Az432antr-e1 is out of stock. can be replaced by az432antr-g1. G1 is available!

The datasheet looks almost exactly the same. The only difference I can find is that the G1 has a higher maximum voltage? Has this been confirmed as working for this project? I need to order 50 boards so I want to make sure.

The difference between lead process and lead-free process
should be noted when exporting

Thanks for the push! we sure will continue to share.

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I can live with the lead, I can’t live with 50 boards that I need to unsolder and re-solder components to :slight_smile:

Has it been confirmed that this component will be a suitable substitute? It looks like it should work but I’m not an expert and would like confirmation before ordering :slight_smile:

Completely replaced! Don’t worry about using

Can we use the internal reference voltage (2.2v) inside the ATtiny841 ? According to the datasheet it is valid from 2.3v onwards.

My controller is not connecting to my network, i’m sure te pw is right.

So i’m trying to see where the program is and can see some serial.Print lines.
any idea where they should show up?
I already configured the platformio.ini file with

; Custom Serial Monitor speed (baud rate)
monitor_speed = 2400

2400 is from
#define COMMS_BAUD_RATE 2400

You need to connect a serial adapter board to the two debug pins on the controller PCB

Thanks Stuart, I’ll have to order one.
Also tested the code on a nodeMCU but no succes, is working as expected (after switching off mobile data)
Controller is restarting after Submitting, but no connection to network.

i saw a peace of test code that was commented out

//Temporarly force WIFI settings

  //wifi_eeprom_settings xxxx;



  //Settings::WriteConfigToEEPROM((char*)&xxxx, sizeof(xxxx), EEPROM_WIFI_START_ADDRESS);

Will try here.

Hi. I connected the boards with a 20cm twisted 0,5mm2 cable. For the cables between first and last pack to the controller I use a twisted pair network CAT6 cable with a length of 60cm each but this seems to long. If i change the cable from the last pack to controller (RX) with a 30cm, then the communication works.
Which length and cables works for you? Does thicker cables work better?

My monitor boards are connected to each other via 15 cm twisted cable and 30 cm cable between the controller and the monitor boards. This seems to be working fine. The original problems I had were more to do with dry solder joints I think.

Hi Stuart, given the lack of AZ432ANTR-E1 components at JLCPCB, in your opinion will the AZ432ANTR-G1 be a suitable replacement? Sorry to bug you but I need to order 50 modules and don’t want to make a mistake :slight_smile:

Thank you Nick. I checked cables and also solderd new cables. I belive there isn’t a dry solder joint.

Take a look at the jlcpcb branch on GitHub I recommend a different part yesterday.

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Does you wemos only have 4mb flash memory? If so this is the root cause of this problem.

Read the other posts on how to fix it. Issue on GitHub as well.


Indeed if i skip the code to DIYBMSSoftAP::LoadConfigFromEEPROM()
And directly call connectToWifi(); with te SSID and PW it works fine,
So it has to do something with the EEPROM.


Okay, known problem with fake wemos D1 pros.

This is how to work around it.,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

Nice! :slight_smile: Thanks Stuart
That worked fine.