker with this configuration, but I started anyway
I made a note of the configuration for power1 and power4, next I deleted all individual settings for power1 and power4. Unfortunately it is not possible to delete power1 and power4 completely, they remain in the Inputs screen.
Next, I created the configuration for respectively power1 and power4 on Inputs ct1 and ct4.
And now I have Feeds:
Also the Apps for My energy and My solar are functioning again.
I think i will change ct4 for ct2, as I had it before.
I do have a few questions left.
How can i delete the power1 and power4 completely from the Inputs window?
Do you know of an example for the setup op my ct3 for the EV Wall charger?
BTW, this is not an OpenEVSE Kit but a standard EV-charging unit.
If there might be an issue with the templates (power1 in stead of ct1 etc.) I am perfectly willing to start over again with an new emonCD install if that would be helpful. My data history is lost anyway, so no problem with an eventually new install.
Thanks for your help so far and kind regards, Bert
Edit; Browsing all info about setting up the system, i run into this post from @TrystanLea where the Feeds are differently configured: