It was reading none
I’ve now set it to outdoor sensor
Looks like I need to adjust my wdc again
I can now confirm it’s reading from R6T and changed it in hp monitor
It was reading none
I’ve now set it to outdoor sensor
Looks like I need to adjust my wdc again
I can now confirm it’s reading from R6T and changed it in hp monitor
I cant see any suggestion from my data that the flow setpoint is following R1T. Looks to me like its following R6T.
My R6T was originally sited in a location that was getting too much influence from the house, on an east facing wall, it could easily be 4 degrees out at times. I ended up relocating it myself to be on a north facing porch, with a bracket so it stands off from the surface its mounted to. It now pretty closely follows my local weather station.
Note the big steps are the Madoka modulation (10), set by Octopus and requested by Daikin.
That’s good to hear Mark , looks like my sensor was never switched on in the settings , unfortunately now it’s correct my WDC looks like it over heating the house again so some work to do on my weather curve
Another advantage is the external sensor is not working in half degree segments it’s now working a tenth of a degree , oh well it is what it is and time to move on
I found a spot, after a fair amount of trial and error, for my R6T that follows my nearest Wunderground weather station (bottom graph) pretty closely, so am happy its representative of the actual temperature.
Octopus did not activate by external sensor, I had to do this myself
You can easily check by looking in
information - sensors, if it’s activated you will see a outdoor temp (ext) and a outdoor temperature
thought i would share now im using the correct sensor for my weather curve and some alterations to the weather curve because of the change in sensor things are looking a lot more stable than it was before
i think this is because the sensor on the heat pump is changing temp with the hp load and when the temp drops the heat pump works harder then the temp drops , so a bit of a never ending circle.
this might even have a effect on how often i was getting frost cycles compared to other Daikin users but time will tell when we get a other cold snap