How long primary pipework can drop hot water COP's from 4 to 3!

I had been scratching my head as to why this Viessmann system was reporting a lower hot water COP than I would have expected given the outside temperature and flow temperatures being experienced.

This is a 8 kW, Viessmann Vitocal 150A with a HeatGeek cylinder, so all things in place for amazing results.

Here’s an example of the lower than expected performance. COP 3.2, outside temp 16.3C, average flow temp: 39.8C, prc carnot 37%

We can contrast that with one of Damon’s Sheffield vitocal install, COP 5, outside temp 14.4C, average flow temp 40.5C, prc carnot 53%.

In theory at 53% of carnot, system 341 should have got a COP of 4.6 not 3.2 for that hot water run! So why the big difference?

It turns out that system 341 has 30m (60m round trip) of primary pipework out to the heat pump location in the garden. The pipework is 32mm PEX, with an internal diameter of about 26mm, which holds a volume of about 0.53 L/m. 60m is therefore ~ 32L of volume.

In the example above the mean water temperature of the primary circuit rises from 18.5C to ~50C a DT of 31.5K. We can use this to estimate the amount of energy required to heat the primaries up as 4150 J/kg.K x 32L x 31.5K = 1.16 kWh.

The monitor measured 3.357 kWh of heat delivered net using 1.048 kWh of electric. The heat pump actually delivered around ~4.5 kWh (perhaps a bit more if the primary pipework was colder in the outside section). The heat meter is near the indoor unit at the end of 30m run. If the heat meter was outside next to the heat pump it would have registered the heat required to heat the primaries as well, which would have likely resulted in a COP of ~4.3, near enough what we would have expected.

I hadn’t quite appreciated just how much impact long primaries with lots of volume could have - or for that matter the position of the heat meter. There’s obviously often a good reason why a particular install might need longer than usual primaries, the energy lost in the primaries is just one factor that needs to be weighed up against others.

The impact on COP is also much less during the heating season, especially when the heat pump is running continuously. The primary pipework will already be pre heated from space heating and after the hot water cycle finishes, the hotter primaries go straight back to work moving heat for space heating.

System 341 does one hot water heat up per day, if it did multiple shorter top up’s the impact could be even greater, or alternatively the impact could be less if the hot water tank is left for a bit longer. E.g if your loosing 1 kWh every time (depending on cool down period of course) and you transfer 3 kWh to the cylinder that’s a greater COP impact than if you transfer 6 or 9 kWh to the cylinder.

If you turn on ‘show defrost and heat lost’ in the detail section of the power view, there’s something interesting at the start of the cycle.

Dashboard link: Emoncms - app view

  1. A slug of relatively warm water is moved from cylinder hot water coil around the primaries. 0.653 kWh is initially lost, some of that probably comes back as you can see the heat wobble around for a bit. The system has effectively taken a little heat out of the cylinder and that has preheated the primary pipework a bit, the mean water temperature rises from 18.5 to ~34C in that time.

  2. At the end of the cycle the central heating pump promptly stops before the diverter valve switches back to space heating, there is no large spike of heat output that corresponds to a slug of hot water from the primaries being diverted around the central heating system. We do see this when the system switches to space heating when it gets colder but not here during warmer temperatures.

  3. We actually measured 4.01 kWh of heat delivered gross (3.357+0.653), but did not measure the remaining 0.5 kWh or so given the position of the heat meter in the system.


  • Primary volume before the heat meter could be another important factor that explains apparent differences in the % carnot figure when comparing systems on

  • The position of the heat meter makes a difference, closer to the heat pump will give higher COP’s as you capture more of the heat. That said if your actually interested in the effective heat transfered to the hot water cylinder you would want to be near the cylinder. This matters less on systems with short primary pipework runs of course.

  • If you can avoid long primary pipe runs it may be worthwhile, though as ever this needs to be weighed up against other factors.

  • Further work is needed to assess annual impact on SPF.


This is an interesting observation. I wonder whether we could estimate the “dead volume” from the flowrate and the distance of those peaks in power generated without knowing length and diameter of the primary pipework.

I don’t think I fully agree with your conclusion that the reason for the COP discrepancy is that dead volume in the primary pipes that is not considered by the heat meter position. If the primary pipes are perfectly insulated and the circulation pump is kept on long enough so that flow and return temperatures collapse to the same temperature after the compressor is off, all energy should be captured by the heat meter. If the circulation pump was turned off at the exact same time, then we would miss some of the hot water generated and indeed have a discrepancy.

What I suspect is that the pipes are not perfectly insulated - such a long pipe run incurs heat losses along the way and every joule of heat lost in transport to the heat meter will not register at the remote heat meter. Even just the pipe material would be a significant heat sink as it needs to be heated as well. Heating 60 m of pipe will already take some energy, heat loss to the environment comes on top.


Interesting, the flow and return do converge at the end. Looks to me like:

  1. Compressor turns off at 14:00
  2. Time lag for just over 1 minute as 20L/min flow rate travels along the 16L on each leg of the primaries.
  3. Flow and return converge at around 90s
  4. Central heating pump turns off at 14:02

My thinking is that the heat meter is measuring the heat transferred from the point of the heat meter onwards but happy to be proven wrong. I wonder if an extreme example would illustrate this?

A heat pump feeds two large tanks, maybe 100L each, one on the flow and the other on the return. Connecting these tanks is a third 200L tank (our cylinder). The whole system starts at 10C. Raising the 200L tank from 10C to 50C takes 9.2 kWh. Raising the temperature of the whole system takes 18.4 kWh. What does the heat meter register?

That’s correct and we don’t disagree on that. The heat must have passed the heat meter to be registered by it. If it sits “down the road” there will be a time delay until all heat generated will be registered. When the compressor is turned off, the pump needs to be on until the water heated passes the heat meter. No matter where the heat is generated (far away) it is always transported through the heat meter by the circulation pump.

For your example, I think the meter would register the full 18.4 kWh. My thought experiment goes like this:

Imagine you have a very large (infinite) reservoir supplying cold water to a heat pump (blue), which can heat this water up (red). You have two heat meters, 1 and 2, which are separated by a length of pipes. The flow rate is such that a bolus of water takes 30s to travel from 1 to 2. You now turn the heat pump (it could also be just an electrical heater) on for 10s. Heat meter 1 measures a certain dT for 10 s and a corresponding amount of heat. Heat meter 2 measures the same dT for 10s, just 30s later. For continuous operation this also stays true - all measurements are just delayed. It’s only important that you pump long enough to have all heated water reach the meter

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Hello @Andre_K my head hurts with this :sweat_smile: hopefully someone else with greater powers of comprehension and description can contribute!

Interesting observations @TrystanLea.

I have recently moved my heat meter(s) from the end of the primary run to be closer to the heat pumps (similar length primary runs at ~32m). They are ~10m from the heat pumps now. I moved them because of space limitations in the plant room with the new upgraded pipework (35mm), low resistance (huge) diverter valves and manifold as part of my conversion to cascaded heat pumps.

However, it did cross my mind that I would see more accurate heat pump performance by reducing the impact of losses in the primary pipework. My view was this would give a more accurate view of the heat pump performance as it is more closely measuring it’s output.

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Can you report any results from the change @Dan_Nichols ? Have you a dashboard we can look at :grin:

@Andre_K I think if the heat meter in my example failed report anything but 9.2 kwh we would have to reconsider the usefulness of heat meters … :joy:

Maybe I misunderstand your example and exactly how your buffers are connected to the cylinders. In my mind it’s like this: The water in the cylinder gets heated through a heat exchanger. Let’s say I have 200 l in that tank. The primary pipe work delivering the heat to that exchanger also has a certain volume of water as given by length and diameter of the pipes. Because we have very long pipes in this scenario (which is the same as having buffers), the water volume in this primary system is also 200 l.

I want to heat my cylinder to 50°C, and this can only happen if the water in the primary pipes reaches at least 50°C, otherwise there would be no heat transfer to the cylinder. So all the water in my primary pipe work needs to be heated to 50°C, which will in turn heat up my cylinder via the heat exchanger. Overall, I heated 400 l of water to 50°C, using 18.6 kWh.

During the heating period, this extra energy in the primary system that was required to heat the hot water gets used for space heating after the 3-way valve switches. I nicely see this as a huge spike in heating power output when the system switches from DHW to CH. The metering reports a huge space heating COP, which is of course unrealistic because energy in the primary system left over from DHW heating now gets counted towards space heating.

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My opinion.

The heat meter has to be inside the heated area.

The whole idea, to my mind, is to measure the heat delivered to the home. What, if anything, is lost to the outside world is an inefficiency that is relevant and must be included in the overall efficiency reported.

We heat our homes with these, that must be the efficiency we want to measure? It is all we are interested in.


I’m sorry, I can’t agree with this.

The only relevant efficiency of your heat pump in the context of the public monitoring is how much heat is delivered to your home compared to the energy used to produce it.

Although it may be relevant to you, the performance of your heat pump including what is lost to the outside world is not an accurate representation of how efficient your system is at heating your home.

It skews the data.

We are not comparing like with like again.

Unless I have misunderstood what you have done?

Yes agreed that you get at least a decent bit of heat recovery there at the end if the hot water from the primaries go into your central heating. How this spike at the end is handled in the metering and precisely where the DHW flag ends is quite important and not being applied consistently on all systems.

Just to go back to my thought experiment, I’ve put a little diagram together :slight_smile: I think it’s easier to think about it if you slow the flow rate right down, so slow in fact that you just need to move the system volume once around the system to bring it from 10C up to 50C.

Each tank in turn sees a DT of 50C - 10C = 40C as the hot water layer makes it’s way around the system.

The heat meter across the cylinder begins with DT 0 for the first period of time whilst the 100L primary flow tank is heated. Then we get the DT 40 across the cylinder as the 200L cylinder heats up. Followed by DT 0 again whilst the 100L primary return tank is heated.

The whole thing finishes at 50C.

The heat meter only integrates energy when it has a difference in temperature across it and so the cylinder measures 9.2 kWh.

In a more realistic simulation with a higher flow rate we would see smaller increments in the temperatures moving around but the result would be the same.

If the heat meter is outside at the end of the garden that would be correct, but if it’s inside the envelope of the house, heat lost could be useful… in winter …

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Thanks Trystan.

As I see it, this all depends on what heatpumpmonitor is meant to show.

If we just want to see the efficiency of heat pumps then the heat meters should all be bolted on the back of the heat pumps,.

But I don’t think that is what we are after.

If everything is the same apart from the location of the heat pump then it is fairly obvious that a heat pump sited 30m from the house isn’t going to be as efficient as one installed on an outside wall going straight into the house.

It’s what it is, it won’t be as efficient at heating the home installed this way even though the heat pump itself will be just as efficient.

I thought this is what heatpumpmonitor was supposed to be, a collection of heat pump data comparing how efficient different installations are at delivering heat to a home.

If somebody decides to site their heat pump 30m from their home then they should accept that it will be less efficient. Moving heat meters to represent better efficiency is misleading.

It’s one of my big issues with EspAltherma, as good as it is, it’s not necessarily a true measure of heat delivered due to where measurements are taken.

It’s all my opinion and, of course, anybody is free to do what they want.

But you asked for some input :slight_smile:

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I think we agree, ideally the heat meter should be just inside the point where the primaries enter the thermal envelope of the house. Good point that integrated monitoring in outside units will of course include the heat loss of outside pipework.

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Alongside any other issues with integrated monitoring!

Thanks, I’m pleased that you agree about the location of heat meters.

Yes, in this scenario you would only measure the 9 kWh. It’s always helpful to have a little graph :blush:.

It’s an interesting thought experiment. I’m still not convinced that’s what’s happening in the long pipe scenario though :sweat_smile:. But exactly those kinds of scenarios have been sitting in the back of my head for quite some time and they can be perfectly modeled with some numerical simulations. As soon as I have access to a computer again, I will get on it!

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I think it is important to remember that all heat pump models from a particular manufacturer are the same, they are all as efficient as each other.

My 8kW Daikin is no more or less efficient than anybody else’s. We don’t need to measure this and modifying measurement to compensate for things like losses in primary pipework is defeating the object of comparison.

The distinguishing feature between heat pumps of the same type is the quality of the installation, that is what makes one system more efficient than another.

It’s what we connect the heat pumps to that matters, and also where we install the heat pump, it’s part of the design.

It may be a necessary part of the heating system design, but siting a heat pump 30m from the home is a poor design from an efficiency stand point.

That needs to be recognised in the same way that we recognise all other elements of the design of our heating systems.

We are not measuring heat pump performance here, we are measuring and comparing the performance of heating systems incorporating heat pumps of varying types from various manufacturers in differing climates.


Great! Interested to see your numerical simulation implementation, just been wondering how I could create a simulation of the above. A simple 2D finite element approach?

Yes, I would just have a simple series of connected pipes with discrete volumes and associated heat capacities (no branchings in the first step). Each segment could have an individual length/volume and a heat source attached, or alternatively a heat sink (flow temperature dependent, like a radiator). Then I would just timestep through the system, moving the water through the connected system and receiving/emitting heat as per the source/sink definitions. To properly model real life behavior, some form of mixing would have to happen as well I think, so that short bursts of heat delivery don’t move as small discrete blocks through the system.

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