Monitoring & Controlling Ecodan via CN105

I’m not familiar with domoticz,

I do use number sliders for Flow Setpoint currently and perhaps it’s fine for Home Assistant but not for Domoticz as mentioned

Control mode selector works in HA, mine is synced Z1 & Z2 to the same mode currently, if you choose to change via the selector - but independent control is available in the FTC

I’ll give it a try to change F1p sensor types first in Arduino and if that’s unsuccessful, I’ll try the esphome. Since in not that good at python to customize if there’s a need.
Thanks for the responses!

  1. Will “Heating Flow” mode accept 0.5 degree increments? “ASHP - Manual Flow Setpoint” seems to be rounding to the nearest degree when automations write my targets across.

0.5 increments appears to be working for me:

It works fine, also with my solution. @bringiton probably did something wrong.

The proxy solution @gekkekoe did above really is some great work and perfect for those who do need to retain MELCloud for the likes of the MMSP

I have similar in the pipeline, currently testing with the Ethernet model


@Iguaan - Flow Climate cards pushed to GitHub for testing

Hello, is there a way to autamotically have the system changin daylight savings time instead of setting it up manually twice every year?

Been lazy recently and haven’t tried to fix it myself but, now I had to give it a try with this update and Thank you Sir! works like a charm in Domoticz now!
Also noticed that the same setpoint value changes to actual value of curve setpoint if i select that mode (Not a bad thing). But when it is in compensation curve mode, that flow setpoint doesn’t affect current curve setpoint.

Another thing I was wondering, where does it write setpoints?
If i made my own heating curve in domo and then writing flow setpoint multiple times per day, will the ASHP memory/eeprom survive?

Also a little sidenote on domoticz, temperature control mode status doesn’t change, but commands work.
If I refresh browser the control mode value changes back to default but system stays in last set mode.

MQTT message is correct:

  "Temperature": 616.36,
  "Setpoint": 28,
  "HeatingControlMode": "Compensation",
  "FSP": 39,
  "TwoZone_Z1Working": 0,
  "ProhibitHeating": 0,
  "ProhibitCooling": 1,
  "FlowTemp": 40.5,
  "ReturnTemp": 35.5

Probably. :sweat_smile: I am letting it do it’s thing for now. I’m still installing internal wall insulation, in a couple of rooms, so marginal gains with 0.5C increments will have to wait. Thanks for @F1p for the input though - I will have a go at some point soon.

@Iguaan - I did what you’re trying, roughly, to good effect. I’ve got one working well based on the following:

  1. Set flow to target flow mode
  2. Create an input number helper with +/-3, 5, whatever you like.
  3. Programme a template sensor to read the outdoor temperature from the heat pump and use that in a y=mx+c equation with upper and lower bounds, then add the new input number, which is the curve modifier.
  4. Create an automation to write the target flow temperature with the template sensor value whenever it changes.

Then all you need to do is slide your Modifier input number or drive it with automations. It’s best to drop it slowly to avoid triggering a cycle - I’ve put decrements on a loop timer.

I don’t see why this should do any damage - it’s essentially only replicating what the inbuilt software is presumably doing anyway.

Hi, Where can I get the ethernet adapter in the photo you shared? I would like to hard wire the CN105 back to my LAN. Is there any additional hardware required or is the device you pictured all that is needed for home assistant to discover it on the LAN?

@barrahazard Ethernet Version here:

Nothing required, just the Mosquitto broker + MQTT addon configured for discovery automatically

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Thanks very much for the link @F1p !

Has anyone tried talking to an FTC7 controller via CN105? I have a new 5kW R290 Ecodan with the new FTC7 controller.

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No problem!

@James_Morrison has, Anyone monitoring an R290 Ecodan?

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I don’t know if it’s domoticz related, but when the sensor value goes negative, seems like it overflows:

HP outside temperature is fine with that:

Refrigerant temp can be negative (can be observed when defrost is active, it will dip below zero for a short moment) and @F1p probably only assumed possitives.

Yes it should be signed then, will fix - thanks for the spot

I’m not sure on your flow mode status change problem, if the MQTT is correct then i’m a bit puzzled by it

I’m not that good at mqtt and overall. I have self learned C and Arduino and I’m on the level of novice. I’ve reverse engineered others sketches and thus it takes a lot longer for me to find current issue.
I know that in rbroker variant it was working, but he has different presentation (somewhat easier for me to read too).

But if you are already into it, could you give me the line, where I can change energy consumption and delivery type to the same type what is computed energy. Domoticz doesn’t accept daily values, it needs increasing value for counter.
Don’t think it’s in the*.yaml file, since Arduino doesn’t create that tab in sketch when i compile it my own… or is it?
I have a plan to include i2c oled display to Esp for some temperature/flow readings to optimally configure the heatpump output temperatures. At first I had a plan to monitor flow rate to shift flow temperature setpoint, but this is yet another story (got to find spare time).

I’m not sure this is the right thing to do - because the consumed/delivered energy is in kWh, where live/incrementing is in kW. It would therefore be better to do this i think…

It’s located in MQTTDiscovery.h
Line 481 - 488 where “7” is kWh and “3” is kW

Also pushed the signed temperature fix

I suspected that this way presentation goes, but I’ve changed presented sensor type, will see in the morning if that worked out.

Seems the sign fix didn’t work as expected:
Actual -4C.
temporarily removed divsion /100 from row 360

Don’t think there’ll be defrost anytime soon, results in the morning.

What i’ve noticed is room temp sensor has sign issue also, I don’t have room sensor and it has fixed negative value. Not an actual problem.

Still same: