Daikin Altherma, ESPAltherma & Home Assistant with OpenEnergyMonitor

I have been experimenting with ‘Pure Weather Compensation’ ie no external controls.
It’s been very successful at heating our house maybe a bit too much, our 8kW unit can modulate down and consume a small amount of steady state electric ~300W but the house is still too hot (especially upstairs) even after throttling/balancing the radiators, I guess there is such a thing as a too well insulated house.

So i am now experimenting with a hybrid model and using Home Assistant.

1st I take an average temp downstairs this smooths out human, oven and multiple computer heat directly affecting the single point modoka sensor in one room.

Then I created a Generic Climate entity that has a setpoint, hysteresis, cycle time, and a virtual Switch (a simple helper (input_boolean))

UI Result and control

Within Node Red I can then trigger the HP on/off via the HACS integration, I also have a simple check state, so it’s does not keep hitting the API.

Time will tell, but I think the HP will run 24/7 when the outside is 3 or below following the WDC, but when outside is above this the house will get above the hysteresis and turn off the HP.