No data and cannot connect to Emoncms on emonPi with emonESP

I’ve just setup the EmonESP with my EmonTx as connectivity with inbuilt TX transmission to my EmonPi was pretty flakey.

I’ve connected the EmonESP to my network fine and have my CT clip, pulse and AC monitor all connected but no data is showing on the web interface of the EmonESP in the ‘latest data’ or the logs. I’ve also tried connecting to the both my local Emoncms and also the external but whatever settings I use I can never get the ‘connected’ to change to Yes. I tried the url string method of creating a connection as well but status always stays at No.

The firmware seems to be 3.0 so I appear to have the latest version. Any ideas gratefully accepted

Did you follow these instructions?

When did you purchase the emonTX?

Do you have a programmer or a spare RPi?

My guess is you need to tell the emonTX to use the serial output rather than the RFM but I am not sure. If you buy them together, I think the shop does that.

@TrystanLea @glyn.hudson is this correct? Should the ESP firmware not do this automatically?

Bought it this weekend but separately to my original EmonTX and Pi order

When was that?

I bought it 2 weeks ago and had a few issues with firmware which was resolved by the developers and then I updated to this latest corrected version.

Yes to following those instructions. Jumper changed, Wi-Fi connected fine. Web interface connected ok and if I input data via the http string it shows up but my 2 inputs are not showing and I cannot connected to emoncms

If you connect via miniterm direct to the TX, do you get the serial output in the console?

I’ll have to take a look later

You do need to switch between output by radio (the default) and wired serial.

Connect a programmer (or equivalent) to the emonTx and at power-up, when invited, send the command “+++”, then send w0 to turn off wireless. This will automatically turn on the serial output in a format I believe suitable for the ESP8266.

Ok, I’ll investigate a ‘programmer’ later. I’ve not had to connect like this before

Thanks for the info

‘programmer’ being anything that you can talk serial in both directions at 115200 baud.

Beware, the serial port on the emonTx is wrongly labelled. The connection marked “Tx” is looking for data incoming from a real Tx, and the connection marked “Rx” is looking for a real Rx that can accept data.

Guess that was a waste of £25 then. I’ve no equipment to do that.

Thanks anyway

£7 + postage. Even next day tracked & signed for won’t cost £18.

No I meant the purchase of the enonESP.

I’ll consider purchasing a programmer.

Thanks for the info

@Gwil, I think there should be something about this on the ESP shop page.

@glyn.hudson could the ESP firmware actually set serial on, on boot?

@Robert.Wall, For older firmware, was Serial enabled by default?

Originally, it was radio only. I think serial was added at some point, I know there were some complaints because the radio was left on as well as serial when only serial was wanted. I think the “either - or” happened when whitening was introduced.

What’s missing from the emonTx is sufficient I/O to be able to have a bank of DIP switches to be able to select all the options that it’s accrued over the years.

You will still use your ESP8266 once you have changed the output of the emonTx over. You will need to disconnect the ESP to do it, check that the serial output is present with the correct format, then reconnect the ESP, and you should see your output.

It might be possible to use another serial comms program to talk to the programmer, but the simplest is probably the Arduino IDE, which will be useful if you want to update or change something else. Instructions for setting that up are in the ‘Learn’ section. You won’t need any of the libraries until you come to change the sketch itself and recompile and reload it.

I’ve purchased the programmer via the shop it’s just not something I expected to have to purchase or do as there is no mention of the need to change the EmonTx settings in relation to the EmonESP

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Yes, I think a good solution would be for the emonESP firmware to automatically configure the emonTx github issue added. In the meantime until this functions has been implemented and tested we will remove the emonESP from the shop as an individual item and only sell it in conjunction with a correctly configured emonTx.

Yes, the discrete sampling FW had serial in EmonESP format always switched on by default. This issue was introduced when we switched to the continuous sampling firmware.

The programmer arrived today, I believe I’ve connected to it correctly and turned RF to off. Now just testing to see if any data from the feeds appears in the ESP latest data section.

I’ve still had no joy getting a connection to using the web interface, it just always shows ‘Connected’ as No

I presuming the RF setting is persistent after the ESP has been powered off and rebooted?

If you saved the settings, then yes, the emonTx will retain that. Otherwise, it will revert to whatever it was when you next power up.

Available commands for config during start-up:
b - set r.f. band n = a single numeral: 4 = 433MHz, 8 = 868MHz, 9 = 915MHz (may require hardware change)
g - set Network Group nnn - an integer (OEM default = 210)
i - set node ID i= an integer (standard node ids are 1…30)
r - restore sketch defaults
s - save config to EEPROM
v - show firmware version
w - turn RFM Wireless data on or off:
- x = 0 for OFF, x = 1 for ON, x = 2 for ON with whitening
x - exit and continue
? - show this text again

Available commands only when running:
k <yy.y> <zz.z>
- Calibrate an analogue input channel:
- x = a single numeral: 0 = voltage calibration, 1 = ct1 calibration, 2 = ct2 calibration, etc
- yy.y = a floating point number for the voltage/current calibration constant
- zz.z = a floating point number for the phase calibration for this c.t. (z is not needed, or ignored if supplied, when x = 0)
- e.g. k0 256.8
- k1 90.9 2.00
l - list the config values
m - meter pulse counting:
x = 0 for OFF, x = 1 for ON, = an integer for the pulse minimum period in ms. (y is not needed, or ignored when x = 0)
p<xx.x> - xx.x = a floating point number for the datalogging period
s - save config to EEPROM
t0 - turn temperature measurement on or off:
- y = 0 for OFF, y = 1 for ON
- change a temperature sensor’s address or position:
- x = a single numeral: the position of the sensor in the list (1-based)
- yy = 8 hexadecimal bytes representing the sensor’s address
e.g. 28 81 43 31 07 00 00 D9
N.B. Sensors CANNOT be added.
? - show this text again