MySolarBattery kW digits settings

I setup mysolarbattery app and it works well.
With a peak pv power installed of 18kW I choose to display power in kW. It is rounded and the first decimal is displayed only for power below the kW. Having a look on the code, I found that if kW is chosen the function as_kw() is called for the conversion.
I finally found this function in the javascript app.js file
I replaced the condition
if (kw < 1) {
kw = kw.toFixed(1)
} else { …
by if (kw < 10) and rebooted, but nothing changed
What did I miss?

That is the right file, and I was able to make the same change that you describe.

Try clearing your browser cache, or pressing Ctrl+F5 to force it to load the new javascript.

Thanks Tim !