HeatpumpMonitor.org v2 discussion

I would like to invite you all to take a look at the new heatpumpmonitor.org site that’s in development. We have it over at https://dev.heatpumpmonitor.org at the moment for testing!

First if you are not sure about the new table view, the original is available here as well: https://heatpumpmonitor.org/system/list/original.

At the moment the home page is again a table view of the systems, but not all of the data fields are shown by default, you can instead select from the left hand side field selector. It’s also possible to select from a range of different stats periods (top-right) including specific months, as well as the last 365 and 30 days:

Clicking on the Eye icon opens a in-built dashboard page for the system with both cached stats and form data:

including a data quality table below that:

There are a number of new graph tools. The histogram tool is particularly nice, making it easy to explore the distribution of COP’s or flow temperatures seen by the system:

The big difference with the new site is the ability to login and change the form data. If you are sharing data via an existing emoncms.org account, it’s possible to login with the same credentials and your system should be linked automatically.

If you are sharing via self hosted or dataplicity link I need to send you a welcome email with the login credentials. Please send me a private message if you’d like this at this early testing stage.

Once logged in you will see this page, which is a list of systems associated with your account. It’s possible to add and administer multiple systems here.

Click on the yellow edit icon to edit your system entry. Changes to the entry are welcome at this stage but may not persist through testing if we have to rebuild the site from the original data on heatpumpmonitor.org.

Comments and lists of issues and bugs welcome!

We are planning to add an overview welcome page so that new visitors aren’t immediately presented with the full table, more to come on that.

Cheers for testing!


For those self-hosting, some of the latest stats features require the latest master branch of the emoncms app module to work.

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Looks great, detail and layout looks clear.

I note that my HP isn’t showing any data - is only some of the heat pump data represented at the moment?

Thanks in advance


Thanks Kevin, you just need to update your emoncms app’s module as there’s some changes for the api that returns the summary data used by heatpumpmonitor.org

I think it actually makes sense for us to try and persist any data edited on there from now. I can still merge in new entries from the original site and it would be good if we can try and get as much of the new form data on the new site as possible. So feel free to edit system entries to fill in the missing bits, cheers!

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There’s a new update to the emoncms app module heat pump api (master branch) that returns the data length for the stats correctly. For those self-hosting let me know when you have updated and I will run the process to pull in the data again, cheers!

The main table page now shows the number of days present for the selected stats period and the installer! Systems without complete data are shown in grey.

MID Metering - we probably need a better term for that, are systems monitored using certified class1/2 meters e.g a sdm120 electric meter & sontex heat meter. As it’s a new field that need populating, there are more systems on there that have MID metering than are currently listed of course.

System view page now shows system rating, location and installer at the top of the page, and days of data available is listed rather than the fixed 365 days heading:

Please feel free to update your entries here: https://heatpumpmonitor.org/


How does the days present cope with systems that drop in/out? Or is that best represented in the data quality aspect listed elsewhere?

At the moment that day length field will be less than the full 365 day, 30 day or month period if the system started data logging part way through… it doesnt take into account drop in/outs during the period, on the one hand that might be good if there were full days missing but if its a few minutes here and there it’s probably best represented in the quality measure?

i guess if a system has not been reporting for (say) 60days then quoting the data length field as 365days is not entirely “accurate”, but yeah if there are only a few minutes or even a few hours of missing data over a period of 30days or more then it won’t have a very significant effect on data such as kWh-elec or sCOP etc.

At the moment we have the following options in the property section:

I think one of the interesting questions that we can try and explore with heatpumpmonitor.org is the question of the accuracy of EPC and heat loss calculations vs actual in use measured heat output.

At the moment we only have the two entry options above for this contextual information, annual heat demand and heat loss at design temperature. I wonder if we should extend this with more options to reflect different calculations. E.g

  • EPC heat and hot water demand from: https://www.gov.uk/find-energy-certificate
    E.g the EPC on our house states heating demand as 18,341 kWh and water heat demand as 3,448 kWh, Combined 21789 kWh!
  • My original heat loss calculation suggested space heat demand as 11,762 kWh https://trystanlea.org.uk/roombyroomheatloss.
  • I’ve later revised this to about 8866 kWh based on lower degree days figure and assumptions of better U-values, though perhaps it’s actually the air change rate thats better: https://openenergymonitor.org/heatlossjs/
  • My actual measured space heat demand has been: 5300 kWh (2019), 5984 kWh (2020), 7328 kWh (2021)

Perhaps we should have at lest two sets of fields, one for EPC heat demand and another for a more detailed heat loss calculation? Monitored heat demand should come out of the data of course…

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Interesting. Mine (Scotland) doesn’t break it down, just gives costs (could be reverse engineered)!


I have star ratings for various things, perhaps use those?

The other factor is Air Permeability (mine is pretty good)!

EPCs are changing of course :slight_smile:

This looks much clearer and I like the ability to filter by different parameters. Worked well on the tests I just did, responsive and easy to interpret and view. Some data fields missing but to be expected as additional data fields have been added. Great work.

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Interesting, good to know. How does your actual energy and heating cost compare out of interest?

Thanks @JohnT!

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Glyn and I have updated the system entries as best we can based on what we know in terms of the monitoring equipment used. We’ve also moved as much of the relevant information in the notes field for each system into the other more specific fields:

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Allowing for the fact I use more electricity on various IT bits, It says it should be 60 kWh/m². We peaked at 76 kWh/m² with 2 teenagers at home and now with just us it is currently 57 kWh/m² (both annual rolling averages - yes I do keep this data!). Some of the difference is electricity consumption, but most DHW as I have improved that and reduced my gas use.

I’d not really looked at the data but clearly my use has decreased.

Recently (last 12 months) I have

  • New Boiler fitted a year ago and the new one is definitely more efficient (emergency change).
  • Recently changed some white goods.
  • New MVHR unit (old unit packed up)
  • Improved automations controlling heating and DHW.

Clearly this has made a difference (kids have largely been away for over 3 years now).

Sir Clive Woodward; “make 100 things 1% better”.


I’ve moved the site over to https://heatpumpmonitor.org/ and old site to https://old.heatpumpmonitor.org
quiet launch for now, working on a few related site items this afternoon.

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The latest version of heatpumpmonitor.org is now in the main branch on github here: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/heatpumpmonitor.org

For anyone interested in diving into the code to help improve the site, I’ve created a script that makes it relatively easy to setup a development environment by downloading the public data from heatpumpmonitor.org. Private data fields are filled with dummy data.

See the readme at: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/heatpumpmonitor.org for how to setup a local copy. It requires a system with apache2 and mariadb already installed and /var/www/ directory enabled for modrewrite. With the database created and credentials set in settings.php. It’s then just a matter of running:

php load_dev_env_data.php

which pulls all of the data in (minus private data).

I also started creating a docker development environment here, but my docker skills are limited and I havent been able to get this to work yet: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/heatpumpmonitor.org/compare/docker?expand=1.


You only have a few hiccups in your Docker setup @TrystanLea

Here are the fixes you need.

Here’s what docker-compose builds for you:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                   NAMES
3ddc7a468b83   heatpumpmonitororg_web   "docker-php-entrypoi…"   39 minutes ago   Up 39 minutes>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp   heatpumpmonitororg_web_1
59e7985e12b2   mariadb:11.0             "docker-entrypoint.s…"   39 minutes ago   Up 39 minutes   3306/tcp                                heatpumpmonitororg_db_1

Here’s what is in mariadb:

$ docker exec -it heatpumpmonitororg_db_1 bash

# MYSQL_PWD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} mariadb --user "${MYSQL_USER}" --database "${MYSQL_DATABASE}"

MariaDB [heatpumpmonitor]> SHOW TABLES;
| Tables_in_heatpumpmonitor |
| emoncmsorg_link           |
| system_meta               |
| system_stats_last30       |
| system_stats_last365      |
| system_stats_monthly      |
| users                     |

or if you are feeling very silly:

$ docker exec -it heatpumpmonitororg_db_1 bash -c 'MYSQL_PWD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} mariadb --user ${MYSQL_USER} --database ${MYSQL_DATABASE} --execute "SHOW TABLES;"'

| Tables_in_heatpumpmonitor |
| emoncmsorg_link           |
| system_meta               |
| system_stats_last30       |
| system_stats_last365      |
| system_stats_monthly      |
| users                     |
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Thanks @MyForest really appreciate that and the pull request, I’m off on holiday today but hopefully @glyn.hudson can test and merge, thanks for your help!

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