Emoncms.org Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

With the introduction of billing on emoncms.org starting on the 1st of July and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into effect on the 25th of May. We have made a number of improvements to the emoncms.org terms of use and privacy policy. Both of which are now more accessible on the front page of emoncms.org (top-right when your not logged in).

Terms of use

Privacy policy

We have always believed that the principles that the GDPR is striving for are important and its great to see it reinforce the widespread adoption of privacy control, transparency on use of data, data-portability and export requirements. A list of the GDPR Individual rights can be seen here Individual rights | ICO

Privacy control
From the start, emoncms has taken a private by default approach for feeds and dashboards - given the potentially sensitive nature of the data. It’s possible to make a private feed public by clicking on the lock icon on the feed list page, or a public feed private by clicking on the globe icon. The same applies to dashboards.

We have never been fond of advertisement models or the idea of selling data to 3rd party organisations and so have never engaged in this kind of activity. Emoncms.org has been funded to date by OpenEnergyMonitor hardware sales and we hope the introduction of the pay-per-feed model will support its long term sustainability.

Data portability/export
For some time now there have been a variety of scripts for exporting feed data from emoncms.org to a local self-hosted installation such as the backup script in the usefulscripts repo: GitHub - emoncms/usefulscripts: Some useful scripts for administering Emoncms accounts as well as the option to export CSV data from the feed/list interface itself.

The sync module which I’ve been improving over the last month aims to simplify this process further especially for emonpi/emonbase users or self built raspberrypi installations running the freely available emonSD image. The sync module makes it possible to download data from any remote emoncms.org server to a local installation via a user interface rather than command line script.

If you have a emonpi/emonbase running, an emonpi/emonbase update will automatically install this module, which is then accessible from the Setup menu. Alternatively the module can be installed following the instructions in the sync module repository: http://github.com/emoncms/sync

Emoncms.org account deletion
Although it has been possible to delete the content (feeds, dashboards etc) of emoncms accounts for some time, there has not been an easy way to delete the account itself. I have now added the option to delete an account with a simple delete account button accessible from the ‘My Account’ page once you login to emoncms.org. The delete account feature lists all the data recorded for the account prior to deletion and gives the option to confirm the wish to delete the account before it is finally deleted. Once deleted we cannot restore your account, it will be permanently deleted.

Please let me know if you have any questions, either reply here or email us at [email protected]


Hi, great job with this important issue Trystan.

I have a question and a comment about the account deletion functionality:

  • Are you planning to add it to emonCMS v9?
  • The “delete account” method should be able to delete user data created by third party modules. Maybe it could go through all the module’s models calling a specific method as a kind of “hook” system.

Thanks @cagabi

I have now added the delete account feature to emoncms v9: