Love the new web GUI, and the changes to how solar divert is displayed. Great work.
I’ve noticed I now have a No Ground error = 1. Which I never saw in the old firmware. Everything otherwise works normally. My OpenEVSE firmware version is 8.2.0.EU. OpenEVSE Wifi: 4.1.7, still the same in the one from this morning.
I think I saw someone else having a similar problem?
PS. I reflashed the old GUI and can’t find anywhere to view errors. And I looked at system tab / debug and openevse terminal and couldn’t spot any errors. Maybe the error was there all along from some long distant testing on my part? There’s no message on the LCD during boot. I’ll double check the hardware.
I saw this thread earlier: No ground fault after upgrading OpenEVSE v5 controller to D8.2.0