emonSD next steps

We seem to have jumped threads, this is really part of the longer “logrotation” discussion in emonSD next steps: filesystem & logrotate, which IMO should have actually been in the emonSD next steps: log2ram thread to keep that all together, but one might argue the emonhub log question should be in emonSD next steps: emonhub logging. This has become a bit crazy and foggy too. I’m not sure any of these threads are going to make sensible reading at a later date, unless you read them all at once in chronological order (ie as one thread).

As previously stated.

I didn’t get as far as exploring what might happen to similarly named log files, I didn’t like the “all in one pot” approach regardless of how that might pan out. But that said. logrotation might be able to distinguish between the logs by file meta (ownership etc) and the different extn’s, I don’t know for sure, but either way, I would rather see the folder structure retained by using more than one olddir path. The alternative would be to instruct logrotation to add a prefix identifier, but that would also require a per conf edit, so no gain over the separate olddirs option.

They should be where the logrotation config defines where they should be

you know logrotation is working because there are other files rotated, so the question is what is logrotation doing (or not doing) with the emonhub logs? Has emonhub been catered for in what you have installed?

My opinion on how the configs should work seems to differ to both your’s and Trystan’s opinion, I do not know what has/hasn’t been decided or coded, nor do I know if whatever might have been coded has installed correctly, or is functioning correctly.

So what do YOU have in the way of config? If it’s just the packaged default config’s, no further logrotation for emonhub beyond it’s own >5M rule would be the expected behaviour. Are you confirming the expected behaviour or is there something in the config that makes you expect something different?