emonPi setup with Edimax wifi dongle keeps disconnecting


This problem seems to have reappeared with the February 2024 release of the emonCMS SD card download. My old - very old - emonPi had been working away happily until I replaced the SD card with a new one loaded with the downloaded image. Since then, WiFi has disconnected several times, reporting ‘disconnected’ on the display but each time leaving emonCMS logging data just fine.

@glyn.hudson @TrystanLea Was anything newly added or removed in this image that might affect the Edimax dongle?

Yes I think so, it has the new NetworkManager based network management software (New emonSD Pi WiFi interface (looking for testers!)), which was a big change, so it’s probably something associated with that, what it might be Im not sure unfortunately.

I’d completely forgotten that. Was there anything special about the Edimax dongle that made you choose it? I have a spare Belkin F5D8053, so the next time it declines to work I’ll swap it and see what happens.

I wonder if this might help:


Those conversations date from 2013 and 2017 - my system had been fine until I updated it.

NetworkManager has been around for a long time but only recently made active use of as the primary network management software on the RaspberryPi OS base image that we then use to build the emonSD image. So there may be older threads that are still relevant for the Edimax.

There are various results here https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu-sn&channel=fs&q=networkmanager+edimax+loosing+connection but cant say which ones if any are relevant.

I don’t know enough about the Pi’s particular way of doing things nor about the inner workings of networking. I think my recourse will be to swap the emonPi for the later one I have with built-in Wi-Fi. I can still use the early one with a wired Ethernet when I need one to answer forum questions.