Just started looking at power monitoring, having had 12kW of solar panels since 2015. We’ve had an Apollo Gem solar diverter from the start connected to 3kW immersion water heater. As a quick and easy intro to monitoring I am trying a Shelly EM device, planning in time to move on to emon system once I have more time, as it seems somewhat more involved to set up than the Shelly app, albeit a lot more comprehensive. But I am seeing something very odd that I imagine may well have also have come up with emon users?
What I seem to observe is that when the Apollo diverter is routing full 3kW to the immersion, or zero, the readings for power used by the house are dead accurate, but when the solar diverter is routing any other amount of power to the immersion, worst case scenario half power, so 1.5kW to the immersion, the power consumed by the home appears to be over reading.
It seems to me that, roughly speaking, the power monitor thinks the diverter is delivering full power to the immersion, when it’s absolutely not. The net effect is that it reports the house is importing power from the grid, when in fact, as confirmed by import/export reading on the Apollo diverter, and also at the electricity meter itself, there is zero import/export, which of course is the intended function of the diverter.
I wonder if (a) anyone on here has come across similar behaviour affecting emon power readings with a solar diverter and (b) if anyone knows for sure what the waveform output of the Apollo Gem diverter actually is and how this may distort the power reading on the energy monitor? Monitoring is via standard CT clamps, one on the solar AC output (seems dead accurate at all times) and one on the supply to the house, after the Henley block to which the solar is connected i.e. it’s just the house consumption. This is the one that’s reading inaccurately when the diverter is in action. Also of course the Apollo has its own CT clamp on the grid/meter input.
Any emon users come across this before? (for one thing I’d like to know if the emon is immune from this error?. And can anyone throw light on waveform output of the Apollo? I can’t find it documented anywhere.
Thanks for looking.