I’m using the wired remote as a thermostat to control my system having tweaked some of the water law temps and it seems reasonably successful, however.
Playing with the set point can make it switch off but I’m wondering if there are other settings I can try/change to reduce the apparent hysteresis of this allegedly more accurate thermostat?
As an example its reading 21.6c in the room, stat set to 20.5 continues heating, as does 20c and 19.5c, doesn’t switch off until I set it to 19c which seems rather a large gap…at least to me?
I believe Samsung have provided a new FSV (#1061?) on the Gen 7s to do just this (not available on prior models).
Hopefully covered in your User Manual…
Think Ive got the correct user manual for the indoor unit but of course its got no numbers. Still current from the website I bout the unit from. In my installation manual the highest no is #1052 so have I got an older unit?
The indoor unit seems to have a no of DB9204639D with 20220622-0320 below but doesn’t seem to work out on web searches.
Considering using a thermostat in stock that I can play with/understand easier but not sure if the Samsung unit is working a a pure on/off unit or has influence on operation when its approaching the set point?
Think I saw an option setting for an external stat somewhere?
I may have found a way to change hidden settings if you’re interested? This might enable you to check/change these hysteresis settings.
For those worried about cycling on samsungs, I may have found a couple of hidden settings that might help, but I’m doing some testing before I say too much. (@Michal_S)
Thanks for the reply and it’s all interesting stuff.
I can’t find anything in the 1060 range on my controller so it looks like it maybe for the previous generation not the R270 version but same one is listed on the suppliers website. Only thing I can think of is check the part no from a different supplier, think the controller can display it’s serial no etc.
As Peter mentioned the highest field setting value is #1052 for my R32 unit. This is probably a new setting Sansung added for changing the hysteresis in wired controller ? I don’t have an idea why it’s not there from the very beginning… Probably upgrade of controller firmware would help.
Anyway, you have mentioned some hidden settings ? This sounds interesting. Definitely please share your findings with us. You can PM me so I can test it first.
@JPB it should be easy to check which model you have.
Look at the nameplate on the Outdoor Unit. I think the following apply:
If it starts AEnnnRXYD** it’s a Series 6 (R32).
If it starts AEnnnBXYD** it’s HTQ Series (R32).
If it starts AEnnnCXYD** it’s a Series 7 (R290).
Looks like your controller isn’t a MIM-E03EN (which still apparently only goes up to FSV#1052).
Could you post a link to the document you show the Hysteresis extract from? I’m thinking that @JPB might have been sold an out-of-date controller (the E03EN) to go with his Gen7 ASHP…
I have it saved on my tablet at home, I will upload later on. I’m fairly sure mine is MIM-E03EN though, I will double check this too.
@JPB 's MIM controller will be build into the outdoor unit as it’s the integrated version. It’s only the wired remote controller (MWR-WW10N) that is ordered/sold separately.
The logic in the control is 2 degrees over set point to go thermo off. This is built into the controller for when it is used as a stat and cannot be changed.
There is new firmware to be released shortly (no date has been confirmed yet) that has a plus 1 degree thermos off instead of the 2 degrees currently.
Hysteresis that will be changeable is based on the thermo on control not the thermo off.
The controller you have is the correct one for your system.
Hi Peter,
Same model - BEK variant. FSV 105* is the max. Wired remote controller MWR-WW10N. Control kit MIM-E03CN/MIM-E03EN. FSV 1052 only - nothing above it. Cannot find the Manual version no …
I can’t remember where I downloaded this from, it must have come up when I searched for a manual for the controller.
Settings 1061-1064 do show up on mine, as I use water outlet temp mode, I have played around with 1061 to try and reduce cycling, but the weather is too cold now.
Many thanks @jakeymd1 this is a valuable resource - I couldn’t find it anywhere when I looked.
A quick read through suggests that the main differences from the standard MWR-WW10N are the introduction of several new FSVs…
FSV#1061/2/3/4 (LWT and roomstat hysteresis)
FSV#4054 (Circulation pump PWM minimum setting)
FSV#4062/3 (Zone pump control)
FSV#6022 (Minimum thermo on time)
FSV#6031 (Heating thermo on/off option)
FSV#6041 (Thermostat control option)
…and a few new error codes…
536 (refrigerant leak error)
897 (water tank sensor error)
973 (water pressure error)
I haven’t figured out which Samsung models get which version of the controller (and there are no manual version numbers that I can find - I guess forum Samsung users will just have to check on their displays whether #1061 is available…).
I’ve found a new version for my MWR-WW10N, my current Program Version of my Micom Code: DB91-02150A is 2023.07.25. I see there’s a new one 2024.06.27. I’m not sure if updating this would fix the problem?