Daikin , pure weather compensation wrong sensor?

i Have noticed that my weather temp sensor that the weather compensation is using is reacting to the heat pump loads and starts and stops
as seen here Emoncms - app view

my question is octopus fitted a external sensor on the north side of the house (HP is on the south side ) is it possible the sensor on the north side is not active or not been setup correctly in the commissioning process.

Has anyone else noticed this ?

you can see here the HP flow temps reaction to the external temp but this sensor is dramatically changing when the heat pump stops or goes in to defrost

Where is your data coming from Chris?

You are taking it from the heat pump?

The heat pump has another sensor on the unit I believe?

Just because you are pulling that data into your graph it doesn’t mean that is what the heat pump is using?

can you see in my posts the flow temps changing with the sensor in the graphs ? and that sensor is reacting to the heat pump starting and stopping ??

my gut feeling that this is the sensor that is used for the defrost in the heat pump

yes i am getting the temp from the heat pump but this is where the sensor on the north side of house is connected to , but its the way the heat pump is reacting to the sensor i am using which is of concern , as this suggests the north side sensor is not being used

These are the two outdoors sensors provided by my Daikin(ESP Altherma), you can guess which one is the remote and yes I’ve had a lot of defrosting overnight.


the sensor im using in my graphs and the sensor the HP is reacting to is R1T (& and causing the HP to react )

See above

are you finding your heat pump is reacting to R1T , which i think is the sensor on the heatpump itself or the R6T

mine appears to be reacting to R1T , which is why that’s the sensor i am publishing

Pretty sure it follows the R6T.
I can see the weather curve react to it.

i believe mine is reacting to the sesor on the heat pump R1T

I’ll plot the target setpoint on that graph in a bit, just heading out to walk the dog.

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my heat curve also seems to be following the R1T rather the the R6T

The R6T does seen to be the sensor on the north side of the house

Leaving aside what the heat pump is using for it’s wdc for a moment, why publish R1T which is affected by the heat pump when you have R6T which is the actual outside temperature? It seems a bit pointless?

I am not at home, but I am sure there is a setting in the MMI to tell it an external;temperature sensor is fitted?

i used to use R6T but i was seeing the heat pump was clearly not reacting to that sensor so have moved to R1T which i have seen a correlation between what the heat pump is doing and the R1T sensor

this is why i am asking what others are seeing to see if there is a setting i can change , which so far i have not specifically looked for , and was waiting to see if what i thought i was seeing is correct or or not. but after looking it appears to be using the sensor on the hp rather than the one on the north side

theres also currently 1.5 degree difference in two sensors because of the heat pump running

With a wdc, overshoot, modulation and Daikin’s inability to generally follow a requested flow temperature I would say that it is difficult to say what is influencing the flow temperature.

My outside temperature comes from OEM via a local weather station.

I would say that the actual outside temperature is most valuable to me, not what is influencing the flow temperature.

But, your heat pump’s wdc should respond to R6T if fitted together with any other influences on flow temperature.

yes i agree with you , it should but i am trying to see if that is the case ,
i did notice you have temp running in the future and thought it must be weather station data , but that seems to me as usual information unless the weather station is at you home and connected to the heat pump wdc

Mine, as many others, comes from a local weather station.

It shows the future but updates as the day progresses.

It’s useful to see what it might be like later in the day, especially for me as I control the flow temperature manually.

The outside temperature is there, in my opinion, to see how the heat pump behaves and performs at various outdoor temperatures.

You are not seeing that in your data, as you are not actually reporting the outside temperature where you live.

My app shows the outside temperature from my Daikin sensor which is fitted on a wall a long way from the heat pump.

Is yours showing this, or the temperature from R1T?

I would assume that if I used a wdc, my heat pump would use my R6T temperature sensor in calculating the appropriate flow temperature.

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i am not disagreeing with you R6T should be the one i am using this is more about what my heat pump is using

i have just setup HA to record R6T and R1T and the power usage and power out put all in one place so we can see what the heat pump is reacting to mean while i will take a look through my settings to see if i can spot anything but assume its in the commissioning setting somewhere .
i will revisit this tomoz when i have the data in one place

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Thers’s a setting in installer mode as to which temperature sensor should be used. I’d suggest you give the installer reference guide a read as it does hold this information, search for EBLA04-08EV3.EBLA04-08E3V3.EDLA04-08EV3.EDLA04-08E3V3_Installer reference guide_4PEN685228-1B_English

You’re looking for section 9.B “External Sensor”. I’m not sure what the Heat Pump will do if Octopus didn’t connect up the additional sensor correctly.


cheers will take a look , its reading right as i have the data on the sensor