I have some problems understanding how to set up my pulse counter. The energy meter is saying 2000imp/kWh. The pulse counter shows a green blink for every red blink from the meter, it does not seem to miss out an any. And it is always blinking (main household meter). From reading the guides here I would say that this is how the input config should be to convert to pulsecount n to energy in kWh:
But the resulting energy per day number is way too low by about - but not exactly - two decades when compared with CT readings (which usually is about 1-2% from the energy company numbers). I do not have too much stats to show yet due to other problems.
Since the meter is defined as 2000 imp/kWh I multiply the pulses by 0.5 to get Wh. Then I used the kWh accumulator, which I guess will give realtime accumulated Wh (not kWh as I have put into the feed name). The funny thing is that this value becomes a constant with the value 3.00.
Finally, my thought was to multiply the Wh increments with 1000 to get kWh before running the “Wh incremements to kWh/d”. This was obviously wrong, it should have been multiplied by 0.001. Anyway, both the scale and kWh/d number value are wrong (not just the 10^6 factor error). So I’m at loss how to configure this.
I did try and read the setup guide, but so far I do not get any sensical outputs…
I just now tried to change the first multiplier from 0.5 to 0.0005 to actually get Wh. For some reason, the number 3.00000 now started to get increments. I’ll wait a couple of days to see what this results in.
The kWh accumulator seems to work perfectly. Here is a 900s average plot with CT measurements (blue line) and pulse counts overlay (yellow circles). They match more or less 100%.
Typical daily values would be 30 to 60kWh/d, while the delta values here are < 1kWh/d. I experience this on the daily increments feed from the CT’s as well, where values are == 0. They are configured like this:
Rather than use the wh increment to kwh/d process the recommended approach is to use the ‘delta’ mode when creating a graph to produce kwh/d on the fly, see the guide on how to do this here: https://guide.openenergymonitor.org/setup/daily-kwh/
Yes, thanks, I’ve been using that method, but thought that a pre-calculated feed would be nice…
Does this mean that the wh increment function does not work? If you look at my previous post, I can not get this to work for the “kHw to kWh/d” from the CT feeds either.
Im not sure about the 'Wh increments to kWh/d" its been a while since I used it to be honest. If there’s anyone else who is using this process that would like to confirm if this issue can be replicated that would be great.
I have added these processes on my system here to test in the mean time.
So that is the right figure for a kWh accumulator.
Set Pulse Feed to 10s and CT Feed to 10s. Delete all the Feeds and start afresh.
Pulse Feed is 100% accurate (assuming it detects every pulse - which it should), CT Feed isn’t - it is an approximation. Currently I’m multiplying a CT feed by 0.9695 to make it agree with the pulse meter.
All my CT inputs apparently over read (I have not calibrated them).
Two quick questions which hoping you might have a steer on:
A) the above seemed to work fine - but when graphing the axis values seem to be off? Not sure if i need to define them but it is set to auto (see graph screenshot). The reading between the ct clip and pulse seem to be broadly similar which i hope is a good thing…
B) was playing with getting the pulse count feed in a wh feed and kwh feed and tried the following process logic - think it is right - is that the way you would recommend getting both feeds?
On graphing, looking at short periods of time can be odd. Also, unless both Feeds started at exactly the same time put one on left and one on right but check the scales are the same else you get some odd views. This is 2 feeds (pulse and CT) started about the same time.
You can see the ‘Diff’ that is a the measured kWh in the frame. Missing data on the pulse will be when the rate of change means I do not get a pulse within the 10s window.