Getting (BMS) influxdb info into grafana?

Ok. I’ve got the database ‘powerwall’ created. For some reason, setting the service to start in the task manager didn’t do anything. I had to run in in the prompt.

The link I posted above has directions on how to get it (Influx) to run as a service.

Let’s check your database.

type show databases <enter> to see that you actually do have a database named powerwall.

type use powerwall <enter> then
type show measurements <enter> to see the field names. If Influx is getting data from the BMS,
this list should have one or more names in it.

Show database shows powerwall and _internal
Use powerwall produces using database powerwall
show measurements produces nothing but an empty prompt

That means you have a database, but it’s not getting any data from the BMS.
My guess is the DiyBMS Management console is how you tell the BMS where to send the data.
But that’s strictly a guess, as I don’t have a BMS.

Thank you for all your help! I know I’m on the right track now. The BMS Management Console has a flip-box to turn on InfluxDB with the host I.P. and the http port along with login credentials and the name of the database ‘powerwall’.
I’ll keep digging, I guess. Thanks Much!

All of that sounds dead on the money.

The port on an out-of-the-box InfluxDB install is 8086 for HTTP.
Influx user name and credentials are not set straight out of the box either.

YVW, S! thumbsup

It’s frustrating. I’ve been through the config file and it all looks good. All but the host I.P, I haven’t used it yet. Is there somewhere it belongs in the config file?

Which config? Influx, or BMS?

Influx’s config.

Unless you need to change it, the port defaults to 8086.
No need (and no place!) to set the IP address inside the Influx config file.

Sounds like if you tell the BMS to send the data to port 8086 at the IP address of the machine your instance of Influx is running on, you should be good to go.

Ya, should be. I think it’s on the BMS side of things. My influx connection says it is listening on port 8086, but if nothing is being sent, there’s nothing to hear.
I’ll keep trying.
Thanks Again.

Sounds like it. Keep hammerin’ on it, you’ll get there. :wink:

:hammer: :smile:

Check the Windows firewall/antivirus - it may be blocking inbound access to the influx port.

Also ensure you have encryption turned off - its not supported.

I’ve had mine turned off for so long, I forgot about that.

Thanks, Stuart! thumbsup

What do I do with the InfluxDB Host I.P address? Where does it go? Do I change it?
I’m getting a ‘404 page not found’ when I go to 8086 (which is a good thing).

You mentioned the BMS Management console had a place to plug in the IP address.
I take it you made that entry?

It’s a pre-set I.P. address and I have not come across a place to use it / change it.