Hi guys,
You are infinitely more knowledgeable than me when it comes to data transfer, so can you help with the following, please?
My Samsung controller (with its F1/F2 terminals) is in my unheated garage, and whenever I want to use Glyn’s MIM-C02N - also in the garage - I have to cart my laptop out there. It would be much easier if I could get the signals back to my study where the laptop is, so I could watch things “live” at any time.
I could run 10m 2-core cable from the controller, drill a hole through the study wall for it, and relocate the MIM-C02N to the study, but it would be more elegant if I could somehow get the F1/F2 signal into a local wireless router which I can link to with the laptop.
Do you now if this is possible, or suggest a forum contact who has done this sort of thing already?
Hmm I’ve just found a pair of power line adapters. If I can covert the RS-485 output to an ethernet connector, maybe I can get the F1/F2 output to my laptop without any drilling…
Feel free to make as much of this thread public as you feel useful. I did think of asking the question as a new topic, or include @Robert.Wall as an adressee, but was wary of revealing my total ignorance of electrical matters (I wouldn’t know an IP network from a hole in the ground ).
I’ve got the above Waveshare converter to work , so now I can monitor my Outdoor Unit in comfort, and for less than £25, so @glyn.hudson I can now return your MIM-C02N if you’ll PM me your postal address.
(I’ll do a write-up of the hardware/software/connection details in due course.)