Avoiding wireless connections - EmonTX serial RPiZero solution

No looks fine.

You often don’t need to, but it does ensure everything is fresh.

sudo systemctl restart emonhub.service

No you need to do it with miniterm running.

I’ll show you - you will see a config menu when you press the reset while miniterm is running.

emonhub is not very discerning in this regard (there is an issue open), part of the reason I suggested a JSON output directly from emonTX. It does pick up odd bits of text, usually at startup that appear as inputs. The repeated restarts due to the exceptions isn’t helping.

Wiring looks correct to me (ref EmonTX to Rpi - Direct Serial Connection - #61 by borpin)

I do wonder if there is a poor connection though.

Clearly there is a serial comms problem.

The other thing to run is

tail -f /var/log/emonhub/emonhub.log | grep "NEW FRAME"

However there is clearly something wrong with the serial comms (hence all the exceptions).


  • stop emonhub
  • open miniterm
  • wiggle connection and see if the data becomes corrupted
  • try pre made breadboard jumper wires instead of connector
  • check header soldering
  • Remove the [[RFM2Pi]] Interfacer - it isn’t needed as the Pi does not have an RFM board.