Dev: Captive portal based WiFi setup manager

The WiFi setup on the emonPi has never supported captive portal and can be quite involved to maintain.

I’ve just tested out this captive portal based WiFi setup manager on a RaspberryPi 3B+ running Stretch

Works really well, to install run:

bash <(curl -L

Then to start run:

$ sudo wifi-connect --portal-ssid WiFiTest

The start command could be started by a script that checks for wifi connectivity like this one: wifi-connect/ at master · balena-os/wifi-connect · GitHub

An example of using WiFi Connect in a docker based Python project can be found here: GitHub - balena-io-playground/balena-wifi-connect-example: Example application to demonstrate balena-wifi-connect


This post is just to document this test, we have no immediate plans to deploy this on the emonPi but good to know for future developments.