Samsung ASHP (Joule) poor performance - help needed!

I don’t use any schedules, just let the system run in “manual” mode. The UFH thermostats are set to same value and the upstairs a little cooler. We don’t set back the UFH but do manually set back the upstairs by 0.5c when we go to bed. I also have a cheap rate overnight so don’t mind heating the house then. You can see from this morning’s data how when only the radiators are calling for heat the DeltaT drops, the heat pump uses less energy and the COP also drops. HA shows the PWM signal is dropping as well but as I don’t have a PWM pump…

I’ll have a think about DHW when I am happy with sheathing as I’m trying hard to resist the temptation to change too many things at once! It’s interesting that you see the defrost cycles kicking in which as discussed in Samsung R32 ASHPs - when is a defrost not a defrost? does have the effect of pulling my DWH temp down.