Emoncms login failure

What I don’t understand is why something has changed. Everything should be the same, especially if you did a controlled shut-down of your emonPi.

But if there was a disturbance on the supply, your SD card might be corrupted - and it’s that which is causing the problem.

That’s correct, but if the card is physically damaged, you obviously need a new one. You’ll find out when it does the read check after flashing.

Are there and funny characters in your password? I know the rules for the acceptable character set have changed over time, but I don’t know what they were, or indeed are.

Jon Murphy wrote this Cheatsheet a while ago.

It still works (for me - except I have installed a pair of key files, so my computer is permanently authorised to connect and I don’t need the password any more - if you want instructions for that, ask).

And the next post from Bill tells you about the emonCMS password.

So I’d try that first, and if you can’t get it to work, then the reflash option is probably the next easiest. But you’re guaranteed to lose your data that way unless you make an image of the SD card first, and then when Trystan tells us the files you need to transfer, you could hopefully copy those and recover the data.

It should do, unless something has changed recently. Just drag and drop the picture into your post where you want it to appear. (I’ve just tried my “basic user” account - the same as you are - and it’s worked for me.)