Current Monitor/Shunt

I tried the same a while ago, but ESPhome does not support the INA228.
It supports the INA226 to my knowladge, but the interfaces/ registers are different.


Finally I do understand whole thing. Modbus registers mentioned on a github belongs to the diyBMS, not to the shunt itself! Registers are 0 - 57, connection parameters: 19200/8N1, device ID 90.

Its a slave - it waits for requests (modbus protocol) before sending any data.

The pins on the board allow you to select between modbus addresses.

Hi Stuart, I made your current shunt working like a standalone device, but struggling to get mAh IN/OUT values. All other seems to be fine. Below are HA sensors, any suggestions? Thanks!

  - platform: modbus_controller
    name: "CurrentShunt mAh OUT"
    id: cs_mah_out
    address: 4
    register_type: holding
    value_type: FP32_R
    accuracy_decimals: 4
    unit_of_measurement: mAh

  - platform: modbus_controller
    name: "CurrentShunt mAh IN"
    id: cs_mah_in
    address: 6
    register_type: holding
    value_type: FP32_R
    accuracy_decimals: 4
    unit_of_measurement: mAh

    accuracy_decimals: 4

Its not a floating point number - its an integer.

Thanks, now it’s ok. U_DWORD was the right type.

  - platform: modbus_controller
    name: "CurrentShunt mAh IN"
    id: cs_mah_in
    address: 6
    register_type: holding
    value_type: U_DWORD
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: mAh

Great - thats a neat solution, shows the power of using common open source standards like MODBUS

Will share that once completed. Only drawback is the LM5009A with 125 mA output, otherwise I’d be able to create “hat” which fits to the uPDI/Debug connector and can be powered from a CurrentShunt itself. Even the 3300uF cap wasn’t enough to provide some juice for ESP32-C3. I’m thinking about LM5007MMX which is pin compatible and provides 500mA.

Btw, I’m getting Power as always positive value, using FP32_R: 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point - same as FP32 but low word first, while Current is correctly positive during charge and negative during discharge. Any hint?

EDIT: temporary hack

  - platform: modbus_controller
    name: "CurrentShunt Power"
    address: 10
    register_type: holding
    value_type: FP32_R
    accuracy_decimals: 4
    unit_of_measurement: W
    device_class: power
    lambda: "if (id(currentshunt_current).state < 0) { return -x; } else { return x; }"

From memory, power is always a positive value, you can obviously calculate this yourself (volt * current) if needed.

Hello @taHC81

How did you go with your work on this?

Hello @pka, yes, fully integrated within Home assistant - including complete configuration. Was a fight!

Good to hear you had success Tomáš

You mentioned sharing something in a previous post - was this a reference to your HA code and, if so did you make it available somewhere? Only reason for asking is because am hoping to get some insights into how to approach communications with standalone shunt…

Here it is - GitHub - taHC81/diyBMS-CurrentShunt-ESPhome: ESPhome YAML configuration for fantastic diyBMS-CurrentShunt

Thanks for sharing your work Tomáš !


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I happened onto this thread, and know that this shunt in development.