As per the title!
I have asked for a fixed flow rate of 37c at a delta t of 5c.
Why doesn’t it just do it?
I’m struggling with this, it is so inconsistent, some days it is really good and then things happen, DHW is OK then terrible, heating after DHW seems to go wrong, it doesn’t seem to get up to the requested flow temperature.
If I leave it alone for hours it is OK, then I turn it off because the house is too hot and when it restarts it is terrible, it never picks up where it left off. Sometimes the initial heating cycle is good and it settles down quickly, other times not.
I haven’t been messing with anything other than bumping up the flow temperature to kick it into life as it seems to struggle at times to get to the requested flow temperature.
Does anybody have any ideas, is it me, the heat pump or something about my house?
Here, why doesn’t it just heat the water to 37c as I have asked it to?